
  • 网络Work adaptability;labor aptitude
  1. 珀杜文书工作适应性测验

    Purdue clerical adaptability test

  2. 但目前职业与兴趣的符合程度以及个人对目前工作适应性的自我评价这两项指标在不同的职业选择自主性下存在着显著差异。

    The study also found that vocational interests and self-evaluation of current work adaptability have differences under different current career choice autonomy .

  3. 他对工作的适应性很强。

    He enjoyed the flexibility of his working arrangement .

  4. 这种逻辑是为在知识和资源不足的情况下工作的适应性系统而设计的。

    This logic is designed for an adaptive system working with insufficient knowledge and resources .

  5. 高温工作环境适应性尤为突出。

    Good adaptability in high temperature environment .

  6. 针对不同的用户要求的不同部署方式,以及进行维护工作和适应性修改的策略。

    The diverse deploy means according to different custom 's requirement and the strategy of maintenance and adaptability modification .

  7. 由于热红外检测拥有工作环境适应性强、隐蔽性好以及识别能力强等各种优势,在民用和军用上具有十分重要的地位。

    With strong adaptability to various circumstances , good hiding capacity and precise detecting ability , it plays an important role in civilian and military domain .

  8. 本文在传统射流流量计的基础上,设计了新的振荡腔结构,目的在于拓宽新型射流流量计的量程比,提高其工作的适应性和稳定性。

    A fluidic flowmeter with new structure is designed in this work on the basis of the traditional ones in order to widen its measurement range .

  9. 该系统可以根据学生考试评估、兴趣及对将来工作的适应性三个因素得出学生选择某个大学的系别的合适程度。

    This system may get degree of matching of student choosing certain department of university based on 3 factors including evaluation of examination , interest and adaptability of later job .

  10. 半潜式平台由于对深海工作的适应性,广泛应用于钻井、采油、加工处理和储存。

    Because of the adaptability for working in the deep sea , Semi-submersible platform has been widely used in the deep sea oil field for drilling , extracting , processing and storage .

  11. 由于气压传动具有布置不受严格的空间位置限制、工作环境适应性好等优点,在研究设计中本论文采用高压空气作为应急顶推装置的工作介质。

    High pressure air has be adopted as working midium of the emergency starting arrangement , because of air pressure gearing having many advantages , such as its arrangement being not restricted by space position and good operational environment adaptability etc.

  12. 由于电液比例阀结构复杂、对油液的要求比较高、价格相对来讲比较高、维护比较专业、对工程车辆的恶劣的工作环境适应性差,所以在工程车辆中的使用受到一定的限制。

    The traditional electron-hydraulic proportion valve have disadvantage such as complicated structure , require the liquid have good purity , expensive in price , and professional maintenance , bad adaptability to poor vehicle environment , so there is certain restriction in applying it to engineering vehicles .

  13. 通过分析认为专业性、努力工作、适应性销售、沟通以及店面形象围绕其均值波动时,相应的网络输出的均值高于各变量取均值时的网络输出。

    We found that , the mean value of the corresponding output of the network when professionalism , hard work , the adaptability sales , communication , and store the image around its mean fluctuations is higher than the output of the network when each variable were all mean .

  14. 阀门设计、制造、检验、工作能力和适应性应符合api规范要求。

    The design , fabrication , inspection , operational capabilities and adaptability of the valves should comply with the requirements of API spec.

  15. 我们将我们的web服务应用程序部署在一个动态群集内,连同服务级别策略,就为我们提供了对应用程序可变工作负载的适应性。

    We deployed our web services application in a dynamic cluster and that , in conjunction with service level policies , provided us the ability to accommodate the variable workload for our application .

  16. 新时期思想政治工作的社会适应性

    The Social Application of Ideological and Political Work in the New Times

  17. 工矿设备系统工作人员的适应性

    Personnel adaptability in an engineering and mining equipment system

  18. 应付学校教育或工作时的适应性;

    Suitability of a person in coping with the demands of schooling or jobs ;

  19. 这种带有比例调节功能的转子泵,具有很好的工作可靠性、适应性和使用舒适性。

    This regulatory function with the ratio of the rotor pump , very good job with reliability , adaptability and the use of comfort .

  20. 该检测器满足警戒雷达的远程警戒、多目标和实时检测的要求,具有体积小、成本低、工作稳定和适应性强的优点。

    This detector satisfied the requirements of guarding radars to detect multi-batch and long-distance targets in real time and had the advantage of small size , stabilization , low cost and general compatibility .

  21. 颚式破碎机是理想的粉碎机械,目前广泛的应用在矿山、建材、化工和冶金等行业中,优点是结构较为简单、工作可靠且适应性强。

    Jaw crusher is a ideal crushing machine , now widely used in mining , building materials , chemical and metallurgical industries , it has advantages that its structure is simple , reliable and adaptable through working .

  22. 为提高轴承对严酷工作条件的适应性,从轴承材料配对、润滑刑选用、油槽结构、轴承工作间隙等方面开展设计研究。

    In order to enhance the adaptation of a bearing to the difficult operating conditions , we carried out the experimental studies on the materials compatibility of the bearing , lubricants ' choice , the structure of an oil groove , bearing clearance and so on .

  23. Net平台的快速成型制造系统,运用B/S三层框架结构,实现了进行远程的快速成型制造系统的各个工作流程,具有适应性强、安全性好、整体性能好的优点。

    Net platform , adapting the B / S structure with three-tier frames , the system completes every working flow of long-distance rapid prototype manufacture . It has the advantage of strong adaptability , good security and excellent whole performance .

  24. 综采工作面液压支架适应性试验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Adaptability of Shield-type Support in Fully Mechanized Coal Face

  25. 思想政治工作的诸多不适应性,决定了必须创新思想政治工作才能满足新形势的要求。

    The unfittness of the ideological work causes the necessity of blazing new trails in ideological work to meet the demands of the new situation .

  26. 汽车起重机因具有结构紧凑、移动方便、灵活性强、工作条件与场地适应性强等特点,而被广泛应用在各工程领域。

    Truck crane is widely used in various engineering fields because of its compact structure 、 convenience mobility 、 flexible working conditions and site adaptability .

  27. 21世纪高校教育的最基本特征之一,就是如何使学生在复杂多变的社会环境中工作具有较强的适应性。

    One of the Basic characteristics of 21 Century Higher Education is how to let the students have a strong adaptability to work in the complex and changing social environment .

  28. 结论模型提示,培训效果可以用工作技能、工作适应性的提高以及考核成绩来进行表述,而影响培训效果的因素则表现为行医资历、培训形式、专业与服务人口总量、培训需求和教育程度。

    Conclusion The training effect could be expressed as work skill , work flexibility and test grade . The 5 major factors which influenced the training effect were : doctor seniority , training form , service population , training demand and education level .

  29. 评估的主要内容包括原始价值、知识经验、工作能力、工作业绩、社会适应性和发展潜力。

    The main contents of value appraisal of human resources include the original value , knowledge experience , work ability , working performance , social adaptability and development potential .

  30. 为迎接信息时代的挑战,作为高校图书馆工作的延伸和补充,高校院系资料室建设工作必须尽快进行适应性改革。

    As a complement to the libraries in colleges , the resource room of each department must also adapt itself to the challenges in Information Age .