
  • 网络Industrial hygiene;industrial health
  1. 工业卫生环境质量综合评价的探讨

    Study on the Quality Synthetic Evaluation of Industrial Hygiene at Working Site

  2. 作业区环境对现场操作室内工业卫生指标影响的探讨

    Probe into Effect of Operation Area Environment on Industrial Hygiene of Local Operation Room

  3. 着重介绍了PID的运行原理、特点及在常规工作场所安全检测、工业卫生安全检测、应急事故检测三方面的应用。

    This paper introduces emphasised the operation principle , characteristic of PID ( photo Ionization Detector ) and its three applications in safty detection of normal workshop , safty detection of industrial health and detection of emergency .

  4. 开路傅立叶变换红外光谱(OP-FTIR),结合计算机层析(CT)技术,可以用于重构泄漏或发散化学物质浓度的分布,是大气环境监测及工业卫生领域的一种新兴的探测技术。

    Open Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy ( OP-FTIR ) combined with computed tomography ( CT ) is an innovative technique that can be used for occupational and environmental air monitoring .

  5. 同时我们知道铅是已知危害最大的环境重金属污染物之一,美国政府和工业卫生委员会(ACGIH)将铅列为动物致癌物。

    As we know , lead is one of the most important heavy metal pollutants and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ( ACGIH ) categorizes lead as one of animal carcinogenic materials .

  6. 正如美国政府工业卫生学者会议和职业安全和健康管理局所列出的,对于二氧化碳的TLV-TWA值是百万分之5000或0.5%。

    The TLV-TWA for CO2 , as listed by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists and by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration , is5000 parts per million , or0.5 % .

  7. 玻璃工厂工业卫生与安全技术规程。

    The specification for industrial health and safety technology in glass factory .

  8. 火力发电厂劳动安全和工业卫生设计规程

    Specification for design of labour safety and industrial hygiene for fossil fuel power plants

  9. 水利水电工程劳动安全与工业卫生设计规范

    Code for design of labour safety and industrial sanitation of water conservancy and hydropower projects

  10. 保持最新工业卫生监控计划。

    Maintain current Industrial Hygiene monitoring plan .

  11. 信息产业部电子第三十九研究所工业卫生状况分析与控制

    Analysises and control industry hygiene condition of thirty nine research institute of information and industry ministry

  12. 工业卫生与职业病2006年第32卷第1~6期总目次

    Industrial health and occupational diseases Volume 32 number 1 ~ 6 2006 contents of the year

  13. 改善环境卫生和工业卫生;

    Improve environmental and industrial hygiene ;

  14. 协助医生完成工业卫生调查,餐厅卫生检查,厂区巡视工作。

    Assist the occupational physician in coordinating industrial hygiene surveys , canteen inspections and shop floor inspections .

  15. 如果这些物质有毒,需要进行工业卫生检测,穿戴工作服,安装淋浴设备。

    If the materials are toxic , industrial hygiene testing , uniforms and showering facilities might be needed .

  16. 有效地监测空气中的粉尘与氡子体是工业卫生学者一直关心的课题,而如何有效地同时监测呼吸尘与氡子体更受到人们的关注。

    It has been an interesting subject for industrial hygienists to monitor the dust and radon daughter aerosols effectively .

  17. 方法:企业工业卫生工作的基础与重点是生产现场的调查研究。

    It is said that the basis and main point of a industrial hygiene are the investigation of production site .

  18. 工业卫生原理课程在大体上介绍了工业卫生和职业卫生领域。

    Principles of industrial hygiene provides an introduction to the field of industrial hygiene and to occupational health in general .

  19. 大学文凭和学位,环境工程、工业卫生或相关专业,有化工工作背景者优先。

    College degree , major in environmental project , industrial hygiene or relevant specialties , experience in chemical industry preferred .

  20. 因而在工业卫生、劳动保护、服装设计和研究部门具有广泛使用价值。

    Therefore , it has extensive availability in the sectors of industrial health , labor protection , clothing design and research .

  21. 准备工业卫生和环境空气监测报告,以及查其他类似报告,确保技术上的精确度和完整性。

    Prepare industrial hygiene and environmental air monitoring reports , as well as peer-review other such documents for technical accuracy and completeness .

  22. 柴油机整机外表油漆涂装现场苯、甲苯、二甲苯(三苯)的测试与监控是工业卫生的一项重要工作。

    Testing and monitoring of benzene , methylbenzene and dimethylbenzene on occasion of diesel engine paints coating is very important industrial sanitation work .

  23. 在技改过程中,严格按照所涉及的安全生产规程和标准,把它们作为技术改造设计原则、安全防范措施、工业卫生评价的依据。

    In the reconstruction process , all national promulgated work safety regulations and hygienic standards were taken as the criteria for technical design .

  24. 在专业方向模块课程设置方面提出了构建安全管理课程群、安全技术课程群、工业卫生课程群以及环境保护课程群。

    In specialty courses to set safety management curriculum group , safety technology curriculum group , industrial hygiene curriculum group and environmental protection curriculum group is suggested .

  25. 切削液在金属切削加工领域有着广泛应用,但也引起了在生产成本、环境质量以及工业卫生等多方面的负面影响。

    Cutting fluids that are widely used throughout machining processes represent a series of significant negative effects in terms of production costs , environmental quality and industrial hygiene .

  26. 他具有丰富的工作经验,涉及到工业卫生、安全、化学品危害评估、微生物生长评估、噪音评估和控制以及室内空气方面;

    He is experienced in the areas of industrial hygiene , safety , chemical hazard assessment , microbial growth assessment , noise evaluation and control , and indoor air quality .

  27. 工业卫生原理课程在大体上介绍了工业卫生和职业卫生领域。化工粉体工程设计安全卫生规定

    Principles of Industrial Hygiene provides an introduction to the field of industrial hygiene and to occupational health in general . Safety and hygiene specifications for the power engineering of chemical industry

  28. 比如说,马里兰州德瑞克堡工业卫生与安全署的曼纽尔·巴尔贝托、查尔斯·马修斯和拉里·泰勒就因为在1967年首次确认实验室存在的一种危险状况而获奖。

    Manuel Barbeito , Charles Matthews and Larry Taylor of the Industrial Health and Safety Office at Fort Detrick , Maryland , for instance , were honoured for a laboratory peril first recognised in1967 .

  29. 介绍了铸造铍青铜的化学成分、牌号、性能、用途、冶金基础知识、加工方法、热处理工艺和铍的工业卫生措施。

    In this paper , a cast Be bronze is mentioned in its chemical constitution , designation , properties , application , rudimentary knowledge on metallurgy , processing method , heat treatment and industrial hygiene .

  30. 本文以陕西某一火力发电厂为例,通过高斯公式对SO2扩散着地最大浓度和最大浓度距离的计算及探讨,为工业卫生防护林带绿化位置设计和环境保护提供一定的理论依据。

    Discusses the max. concentration and distance of max. concentration of SO2 diffusion by calculation with gauss formula to provide a theoretical basis for the design of afforestation of industrial hygiene shelterbelts and environmental protection .