
  • 网络State College
  1. 猫科专家、伊利诺斯州学院兽医动物医学主任ThomasGraves说:“这的确是我们该研究的事情”。

    " That is such a cat thing to do ," said Thomas Graves , a feline expert and chief of small animal medicine at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine .

  2. 本文以琼州学院为例,论述如何利用图书馆。

    This paper , taking Qiongzhou University as an example , analyses how to use the library .

  3. 肩负历史使命实现历史跨越&琼州学院心系民族笃志办学30年

    Shoulder the Historical Mission and Realize the Historical Leap & the 30th Anniversary of National Ambition sponsoring of Qiongzhou University

  4. 关于教育国际化与国际教育合作的思考&兼谈琼州学院的对外交流及国际教育合作

    On the Internationalization of Education and International Cooperation in Education & Also on Foreign Exchange and International Cooperation in Education of Qiongzhou University

  5. 海南高校应用文写作教学在建设国际旅游岛背景下的创新途径&以琼州学院为例

    Creative Approach to Practical Writing Teaching in Hainan Colleges and Universities Back-grounded in Constructing International Traveling Island & Take Qiongzhou University as an Example

  6. 琼州学院生命科学系的实验室要加强植物基地的建设和管理,充分利用现有的条件,积极的配合教学,超额完成教学任务。

    The laboratory of science life Department of Qiongzhou University can do that setting down exactitude management regime , making the best of the existing conditions , combining teaching actively and fulfilling teaching tasks above normally .

  7. 践行科学发展观开创办学新局面力推琼州学院新一轮快速发展的构想海南高校应用文写作教学在建设国际旅游岛背景下的创新途径以琼州学院为例

    Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development Opening up a New Prospect Conception of Swiftly Accelerating a New Development of Qiongzhou University Creative Approach to Practical Writing Teaching in Hainan Colleges and Universities Back-grounded in Constructing International Traveling Island Take Qiongzhou University as an Example

  8. 宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡学院的生物学家凯·埃瑟里奇一直在研究梅里安作品的科学史,她说道:“她是一位科学家,可以和很多我们花费大量时间谈论的人相媲美。”

    " She was a scientist on the level with a lot of people we spend a lot of time talking about , " said Kay Etheridge , a biologist at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania who has been studying the scientific history of Merian 's work .

  9. 明尼苏达州麦克莱斯特学院的WilliamMoseley领导了这份报告。

    William Moseley of Macalester College in Minnesota led the report .

  10. 明尼苏达州麦卡莱斯特学院的WilliamMoseley领导了这项研究。

    William Moseley of Macalester College in Minnesota led the study .

  11. 佛罗里达州罗林斯学院的国际商贸学教授马克·费斯凯林(MarkFetscherin)近期发现公司利润和首席执行官的脸型之间存在联系。

    Mark Fetscherin , professor of international business at Rollins College , Florida , has recently found a link between company profits and the shape of its chief executive 's face .

  12. 所以1960年我13岁的时候,被送往马萨诸塞州康科德学院(ConcordAcademy),这是平生第一次我离家独立生活。

    So at 13 I was sent to Concord Academy in Massachusetts . It was 1960 , and for the first time I was living independently from my family .

  13. 于是,她有了机会去美国读大学就读于马萨诸塞州阿默斯特学院(AmherstCollege)之后又在哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)学习法律,然后在纽约担任一家公司的律师。

    That translated into an opportunity to go to university in the US – at Amherst College in Massachusetts – after which she studied law at Columbia University and worked as a corporate lawyer in New York .

  14. 于是,她有了机会去美国读大学——就读于马萨诸塞州阿默斯特学院(AmherstCollege)——之后又在哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)学习法律,然后在纽约担任一家公司的律师。

    That translated into an opportunity to go to university in the US - at Amherst College in Massachusetts - after which she studied law at Columbia University and worked as a corporate lawyer in New York .

