
  • 网络Industrial packaging;Industrial packing
  1. 如何使聚烯烃膜满足工业包装抗静电标准?

    How to make polyolefin films meet antistatic standards for industrial packaging ?

  2. 格瑞夫是全球领先的工业包装产品和服务。

    Greif is a world leader in industrial packaging products and services .

  3. B样条曲面为基础的计算机辅助工业包装设计探讨

    The Exploitation on Computer Aided Industrial Package Design Based on B-Spline Surfaces

  4. 工业包装线上开口容器内液体的晃动控制

    Optimal Control of Liquid Slosh on a Packaging Line

  5. 我的一位朋友现在是美国著名工业包装设计师。

    I know a girl who is a famous package designer for American industry .

  6. 我国纸浆模塑工业包装的现状与发展

    The present situation and development on the Pulp Modeled for Industrial Packaging in Our Country

  7. 工业包装的动力可靠性问题

    Dynamic Reliability of Industrial Packaging

  8. 本文介绍了药品颗粒数粒技术发展过程和关键技术,及其在制药工业包装设备中的应用。

    This paper introduces the development of granulated pharmaceuticals counting , its key technology and application on the pharmaceutical packaging equipment .

  9. 木材在国民经济中有着重要的作用,在建筑、装饰、家具、工业包装上有着广泛的用途。

    Wood acts as an important role in economy and is widely used in such industry as building , furniture , decoration and package .

  10. 纸模制品质轻可降解,符合绿色环保法规要求,适应与国际接轨后工业包装制品的发展需要,所以有广阔的发展前景。

    Pulp mold packaging product has developing prospect , which is light , dissolvable and accords with the green environment protecting code and the developing needs of packaging industry after connecting with international .

  11. 本文从工业包装的具体要求出发,分析了纸浆模塑制品的结构缓冲特点,并指出了单元结构的缓冲性能是影响制品性能的重要因素。

    The paper , based on the requests of industrial package , analyzes cushioning characteristics of molded pulp structure , and points out that unit structure is the important factor influencing molded pulp product .

  12. 纸浆模塑工业包装制品(简称纸模)主要用于缓冲包装,它以回收的废弃纸张为原材料,具有质轻、易降解、透气性好等优点。

    Pulp-molding packaging products ( pulp mold ) are made of recycled trash paper , and used in cushion package and have the advantages of light mass , easy decomposability , good ventilation and so on .

  13. 佳木斯纸业集团是我国唯一全部用长纤维针叶材制浆,辅之以阔叶浆制造工业包装纸的企业。

    Jiamusi Paper Co. , Ltd. ( Group ) is the only enterprise in China to make pulp wholly from long fiber coniferous wood and makedunnage paper with the addition of pulp from broad leaf wood .

  14. 包装可分为工业性包装和消费型包装两大类。

    Packaging can be divided into industrial packaging and consumer packaging .

  15. 运输(工业)包装中的动力可靠性问题

    On the Dynamic Reliability of Transportation ( Industrial ) Packaging

  16. 工业产品包装的纸浆模塑制品防水剂

    The Waterproof Materials of Pulp Molded Products Industrial Products

  17. 工业产品包装与色彩

    Discuss on industrial commodity packaging and color

  18. 但工业性包装却对物流成本与物流生产力有很大的影响。

    But industrial packaging has a significant impact on the cost and productivity of logistics .

  19. 我国电子工业产品包装工作回顾

    Electronics packaging industry in China

  20. 广泛用于食品、服装、纺织、工业等包装,同时可封切降解塑料袋。

    And this machine can also be used for sealing , cutting and making degradable plastic bags .

  21. 广泛应用于液体包装、印刷基材、出口产品包装、工业品包装等。

    Which are widely used for packing liquid , printed base material , products for export and industrial products , etc.

  22. 介绍了国内合成树脂的生产现状及其在农业、建筑、汽车、电子工业、包装业等领域的应用情况,并对其发展趋势进行了预测。

    The production situation and the application of synthetic resin in agriculture , construction , automobile , electronics and package in China were introduced , and its development trend was predicted .

  23. 采用单片机与ISP技术相结合的方法,设计并实现了一个基于ISP技术的工业用自动化包装控制系统。

    The author of the paper has designed and developed the auto-encasement control system by adopting SCPU and ISP technology .

  24. 包装工业与高等包装工程教育

    Packaging Industry and Its higher Education for Packaging Engineering

  25. 买一个经历而不是一个商品,能够显著降低用于工业生产和包装的原材料的需求量。

    Buying an experience rather than a product eliminates the need for the raw materials used in its production and packaging .

  26. 由于环保性能优越,缓冲性能良好,纸浆模塑缓冲衬垫主要用于家用电器、电子产品缓冲衬垫等工业产品的包装。

    Owing to its good environmental and cushioning properties , molded pulp cushion is widely used in industrial packaging , such as consumer products .

  27. 对现代包装的最新发展进行了综述,对包装工业发展与包装教育的关系进行了分析,并提出了如何发展我国包装教育的建议。

    A summary is made of the latest development of the modern packaging , analysis on the relationship between packaging industry progress and packaging education , several constructive suggestions put forward to promote the packaging education in China .

  28. 他的公司为食品工业提供灵活的包装服务。

    His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry .

  29. 工业设计与产品包装

    Industrial Design and Product Packaging Changzhou Normal College of Technology

  30. 工业产品的绿色包装设计

    The " Green " Packaging Design for Industry Product