
  • 网络job performance;KPI
  1. 在Facebook,我知道决定我工作绩效的最重要的因素是我与扎克伯格的关系。

    At Facebook , I knew that the most important determinant of my performance would be my relationship with Mark .

  2. 为了支持核心假设,把核心假设分成两个部分,分别提出了两个假设H1:内部动机与工作绩效存在显著的正相关关系;假设H2:外部动机与工作绩效存在显著的正相关关系。

    In order to support the core assumptions core hypothesis is divided into two parts respectively made two assumptions . Hypothesis H1 : internal motivation and performance there was a significant positive correlation . Hypothesis H2 : the external motivation and performance there was a significant positive correlation .

  3. 不同月收入的护理管理者在重症监护、计划评价和专业发展上工作绩效各维度的绩效均数之间的差异都有统计学意义(P0.01)。

    Monthly income of the nursing staff of different managers in the intensive care , evaluation and professional development plan on the performance of the various dimensions of the performance differences are there between the statistical significance ( P0.01 ) .

  4. 在此基础上,以XX银行XX分行市场人员为研究样本,验证了组织支持、产品创新、客群基础对商业银行市场人员工作绩效影响路径模型的有效性。

    Based on this , this study verified , with the xx branch of XX bank as research sample , the effectiveness of the acting path model that organizational support , business innovation and customer base have impact on self-efficacy of market personnel .

  5. 对主管承诺的结果,学者们普遍认为,主管承诺比组织承诺更能影响员工的工作绩效和组织公民行为(OCB),但在对工作满意感和跳槽意图的影响上还存在不同的意见。

    And they all evidenced that supervisory commitment had more effects on job performance and organizational citizenship behavior than organizational commitment , but not all of them had the same views on job satisfaction and turnover intention .

  6. 第二部分,测量JY公司员工的职业高原、工作绩效现状;比较不同人口特征变量的JY公司员工职业高原的差异性;讨论JY公司员工职业高原及其各维度与工作绩效及其各维度之间的关系。

    The second part measures employees ' career plateau and job performance status of JY enterprise ; It compares the variability of different demographic characteristics of JY Corporation employees ; It discusses the relationship between JY employees career plateau , its various dimensions , job performance and its various dimensions .

  7. 高校工作绩效评估体系研究

    The Study of the System of Evaluating the Performance of Universities

  8. 组织情境下管理者人格特质和工作绩效关系研究

    On Relationship between Managers'Personality Traits and Job Performance in Organization Situation

  9. 领导班子和领导干部工作绩效社会化评价体系研究&以内蒙古盟市厅局领导班子和领导干部实绩考核为例

    Socialized Appraisal System for the Leading Groups and Leaders Performance Evaluation

  10. 三级医院护理人员工作绩效评估量表的构建

    Construction of Work Performance Rating Scale for nurses in tertiary hospital

  11. 家族企业员工组织社会化与工作绩效关系研究

    The Relationship between Social Organization of Family Business and Job Performance

  12. 生物教师职业认同及各维度对工作绩效有预测能力。

    Biology teacher professional identity and dimensions on performance have predictive power .

  13. 而要提高教学质量在很大程度上要依赖于教师的工作绩效。

    Improving teaching quality is largely due to teachers ' job performances .

  14. 读者服务工作绩效可持续发展战略研究

    Study on sustainable development strategy of readers ' service performance

  15. 护理团队气氛对工作绩效影响的研究

    Study on influence of nursing team atmosphere on job achievement

  16. 化学实验技术人员工作绩效评价体系设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Work Performance Appraisal System for Chemical Laboratory Technicians

  17. 不同科室护士人格特征与工作绩效的相关性分析

    Correlation analysis on personality and job performance of nurses in difference departments

  18. 高校组织气氛对教师工作绩效具有显著预测效果。

    Thirdly , organizational climate can forecast teachers ' job performance remarkably .

  19. 个性大五模型对工作绩效的预测效度分析

    The Big Five Model of Personality in Predicting Job Performance

  20. 第一:通过提高员工的组织支持感来提高工作绩效。

    Firstly : to improve performance by increasing employees ' organizational support .

  21. 军队院校科研工作绩效评估探讨

    On Performance Evaluation of Scientific Research in Military Academies

  22. 因此,可以认为在社区护理实施工作绩效量化评价体系,是值得推广的一项举措。

    Therefore , performance evaluation system is worth popularizing in community nursing work .

  23. 工作绩效的结构及其与评定者的关系

    Job Performance Structure and Its Variations with Different Raters

  24. 工作绩效的提高一直是企业追求的目标。

    Performance improvement has been the goal of enterprise .

  25. 气质影响人的工作绩效;

    A person 's temperament influences his job performance .

  26. 组织间知识员工协同工作绩效可拓评价研究

    Research on Extension Evaluation on Cooperative Work Performances of Knowledge Staff between Organizations

  27. 你可以用数字明白地表现工作绩效,并强调自己出色的表现。

    You can show your achievements in figures and emphasize your strong points .

  28. 企业员工的心理资本对其工作绩效和工作卷入的影响

    Employee 's Psychological Capital Effect on Job Performance and Job Involvement in China

  29. 大五人格和工作绩效相关性研究的进展

    The Advance in Correlation Research between Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance

  30. 组织公平感对员工工作绩效影响的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Effects of Organizational Justice on the Staff Performance