
  • 网络generic relation;relations of subordination;kinship relations
  1. 文件所属关系是Linux操作系统结构。

    File ownership is a Linux operating system construct .

  2. 具体来说,此问题的核心是服务注册中心所属关系不清楚且没有建立和执行企业级SOA参考体系结构。

    In particular , unclear service registry ownership and lack of establishing and enforcing enterprise level SOA reference architecture are at the core of the problem .

  3. NN类名词由多个相关的名词性语素组成,名词性语素之间的关系具有复杂性,即NN之间有修饰关系、类属关系、同义关系等。

    The category NN noun is usually made up by a lot of relevant noun languages , Noun plain language have relation between have complicate , namely decorate concerning between " NN ", kind belongs to concerning , synonym relation , etc.

  4. 与筷子芥属关系密切且常被归入筷子芥属。

    Closely related to and often included in genus Arabis .

  5. 对语义网络中概念非类属关系的实验研究

    Experiment on the relationship of the concepts in different categories in semantic network

  6. 理清工程项目的所属关系和隐含内容;

    The interrelationship and its implicit contents of the project should be made clear .

  7. 欧盟或欧洲经济空间或员国公民的家属必须提供属关系证明材料。

    Family members of EU or EEA citizens have to present documents to prove this relationship .

  8. 还可用该数据库来创建、破坏、修改和查询所属关系和成员关系。

    It is also used to create , destroy , modify , and query ownership and membership .

  9. 调试信息条目的所属关系可以很自然地得到实现,因为调试信息是用树的形式来表示的。

    The ownership relation of debugging information entries is achieved naturally because the debugging information is represented as a tree .

  10. 这样的方法系使用雌性与雄性的成熟亚洲龙鱼在线形的测量之中取得其不同的姻属关系。

    The method uses the differences in the relationship among the linear measures of the male and female adult asian arowana .

  11. 构造层次化分类器的首要环节是确定各个子分类器的层属关系及其内部组成。

    Determination of the hierarchical relationship and the objective patterns of sub-classifiers is a primary problem in the construction of a hierarchical classifier .

  12. 但是基于某些原因,学术界几乎无一例外地认为反担保与担保之间是种属关系。

    By some reasons , most of people in legal academy consider the guarantee and the anti-guarantee as the relation of category and predictability .

  13. 如果熟悉对学院和学校的忠属关系,就会觉得大学里的学院体制很好理解。

    Anyone familiar with the subtle relationship of loyalties to house and school would find nothing perplexing in the system of college and university .

  14. 它还可以帮助显示标识的主要占用者和每个主要占用者的组成数据类型之间的所属关系。

    It also helps to show the ownership relationship between the identified major contributors and the constituent data types for each of the major contributors .

  15. 梳理流动性理论的发展历程,在此基础上分析流动性的种属关系并通过划分确定流动性的外延;

    On the basis of summarization of the development of liquidity theories , the categories of liquidity are classified and the extension of liquidity is confirmed through categorization .

  16. 采用标准的归纳推理任务研究结果表明,单调性效应与非单调性效应的出现同前提与结论之间的类属关系有关。

    The experiment with standard inductive reasoning tasks shows that the occurring of monotonic effect or non-monotonic effect depends on the category relation between premises and the conclusion .

  17. 通过元数据模型,用元数据对不同数据源进行统一的规范化标注,通过统一的标注表示资源之间的联系,即平行关系、层级关系和类属关系。

    In the end , it conducts a standardized job towards different data sources using metadata model in order to determine the relationships among resources by metadata tagging .

  18. 根据云资源提供者和使用者的所属关系,云计算可分为三类,即公有云,私有云和混合云。

    Depending on the relationship between resource owners and users , cloud computing can be classified into three modes : public cloud , private cloud , and hybrid cloud .

  19. 然而那些缺乏尊重型的人看起来好像两种不忠都不关心,莱维注意到这种依属关系是防御性的。

    While it would seem like those with dismissive attachment styles wouldn 't care about either type of infidelity , Levy notes that this kind of attachment is defensive ;

  20. 从逻辑学的种属关系出发,以现行法规和非营利组织理论为视角,探讨了青少年体育俱乐部的组织性质,以期为青少年体育俱乐部的生存、发展提供思路。

    Based on the logical study , the contemporary law and regulations as well as the non-profitable organization theory , this paper expounds the organizational nature of the juvenile sports clubs .

  21. 所属关系以及浏览功能还有助于回答以下问题:是由于什么保留在内存中的泄漏对象上而导致了泄漏?

    The ownership relationships , along with the browsing capabilities , also help to answer the question of what is holding on to the leaking objects in memory , thus causing the leak .

  22. 语言存在论一方面体现为语言的思辨结构对世界经验的构成性,另一方面体现为语言的本性与事物本身之间的本质相属关系。

    On the one hand , linguistic ontology represents the constituting of speculative structure of the experience ; on the other hand , it represents the essential relation between the nature of language and things themselves .

  23. 总结前辈学者对类的研究,我们认为,类可以用本质属性来解释,但不能用种属关系来强解;

    After a careful analysis of previous studies of the Mohist category , this paper believes that it can be interpreted by essential attribute , but it can not be strained by the relation between genius and its species .

  24. 定义和区分了污水热能资源化、污水类冷热源、污水源热泵、污水源热泵系统等概念,指出了它们的类属关系和各自的地位。

    Clarifies the concepts such as the sewage heat energy utilization , sewage-like cold / heat sources , sewage source heat pump , sewage source heat pump system ( SSHPS ), and points out their categorical relationship and status .

  25. 人体词跟动植物类词比较,两者属于不同的关系,动植物类词属于种属关系,而大部分人体词属于整体与部分的关系。

    Human words , both belong to a different relationship with the animal and plant class of words , animal and plant class of words belong to the species relationships , and most of the human word is the relationship between whole and part .

  26. 每一个音乐概念或音乐文学概念,都处在一定的关系中。这里主要有两种关系:(一)、在不同层次的概念之间,存在丛属关系;

    Every musical or musical literature concept is set in some given relationships , of which are mainly the following two : 1 . The concepts of different levels have a subordinate relation , while those of the same level are contradictory and convertible as well .

  27. 座囊菌目及相关类群属间关系的系统学初探

    Preliminary study on relationships of Dothideales and its allies

  28. 睡莲科的属间关系研究

    Studies on the phylogenetic relationships among the Nymphaeaceae

  29. 期货经纪公司与客户之间的法律关系应属行纪关系。

    The relationship between the futures broking companies and clients belongs to brokerage . relation .

  30. 已故配偶是指在其身故时,你们仍属配偶关系。

    A deceased spouse means the person who remained as your spouse when he she died .