
  • 网络Generation;Generating;generating method;Spirac
  1. 介绍了塑胶模具复杂型腔采用CNCEDM的拷贝法和展成法加工技术,使镶拼式模腔改为整体式模腔;

    Duplication and generation technologies with CNCEDM in machining complicated cavity of plastics dies , resulting in integral cavity instead of mosaic one , are stated .

  2. 基于渐开线齿轮展成法的参数化精确建模

    Accurate parameterized modeling of spur involutes cylindrical gear machined by generating method

  3. 高斯光束柱面反射展成法生成光刀的研究

    Research on Light-knife Propagated by Reflection of Gaussian Light Beams at cylinder

  4. 涡旋盘渐开线型面的展成法加工及误差补偿

    Generation Machining and Error Compensation of Scroll Plate Involute Profile

  5. 普通数控铣上螺旋锥齿轮的展成法加工

    Evolutional Method of Machining Screw Bevel Wheel on General NC Milling Machine

  6. 对称凸轮加工新工艺&展成法

    A New Way of Processing the Symmetric Cam-Expansion Method

  7. 刀倾半展成法加工准双曲面齿轮的试验分析

    The Analysis of processing Standard Double Curved Surface Gears by Half-Spread-Out Slope Knife

  8. 梯形齿同步带带轮的展成法加工原理

    The machining principle of generating method for the trapezoidal tooth pulleys of synchronous belt

  9. 齿廓为矩形的花键轴可用展成法加工。

    The method can be used to make spline shaft with rectangular tooth profile .

  10. 锥度直边三角花键及其展成法加工工艺

    Taper Straight-side Triangular Spline and Its Generating Process

  11. 用展成法加工各种共轭曲面具有诸多优点。

    There are many advantages to make every conjugate curve surfaces by using gear generating method .

  12. 螺旋伞齿轮半展成法加工的铣削工具

    The milling tools of processing screw bevel gear on the basis of half spreading out principle

  13. 展成法加工参数对弧齿锥齿轮齿面的影响研究加工直伞齿轮的机床准双曲面齿轮加工机床

    Research on Influence of Machining Parameters of Generating Method on Tooth Surface of Spiral Bevel Gear

  14. 半展成法收缩齿等顶隙准双曲面锥齿轮副设计

    Design of Shrinkage Tooth with Equal Tip Clearance of Hypoid Bevel Gear Pair with Half Generating Method

  15. 变性半展成法是加工螺旋锥齿轮和准双曲面齿轮的有效方法。

    The " modified roll Method " is a highly effective method to generate spiral-bevel gears and hypoid gears .

  16. 并将复杂的斜齿条齿廓当作自由曲面来处理,提出并实现了一种有别于传统的展成法的新的齿条加工方法。

    A new manufacturing method for the rack was proposed and realized which is different from the conventional generating method .

  17. 使在滚齿机上用展成法加工圆锥直齿轮成为现实。

    As a result , the machining of straight bevel gear on a gear-hobbing machine using expansion method is realized .

  18. 介绍了一种可用在通用万能铣床上进行齿轮展成法加工的自动滚齿装置。

    The paper introduces a kind of automatic cutting equipment which can use generating method to process gears on the universal miller .

  19. 任意指定接触基准点的切齿理论&对格里森半展成法加工弧齿维齿轮和准双曲面齿轮方法的改进

    Tooth cutting theory with arbitrarily appointed reference contact points - an improvement on the Gleason method of cutting spiral bevel and hypoid gears

  20. 根据刀盘参数,选用合适的刀倾角,采用新的展成法,圆满地解决了失配量的控制和加工这种齿轮的关键性问题。

    The key problem of mismatch control and manufacture of symmetric arc-shaped gears is perfectly solved by using suitable cutter tilt and new generating method .

  21. 通过分析得出极坐标法比展成法更易达到较高测量精度的结论。

    It is concluded that the high measuring accuracy can be realized more easily by the polar coordinate measuring system than by the involute generating measuring system .

  22. 详细论述了展成法加工凸轮轮廓曲线的原理;介绍了这种方法在对称凸轮轮廓曲线加工中的应用。

    This paper expounds a theory of processing the cam outline curve by the expansion method , and also introduces its application to symmetric the cam outline curve .

  23. 避开繁琐的数学计算,根据三段等曲率反弯辊缝曲线,利用仿形展成法建立了矫直辊的模型。

    It avoid complicated mathematical calculation , according to the three curvature inflection roll gap curve , using copy form exhibition method established the model of straightening roller .

  24. 根据渐开线齿轮展成法的加工原理,首先,建立齿形轮廓,尤其是过渡曲线的精确方程式;

    From the machining theory of spur involutes cylindrical gear machined by generating method , firstly , all accurate equations were derived for tooth profile and especially for fillet curve ;

  25. 齿条展成法数控加工实验台主要包括插齿加工机械结构、可编程控制器为核心的控制系统、PC机的人机界面部分,有良好的开放性和扩展性。

    Numerical controlling experimental equipment of generating method processing of rack mainly comprises rack processing mechanical structure , control system based on programmable logic controller and PC Based man-machine interface .

  26. 说明了成形法加工锚链轮是使用其性能变差的关键因素,说明了展成法是锚链轮齿形加工的合理加工法。

    To introduce the method of processing anchor chain wheel with forming way is the main factors in performance difference , and explain the generating method is the reasonable processing method .

  27. 提出一种利用高斯光束柱面反射展成法生成光刀的新方法,并导出了光刀几何参数的预估算式。

    A novel method for propagating light-knife by the reflection of Gaussian laser beam at a cylinder is put forward and the formula to appraise the geometry parameters of light knife is also derived .

  28. 作者证实:单叶双曲面和双曲抛物面是直线曲面。刀倾半展成法是加工螺旋锥齿轮和准双曲面齿轮的有效方法。

    The authors show that the hyperboloid of one sheet and the hyperbolic paraboloid are ruled surfaces . The Tool Pan Tilted method is a high effect method to generate spiral-bevel gears and Hypoid gears .

  29. 与基于电子展成法的齿轮测量仪器相比,基于极坐标法的测量仪器结构更简化,应用更广泛,特别适合大齿轮、内齿轮的测量。

    Compared with the gear measurement instrument based on electronic generating method , the instrument based on polar coordinate method has a more simplified structure and wider applications , especially for the gearwheel and internal gear measurement .

  30. 为了解决直接求解展成法加工中存在的复杂双参数包络问题时的困难,提出通过数学变换,将此包络问题转化为假想平面产形轮与工件之间的展成问题来进行研究。

    In order to solve the double parameters enveloped in the gear tooth flank generating , the complicated double parameter envelope is simplified to the generating process between work-piece and imaginary crown generating gear by means of mathematical transformation .