
  • 网络Work exchange capacity;operating exchange capacity;operating capacity;operating eapaeity
  1. 根据本文提供的曲线和计算方法,可以求出给定条件下D354&FC树脂的工作交换容量和出水水质。

    The Curves and formulae presented can be used to calculate the operating capacity and the outlet water acidity of D354 & FC bed under a given condition .

  2. 这为预言该树脂在具体应用条件下的工作交换容量和平均出水酸度奠定了基础。

    These formulae can serve as the foundations for predicting the operating exchange capacity of weak basic anion exchange resin in specific use .

  3. 实验结果表明:漂洗废水的pH值、Ni2+浓度、硬度都会影响阳树脂的工作交换容量;

    It is showed that pH value , Ni2 + concentration and hardness would affect the exchange capacity of cation resin ;

  4. 提高钠离子交换器工作交换容量浅析

    Brief Discussion on How to Improve Exchange Capacity of Na Ion Exchanger

  5. 掌握强酸性阳树脂工作交换容量的测定方法。

    Grasping the measuring method of working exchange capability of acid-cation resin .

  6. 弱碱树脂工作交换容量的提高

    Raise of Working Exchange Capacity of Weak Base Resin

  7. 水中二氧化碳含量对弱碱性阴树脂工作交换容量影响的研究

    The study of the effect of CO2 content in water on working exchange capacity of weakly basic anion exchange resin

  8. 弱碱性阴树脂用于水的除盐处理时,其工作交换容量的大小与许多因素有关。

    The working exchange capacity of weakly basic anion exchange resin used indesalting water treatment is related to many factors .

  9. 给出了洗提曲线、穿透曲线和工作交换容量。

    On working In addition , the elution curve , the permeation curve and the exchange capacities of operation were presented .

  10. 漂洗废水中的有机物对阴树脂工作交换容量的影响较大。

    The research of real project showed that : 90 % of rinse wastewater could be reused through ion exchange process .

  11. 该型号树脂在工作交换容量、树脂使用过程中酸、碱及水的消耗等指标上具有明显的综合优势。

    The type resin have good worked ionic exchange capacity and the resin spend less acid , alcali and water when it work .

  12. 因此能明显提高树脂的工作交换容量,提高出水水质和周期出水量。

    So that the real exchanging capacity of resin has obviously increased , the water quality and the output of water in a cycle are improved .

  13. 钠离子交换器内树脂的工作交换容量与软化水残硬无关,但它却决定着钠离子交换器运行成本的高低。

    The working exchange volume of resin in Na + ion converter has nothing to do with the remaining hardness of soft water , but it decides the working cost of Na + ion converter .

  14. 介绍制定201×7强碱性阴离子交换树脂报废标准的相关试验结果,找出了各因素与工作交换容量的关系。

    The relevant test results for working out a standard for reporting 201 × 7 strong base anion exchange resin as worthless have been presented , finding out the relationship between various factors and the working exchange capacity of the said resin .

  15. 通过大量的试验研究,得出了001×7树脂的基本理化性能与工作交换容量及实际出力之间的内在关系,据此首次提出001×7树脂的报废指标。

    This paper presents the inherent relations between physic-chemical characteristics and process performance for type 001 × 7 resin through a large number of experimental studies . it is firstly proposed the discard criterion for type 001 × 7 resin . index ;