
ɡōnɡ yè lā jī
  • Industrial waste;waste product;industrial refuse/waste
  1. 生产环保用工业垃圾烧却炉;

    Manufacture of industrial waste incinerators for environment protection purpose ;

  2. 与德国一家工业垃圾处理厂签订了合作试验协议;

    A joint test agreement was signed with a German auto waste treatment company ;

  3. 工业垃圾的热能利用主要存在高温腐蚀和不可燃物排出两个重大问题。

    Corrosion under high temperature and removing incombustible are important problems in heat utilization of industrial garbage .

  4. 从垃圾的角度看,分为工业垃圾,生活垃圾和农业垃圾。

    From the perspective of the garbage into the industrial waste , living garbage and agricultural waste .

  5. 处置其他工业垃圾不得对渔业水域、航道造成污染损害。

    The disposal of other industrial wastes may not cause pollution damage to fishing areas and shipping channels .

  6. 但随之伴随而来的废弃混凝土和废弃轮胎也成为了一个严重的环境问题,如何合理处理这些工业垃圾成为学者们十分关注的问题。

    However , along with the attendant waste concrete and waste tire has also become a serious environmental problem .

  7. 以往电解炭渣作为工业垃圾扔掉,既浪费资源,又严重污染环境。

    Electrolytic carbon dross was thrown away as industrial refuse in the past and it wasted resource and polluted seriously environment .

  8. 几十年来,有毒有害物质在美国各地的工业垃圾堆放场,隐蔽的废弃环礁湖,甚至一般垃圾堆放场随意丢弃。

    For decades , toxic substances were discarded carelessly in industrial dump sites , hidden waste lagoons and even ordinary garbage dumps across america .

  9. 本文的目的除介绍工业垃圾的具体使用方法外,更呼吁现代景观设计师能够积极利用垃圾造景,不仅为降低工程造价,而是更多的保护环境。

    The article appeal landscape designers to use more industry solid rubbish in design , not only for reduce the project cost , but also for protecting the environment .

  10. 恒河是印度的母亲河,被印度人顶礼膜拜。然而,由于工业垃圾、城市污水以及死尸的大量泛滥,恒河已经被严重污染。

    The river is scared to Hindus who worship it as " Mother Ganges , " but it has also become badly polluted with industrial waste , sewage and dead bodies .

  11. 该厂应用结果表明,在水泥窑上处理工业垃圾导致窑内硫氯碱等挥发组分增加时,采用旁路放风是防止结皮堵塞的有效措施。

    The operation results shows that adopt by-pass system is an effective measure to prevent coaling and clogging when sulfur , chlorine and alkali constitute increasing coursed by handling industry wastes on cement kiln .

  12. 综述了选矿技术在污染治理中的应用。包括城市生活垃圾、工业垃圾、污染土壤、废纸墨汁及重金属离子废水等污染治理方法及效果。

    The applications of ore dressing technology in pollution control are reviewed , including the control methods and effectiveness of city domestic garbage , industrial refuse , soil pollution , and removal of ink form the waste paper and heavy metals from industrial wastewater .

  13. 全面论述了采空场的应用,包括贮存水、油、气、埋藏生活与工业垃圾、建立地下生活与工作空间等,对采空场的处理与利用有借鉴意义。

    The utilization of mined area is expounded in an all sided way , including storing water , oil and gas , filling household and industrial waste and building underground living and working facilities , which is of reference to the treatment and utilization of mined area .

  14. 由于利用市政和工业的垃圾质量变化性非常大,但是燃烧过程又需要持续和稳定的燃烧,所以这是关键部分。

    This is a critical function because the quality of the municipal and industrial waste used to power the Kotka plant varies dramatically , yet the burning process must remain steady and consistent .

  15. 本文利用灰色理论中的GM(1,1)预测模型对某工业城市生活垃圾产生量进行预测。

    The predicating model GM ( 1,1 ) of grey system theory was used to forecast the domestic wastes output of some industrial city in this paper .

