
  • work;Tasks;job content;Job Description
  1. 目的开发中文版《工作内容量表》(JobContentQuestionnaire,JCQ)(15版),考评它在临床医务人员中的使用情况。

    Objective To validate the Chinese version of Job Content Questionnaire ( JCQ , version 1.5 ) .

  2. 目的评估中文版工作内容量表(JobContentQuestionnaire,JCQ22)在石油行业职工中应用的信、效度,检验此量表在中国应用的可推广性。

    Objective To evaluate the reliability and validity of Job Content Questionnaire ( JCQ22 ) in gas-oil transport industry employees and to analyze the extension of the questionnaire .

  3. 要努力养成经常将工作内容存盘的习惯。

    Try to get into the habit of saving your work regularly

  4. 你在做项目时会学到更好的东西,因为这并不枯燥,而且你的工作内容能让你体验很多新事物。

    You learn better doing projects because it is not boring and you experience new things depending on what you are doing .

  5. 工作内容是投递贺年卡前的分类工作,在大约一个月的时间里,每天都要工作八小时。

    The job involved sorting New Year 's postcards for delivery for eight hours a day every day for about a month .

  6. 论文的主要工作内容包括以下几个方面。首先,本文介绍了固态硬盘的总体结构及主控芯片FPGA的特点。

    First of all , the article describes the overall structure of Solid State Disk and FPGA features .

  7. 我国MIS应用运行中的信息服务工作内容及管理制度

    The Contents and Management Rules of Information Service in the MIS Applying and Running in China

  8. 第1章:介绍了Intranet网络安全的概况,本文研究的目标,主要工作内容以及创新点。

    Chapter 1 introduces the Intranet security , this paper 's research goal and works .

  9. 主要工作内容如下:首先,对投影仪照明系统及LED在照明领域的应用进行了概述。

    Main tasks are as follows : Firstly , in this paper , the lighting system of the projector and the application of LED in lighting fields were depicted .

  10. 系统根据面向对象的程序设计技术,采用VISUALBASIC开发环境设计并编写,基本上囊括了建筑节能规划编制所需的数据处理的所有工作内容,具有数据处理、图表绘制和信息浏览等功能。

    The system was designed by Visual Basic software according to method of OOP , which includes all data analyses work in the compilation and has functions of data analyses , figure drawing and information browser .

  11. 介绍了利用电容液位计和DCS控制系统的比值仪表模块的结合,成功地对成品碱地槽液位测量实施改进的工作内容。

    Combing capacitance-type level meter and ratio instrument module of DCS controlling system level determination of product caustic soda ground bunker was successfully innovated .

  12. 重点对制造商Agent、供应商Agent、销售商Agent和协商服务中心结构组成及工作内容进行研究,并对供应链框架的运行机制及框架中供应商的地位进行阐述。

    Emphases have been put on the combination and work content of manufacturer-agent , vendor-agent , seller-agent and negotiate service center . The operation mechanism of supply chain framework and vendor status are also discussed .

  13. 主要工作内容如下:1.采用ICP-PVD法制备了一系列ZnO薄膜,确定了该仪器合适的工艺参数范围。

    A serial of ZnO thin films were prepared by ICP-PVD , the suitable process parameters were confirmed .

  14. 根据装甲车辆维修工作内容和特点,结合ISO9000族国际标准,提出了建立装甲车辆维修质量管理体系模式。

    It puts forward a kind of system pattern establishing MQM of armored vehicles , according to the contents and characteristics of maintenance work of armored vehicles and ISO9000 World Standard .

  15. 目前,取消电气控制传统的“一对一”硬手操方式,将电气量的监控纳入到DCS系统中,是进一步提高电站自动化控制水平的重点工作内容。

    It is currently an important work for enhancing the automation level of power plant to cancel the " one to one " hardware control in electrical part and to integrate its monitoring and control into DCS .

  16. 研究的工作内容主要是基于IETF标准,并借鉴了ITU标准,对实时网络多媒体系统中的数据传输问题进行了深入的研究。

    The research effort is concerned with the translation of real time multimedia data based on the IETF standard , The method is applied in a real time multimedia system .

  17. GDSS的发展是技术支持和组织扁平化的结果,本文提出了对会议组织者工作内容研究;

    Technology development and organization horizontalization resulted in GDSS . This paper presents the content of facilitators work in GDSS meeting : ( 1 ) organizing and staffing the meeting group ;

  18. CNI系统覆盖频率较宽,传感器功能繁多,是射频传感器综合化的主要工作内容之一。

    The CNI system covers a wide field and the sensor has various functions which is the main work content of the integrated RF sensors .

  19. 阐述了CZA系列转台检定仪研制的主要工作内容、技术途径和技术特点;

    The major work , technology method and characteristic of the task about " CZA series Rotating-platform Calibrator " are described .

  20. 在系统地研究网络仿真方法和仿真技术基础上,描述了一种网络仿真科学研究方法和工作内容,探讨了OPNET的关键仿真技术,介绍了使用OPNET进行科学网络仿真研究的工作流程。

    With deep study of simulation method and simulation technology , this paper describes the scientific network simulation method and its matter . Then it studies the key OPNET 's simulation technology and gives the working program of OPNET in scientific network simulation study .

  21. Badgeville的软件能向输入这类信息的销售人员奖励分数,将这项原本令人讨厌的工作内容变成一个竞争的热点。

    Badgeville 's software can give points to salespeople who add in that information , turning what would otherwise be an annoying part of their jobs into a point of competition .

  22. 让团队的每个成员都知道自己具体的工作内容。

    Have everyone be aware of his or her specific tasks .

  23. 工作内容:多语种网站的建设,更新。

    Job Description : Multilanguage Web site creative and update .

  24. 工作内容、方法、手段的创新是方向。

    Work contents , methods and measures are the orientation .

  25. 问题4:女士不喜欢的工作内容是什么?

    Question 4 : What does the woman dislike about her job ?

  26. 笔者就如何在公路设计中搞好小桥涵调查的工作内容与方法做以说明。

    Discussion is made on the surveying task and methods of it .

  27. 工作内容:-Autodesk制造业软件售前技术支持;

    Job Description : - Pre-sale support for Autodesk manufacturing solution software .

  28. 东海大桥安全监理工作内容与依据

    Contents and Bases of Construction Safety Supervision of Donghai Bridge

  29. 工作内容量表(中文版)在医务人员中的验证

    The validation of Chinese Version of Job Content Questionnaire in Health Professionals

  30. 第三章分析了信息化工程监理的职能和工作内容;

    Third chapter analyzed the function and the content of information projects supervision ;