  15. 美国马萨诸塞州波士顿学院(bostoncollege)财富和慈善中心主任保罗舍维什(paulschervish)表示,如今,由于超极富豪的数量不断增加,我们正进入一个慈善活动黄金时期。

    Right now , says Paul schervish , director of the centre on wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College , Massachusetts , we are entering a golden age of philanthropy , thanks to the growing ranks of the super-wealthy .

  16. 在成为拉丁美洲一名社会活动家之前曾是一名在马萨诸塞州科技学院的学生的巴瑞松在秘鲁的一辆公共汽车上因为被控告属于MRTA而被捕。

    A student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before becoming a social activist in Latin America , Berenson was arrested on a bus in Peru in1995 and charged with belonging to the MRTA .

  17. 两年前,这所位于马萨诸塞州的学院还排在第18位。

    The Massachusetts school was ranked 18th two years ago .

  18. 罗纳德o里根上的是伊利诺伊州尤里卡学院;

    Ronald Reagan attended tiny Eureka College in Illinois ;

  19. 然后是孟菲斯州立法学院。

    And then law school at Memphis state .

  20. 布赖恩在康奈尔大学研究饮食习惯,而克雷格是弗吉尼亚州卫斯理学院的宗教学教授。

    Brian studies eating habits at Cornell , while Craig is a religion professor at Virginia Wesleyan .

  21. 俄亥俄州凯尼恩学院证实,美国受害者是他们的学生安德鲁·波奇特。

    Kenyon College in Ohio identified the American victim as one of its students , Andrew Pochter .

  22. 麻萨诸塞州灭火学院州郡民是国家直接统治的民户,户籍登录的主要对象是州郡民。

    Directly governed by the state , the county people were the major subjects of census register recordation .

  23. 富兰克林职业学院被注册为商学院、贸易学院和美国纽约州教育学院。

    We are recognized as an excellent Medical Training School which is Licensed by the New York State Department of Education .

  24. 耳鼻喉疾病。我正在田纳西州林肯学院从事耳鼻喉方面的研究。

    Illnesses of the ear , nose and throat . I 'm doing research in ENT at Lincoln College in Tennessee .

  25. 据俄克拉荷马州哲学院现场主任艾薇·诺里斯说,这些都是人们声称最常做的梦,而且它们也都各有含义。

    These are among the most common dreams people report , said Ivy Norris , field director for the Oklahoma Schools of Metaphysics , and they all mean something .

  26. 研究报告的高级作者、美国俄亥俄州肯尼恩学院的社会心理学家莎拉•穆尔嫩说,给小女孩穿的衣服变得越来越性感。

    Clothing for young girls has become increasing sexualized , said Sarah Murnen , a social psychologist at Kenyon College in Ohio and the senior author of the new study .

  27. 印第安纳州汉诺威学院的健康专家布莱恩特•史丹佛教授表示,如果认真投入的话,一个美好的拥吻每分钟能燃烧两卡热量。

    If it 's really passionate , according to health expert Professor Bryant Stamford of Hanover College , Indiana , a good snog can burn up to two calories a minute .

  28. 美国新罕布什尔州达特茅斯学院地质学家萨姆博尼斯称,可能是由于地下管道爆裂或雨水排放下水管道渗水,在地下掏出一个洞穴,最终导致这个塌陷洞形成。

    A burst sewer pipe or storm drain probably hollowed out the underground cavity that allowed the chasm to form , according to Sam Bonis , a geologist at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire .

  29. 田纳西州的技术学院和社区学院不会将其设施管理外包给一家私人公司,该决定被一份各所高校的出分析报告所支持,一位领导说道。

    Tennessee 's technical and community colleges will not outsource management of their facilities to a private company , a decision one leader said was bolstered by an analysis of spending at each campus .

  30. 佛吉尼亚州威廉玛丽学院的JohnMcGlennon说,现在要了解这一点还为时过早。

    Political scientist John McGlennon at the College of William and Mary in Virginia says it is too soon to know .