
  • 网络Work Ethic
  1. 南京汽车(nanjingautomobilecorporation)收购了英国汽车厂商mg,南汽英国公司董事会王宏彪显然不太欣赏英国的工作伦理或管理风格。

    Wang Hongbiao , the senior UK executive of Nanjing Automobile Corporation , which has taken over mg , apparently does not think much of the British work ethic or management style .

  2. 一直以来,有关工作伦理的研究备受学者们的关注。

    Employee work ethic has been the focus to the researchers .

  3. 过去半个世纪的快速工业化,把韩国这个饱受战争摧残的国家转变为世界第七贸易大国(据2014年的世贸组织(WTO)数据),在此过程中,韩国人形成了强大的工作伦理。

    South Koreans forged strong work ethics during the country 's rapid industrialisation over the past half a century to transform the war-torn country into the world 's seventh largest trading nation by volume , according to WTO data for 2014 .

  4. 社会工作伦理价值在社区矫正中的彰显

    Highlighting the Ethical Value of Social Work in Community Correction

  5. 社会工作伦理的特殊使命

    On the Special Task of the Morality of Social Work

  6. 西方社会工作伦理在中国本土化的探讨

    Research on Western Social Work Ethics in China 's Practicing

  7. 在社会公共生活日益扩张的今天,工作伦理成为社会价值的源点。

    Work ethic is becoming one of the sources for social value .

  8. 社会工作伦理教育的模式与目标

    The Mode and the Goal of the Ethic and Value Education in Social Work

  9. 青少年社会工作伦理议题

    The Ethical Problems in Youth Social Work

  10. 输血工作伦理谈

    Study on Ethics of Transfusion Work

  11. 组织承诺在工作伦理和工作绩效的关系中起部分中介作用。

    The organizational commitment plays some intermediary role in the relationship of work ethic and job performance .

  12. 我的确认为天职的教义促进了“新教的工作伦理”,如此,最终也导致了自由市场经济。

    I do think the doctrine of vocation contributed to the " Protestant work ethic " and thus , eventually , to free-market economics .

  13. 它不是人们有工作伦理成为冠军,或者他们被迫工作伦理成为冠军。

    It 's either people have the work ethic to become champions , or they are FORCED to have the work ethic to become champions .

  14. 其它可能正在吸纳的过程之中辅之以某种“儒家”改良(帝国主义、消费和工作伦理)。

    Others it may be in the process of adopting with some " Confucian " modifications ( imperialism , consumption and the work ethic ) .

  15. 因此,研究工作伦理的演变对理解美国现当代福利改革的必要性和紧迫性有一定的帮助。

    Therefore , the studies on the transformation of work ethic are beneficial to the better understanding of the necessity and urgency of welfare reform in contemporary America .

  16. 鲍勃的方法也一无是处,尽管杰姬为雇员们坚持“关注糟糕的工作伦理”(正如洛克希德的专家们所提出的)。

    Bob 's approach does nothing , while Jackie 's bring'attention to the poor work ethic ' ( as the Lockheed ethic experts put it ) of the employee .

  17. 加强对社会工作伦理教育规律的研究与探索,是解决在国内社会工作专业教育中所存在的忽视或取消其伦理教育问题的重要途径。

    To strengthen the study of the rule in social work 's ethic education is an important measure of solving the problems of neglecting and canceling the professional ethic education in social work .

  18. 美国工作伦理发端于清教工作伦理。清教工作伦理的核心思想是:工作是美德,财富是天恩,贫穷是罪恶。

    The American work ethic is originated from the Puritan work ethic whose core ideas are as follows : work is a virtue , wealth is a divine grace , and poverty is an unpardonable sin .

  19. 他们相信,我也相信,在这里,在美国,我们的成功不应取决于出身,而是要依赖于我们的工作伦理和我们的梦想。

    They believe , and I believe , that here in America , our success should depend not on accident of birth , but the strength of our work ethic and the scope of our dreams .

  20. 近年来,工作伦理越发被现代职业教育和职业选拔所重视,工作伦理对现代人力资源管理,如职业选拔,培训等产生了深远的影响。

    The modern vocational education and professional selection put most importance on the employee work ethic . Therefore , work ethics has far-reaching influence to the modern human resources management , such as professional selection and training .

  21. 研究建立了员工工作伦理、组织承诺与工作绩效的关系模型,并对模型进行结构方程检验,拟合指数良好。

    The study not only establish a relational model of employees ' work ethic , organizational commitment and job performance , but also test the structural equation model , and then found that the fit index is good .

  22. 图书馆口述历史工作的伦理问题初探

    Study on the Ethical Problems of Oral History Work in Library

  23. 简论进一步加强农村卫生工作的伦理意义

    Ethical significance to strengthen farther rural health work in the rural area

  24. 关于疫情管理工作若干伦理道德问题探讨

    Probe into the Ethical Problems in Epidemic Preventive Management

  25. 它可以更好的实现员工与企业的共同发展,使企业社会工作者走出企业社会工作的伦理困境。

    It can be better to achieve the common development of employees and enterprises , so that the social workers can get out of ethical dilemma of Social Work in Enterprise .

  26. 戒毒工作中生命伦理原则探讨

    Discussions of the Bioethics Principles in Stopping Drug Abuse

  27. 卫生监督工作中的伦理问题浅议

    Talking about several ethics problems of hygienic supervise work

  28. 精神科临床护理工作中的伦理问题及对策

    Ethical Issues and Countermeasures in the Clinical Psychiatric Nursing

  29. 临床护理工作中的伦理和道德

    On working Ethics & Morality in Clinical Nursing

  30. 社会工作中的伦理困境和价值冲突

    Ethic Predicament and Value Conflicts in Social Works