  16. 向海中倾倒工业和生活垃圾已经严重危及到很多海洋生物。

    The dumpling of industrial and life rubbish into the sea has already greatly imperiled many species in the sea .

  17. 工业和民用垃圾在不断地污染着这片曾让珠蚌繁衍生息的良好水域。

    Industrial and domestic wastes are steadily polluting the once healthy waters , in which the farmed oysters live and breathe .

  18. 本实验即是以含有高温氯化腐蚀的工业环境-垃圾焚烧环境的高温腐蚀为背景的。

    This experiment is based on high temperature corrosion in the environment of waste incineration which is found in the industry environment of high temperature chloride corrosion .

  19. 近几十年来,由于农药和化肥的大量使用、废水或污水灌溉、工业废渣与垃圾填埋渗漏和大气沉降等,造成土壤重金属污染日趋严重。

    In recent decades , excessive use of pesticide and chemical fertilizers , waste water or sewage for irrigation , industrial wastes and landfill leakage and atmospheric deposition caused by heavy metal pollution and the problem is becoming increasingly prominent .

  20. 合肥工业大学校园生活垃圾现状调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of domestic refuse in Hefei University of Technology

  21. 工业废弃物和生活垃圾流化床焚烧技术的研究

    Research of Waste Incineration Technology in the Fluidized Bed

  22. 发展热回收工业是人类实现垃圾资源化的根本办法

    To Develop Heat Retrieving Industry Is the Key to the Solid Rubbish Treatment

  23. 二恶英主要来源于化工、造纸生产、工业化学废弃物和垃圾焚烧等。

    Dioxins mainly comes from chemical industry , paper making , industrial chemical waste and burning of wastes .

  24. 废弃玻璃是一种工业废料和生活垃圾,有着闪色污染的恶名。

    Waste glass which has a notoriety of " flash color pollution " is a kind of industrial waste and living garbage .

  25. 第三十二条禁止向水体排放、倾倒工业废渣、城市垃圾和其他废弃物。

    Article 32 It is forbidden to discharge or dump industry waste residues , urban refuse or other wastes into any water body .

  26. 沿江工业三废、生活垃圾以及化肥农药的污染,使得江汉平原的水、土及大气资源受到不同程度的破坏。

    In addition , the release of industry waste and chemical pesticides result in the demolition of water , land and air resource in Jianghan Plain to different extent .

  27. 最后一句是关键&倾倒工业废料、生活垃圾的人也没有想到会有如此严重的后果。

    Every one of us never thinks the industrial waste or the living garbage we once damped into the river would cause so serious a result-today the harsh reality has become too hard to swallow .

  28. 土壤污染物主要来自污染的大气沉降,废水和污水灌溉,工业废渣和城市垃圾,以及农药施用等。土壤污染对环境和人体健康造成极大的危害。

    The pollutants are mainly from the deposition of polluted atmosphere , the irrigation of wastewater , the dumping of industrial waste and city garbage , and the application of pesticide , which destroy soil system , and soil pollution is very harmful to the human health .

  29. 综述了近年来白腐真菌在环境保护中的研究进展,主要包括在多种工业废水处理、垃圾堆肥及其渗滤液处理、煤炭脱硫、作物秸秆发酵、土壤生物修复等方面的应用。

    Recent research advancements of the white rot fungus in environmental protection were reviewed in this paper , mainly including the application in the wastewater treatment , composting of solid waste , landfill leachate , coal desul rization , crop stalks fermentation , soil bioremediation and so on .

  30. 笔者通过对武汉市地面放射性元素分布规律的初步研究,认为武汉市地面放射性元素的增高以及异常的形成与部分工业原料的大量使用和工业固体垃圾有关。

    Through a preliminary study on the distribution of radioelements on the ground surface in urban Wuhan , the author suggested that local rise and other anomalies of radioelements had resulted from overuse of industrial raw materials and improper disposal of solid wastes .