
  • 网络job anxiety
  1. 自我成长、自我实现、尊严取向和人际关系方面与专业承诺呈显著正相关(P0.001),而经济保障和远离工作焦虑与专业留驻意愿呈负相关(P0.05)。

    Analysis of the data showed that the work values of individual growth and development , self-respect orientation and interpersonal relationship were significant positive associated with professional commitment ( P0.001 ); Organizational economy security and avoiding job stress were significant negative associated with the retention willingness ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 周末应该干自己喜欢的事情,给新的一周增添活力,但一般来说工作焦虑会从周五带到周六,给本该放松的时间添加一丝压力。

    While the week 's end should be about doing things you love and refueling for the week ahead , all too often our workplace anxieties trickle over from Friday to Saturday , adding stress to what should be a relaxing time .

  3. 她总是为工作感到焦虑不安。

    She 's always anxious and worried about work .

  4. 就业竞争的白热化局面下,让不少大学生提前一年为工作“焦虑”。

    Quite of them begin to feel anxious one year before their graduation .

  5. 然而,虽然对工作满怀焦虑的男人们可能为某些外科医生的业务带来推动力,但随着经济步入衰退,总体而言,该行业对前景表示悲观。

    Yet while work-anxious men might be providing a fillip for some surgeons , the industry in general is gloomy about the outlook as the recession sets in .

  6. 他补充说,失业的压力、寻找新工作的焦虑以及空闲时间的增多,都是使戒烟的人恢复吸烟的因素。

    The pressure of being out of work , the anxiety of finding a new job and the increase in free time were all factors drawing back people who kicked the habit , he added .

  7. 不同性别、年龄、文化程度、工作状况焦虑、抑郁障碍发生情况:抑郁障碍发生率高于焦虑障碍发生率(32.0%和21.4%)。

    Incidences of anxiety and depressive disorder between different gender , age , educational background and working status : The incidence rate of depressive disorder was higher than that of anxiety ( 32.0 % and 21.4 % );

  8. 有些人将怠惰的状态归咎于多变的天气,有些人不堪毕业论文的重负,或因即将到来的大考而倍感压力,有些人则是为自己前半年的工作表现感到焦虑。

    Some people blamed the laziness to the unpredictable weather , some are burdened by the graduation papers , or the coming important test , some feel anxious about their work performance earlier this year .

  9. 精神科护士应对方式与工作倦怠、焦虑相关性的研究

    A study on the relationship of coping style , job burnout and anxiety for psychiatric nurses

  10. 彼得在本周末就得离开&因此他对能否干完这件工作感到有些焦虑不安。

    Peter 's leaving at the end of this week & hence his anxiety to get his work finished .

  11. 每天的压力来源,例如:工作、经济焦虑,或重大人生过渡,例如:搬迁、离异,都会引起噩梦。

    Everyday stressors , such as job or financial anxiety , or major life transitions such as moving or divorce , can also cause ni g ht m ar e.

  12. 2011年《心理医学杂志》上发表的一项研究发现,44岁至66岁全职工作人员有焦虑和抑郁症状与每周工作超过55小时有关。工作时长较短的人出现这些症状的风险更低。

    A study published in the Journal Psychological Medicine in 2011 found that working more than 55-hours per week was associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression among people ages 44 to 66 who were employed full-time . Those who worked less had a lower risk of those symptoms .

  13. 儿童数学认知策略的发展主要受教育环境、工作记忆、数学焦虑的影响。

    The development of children 's mathematical cognitive strategies is mainly affected by the educational circumstances , working memory and mathematical anxiety .

  14. 而这些“更温柔,更关切”的措词对于缓解丢了工作所带来的焦虑与沮丧也是于事无补。

    And no " kinder , gentler " words can do much to alleviate the anxiety and distress that come with losing a job .

  15. 一项新研究证实,家有贤内助确实能较大地减轻工作压力带来的焦虑和疲惫。

    A major ingredient to taking the pain out of a stressful day at work is a supportive partner at home , a new study has confirmed .

  16. 因此本研究致力于探讨社会工作硕士的就业焦虑与专业认同感之间的关系,从而期望可以丰富就业焦虑影响因素的研究。

    Hence this study aims to explore the relationship between the employment anxiety and the professional identity of the social work masters , and through this expecting to rich the study of the influence factors of the employment anxiety .

  17. 合同护士工作总压力与焦虑程度呈正相关(P<0.05),病人护理方面和管理及人际关系方面与消极应对方式呈正相关(P<0.05)。

    The job stress had a positive relationship with the level of anxiety ( P < 0.05 ) . Patient care and interaction , interpersonal relationships and management issues had positive relationships with the passive coping styles ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. “对工作狂而言,工作可以的焦虑,而当你不工作的时候,焦虑的情绪就会泛滥开来,”罗宾逊说。

    ' For a lot of workaholics , work alleviates anxiety , and when you are not working , the anxiety bubbles up , 'says Dr.

  19. 一方面,高职院校的毕业生找工作没有目的性,并且为找不到工作而产生焦虑情绪,另外一方面则是企业为招不到适合自身发展的员工而烦恼。

    On the one hand , graduates of vocational colleges to find a job there is no purpose , and for a job resulting from anxiety , on the other hand , the job is not suitable for enterprises to recruit employees to worry about their own development .

  20. 在伦敦金融城工作的心理学家迈克尔鬠克莱博士(MichaelSinclair)发现,因为工作感到焦虑的银行家和律师数目“巨大”。

    Michael Sinclair , a psychologist in the City of London , sees a " tremendous " number of bankers and lawyers with work-induced anxiety .

  21. 医院员工的工作价值观与组织承诺存在显著正相关,其中个人成长与发展、尊严取向、人际沟通、单位保障、远离工作焦虑和交通便利分别与价值承诺、努力承诺和留职承诺存在显著正相关。

    Particularly , individual growth and development , self-respect orientation , interpersonal communication , organizational security , avoiding job stress , traffic convenience were positively significant correlated with value commitment , effort commitment , and retention commitment .