
  • 网络flow chart;Workflow Diagram;word
  1. 首先,本文详细地分析了主流CAD系统的装配功能,提出了数字化装配仿真系统的功能需求,设计了系统的功能模型,建立了数字化装配仿真系统的总体结构和工作流程图。

    At first , the paper analyzes the assemble function of the main CAD system , presents the function demands of the system , designs the function model of the system , and builds up the total structure and the workflow diagram of the system .

  2. 在AutoCAD中开发绘制工作流程图的专用程序

    Special program for work flow chart drawing in AutoCAD

  3. 并给出了控件的C语言数据结构和工作流程图。

    And the C - language data structure and flow charts are given .

  4. 第五,研究了用PLC实现船舶组合起动屏自动控制的方法,进行了系统的电源设计和软件设计,给出系统工作流程图;

    The fifth , this paper is to research the method of the ship 's combined starting screen automatic control with the PLC ;

  5. 文中系统地介绍了轴承产品计算机设计的全过程,并给出了CAD系统工作流程图和程序框图。

    In the paper , the whole process of bearing product CAD is systematically introduced , and the working flowchart and program chart of CAD system are given .

  6. 在AutoCAD中,利用Auto/VISUALLISP与DCL语言开发了绘制工作流程图的专用程序。

    In AutoCAD , Auto / Visual LISP and DCL language can be used to develop a special program for work flow chart drawing .

  7. 最后结合一个实例阐述了小型PACS系统的构建方案,并给出了系统的工作流程图和网络结构图。

    In the end , we put forward a Mini PACS design method based on practical implication in a hospital , giving the working progress and the network framework of the system .

  8. 详细叙述了系统硬件(中央控制、铃流检测、DTMF解码、语音提示、摘机/挂机)电路、软件工作流程图。

    The circuits of central control , ringing detection , DTMF decoding , sound prompt and picking / hanging-up are described , as well as software flowchart .

  9. 首先分析了BP神经网络的拓扑结构和学习算法,针对其学习速度慢、易陷入局部极小等缺陷,采用了遗传算法优化神经网络的权值和阈值,并给出其工作流程图。

    Firstly , the BP neural network topology and learning algorithm were studied . For the defects of easily trapping into local minima , genetic algorithm was adopted to optimize the neural network weight and thresholds , and their work flow chart was given .

  10. 然后描述了TJ仓库出库包装区的现状,绘制了出库包装区布局图及工作流程图。

    Then , it describes the status of packaging area in the TJ warehouse , and draws out the layout drawing and work flow chart .

  11. 针对毫米波主被动复合探测器的特点和应用背景,提出了一种基于AVR高速单片机的毫米波主被动复合探测器测距电路设计方法,并详细介绍了电路结构和工作流程图。

    A design method of ranging circuit in the millimeter wave active / passive combined detector based on AVR MCU is proposed , and the structure of circuit and the flow chart of operation are introduced .

  12. 需求调研与分析阶段将制定调研计划、选择调研方法和工具、资料收集、绘制辅导员管理工作流程图,在需求分析的基础上确定需求报告,并采用UML建模技术对相关需求进行了描述。

    Demand for research and analysis phase will develop research plans , research methods and tools selection , data collection , mapping counselors work flow management , based on the needs analysis to determine the reporting requirements , and uses UML modeling techniques described in the relevant requirements .

  13. 再针对TCP/IP协议栈各个层次所用到的协议:ARP,IP,ICMP,UDP进行深入细致的分析,并分别给出各个协议的工作流程图和相应的软件设计思想。

    Finally , every layer of this TCP / IP protocols stack and protocols being used such as ARP , IP , ICMP , UDP are analyzed deeply and in detail , and flow charts of such protocols and software design ideas are proposed .

  14. 逆工程开发系统工作流程图的设计

    A Flow Diagram Design of the Exploitation System of Reverse Engineering

  15. 将质保符号添加到您的工作流程图中。

    Adds a quality assurance symbol to your workflow flowchart .

  16. 给出了这种车载导航系统的工作流程图;

    And then present the working flow chart about this vehicle navigation system .

  17. 制定每周工作流程图。

    Action plan and activity chart for every week .

  18. 制定工作流程图提高护理服务质量

    Making working flow chats to improve nursing quality

  19. 电器工作流程图法在控制电路设计中的应用

    Application of Electrical Apparatus Work Flow Chart Method for the Design of Control Circuit

  20. 在工作流程图中用直线或曲线连接各个进程。

    Connects the processes in the workflow flowchart by using straight or curved lines .

  21. 创建业务流程图的解决方案,包括流程图和工作流程图。

    Solution for creating Business Process diagrams , including flowcharts , and work flow diagrams .

  22. 同时,给出了动态联盟业务流程的总体框图和总工作流程图。

    In addition , the flow chart of business processes in dynamic alliance was given .

  23. 着重对硬件设计、工作流程图、仪器数学模型的算法处理进行了叙述。

    We have mainly stated the hardware design , the diagramatic flow chart for operation andmathematical models .

  24. 在您的工作流程图中用直线在各进程之间构成连接,最多可以有5组连接。

    Makes up to five connections between the processes in your workflow flowchart by using straight lines .

  25. 给出了完善的动态监测工作流程图,为工程类比和分析提供依据。

    A whole flow chart about staged monitoring has been given and can be used for engineering analogy and analysis .

  26. 目的通过编制呼吸心跳骤停病人抢救工作流程图,优化急症病人入院抢救流程,改善急救护理服务,建立一条优质、高效、快捷的急救病人流程,提高抢救成功率及病人的满意度。

    Objective To establish a flow chart of high quality , effective and prompt rescue so as to increase the success rate in rescue and patients ' satisfaction .

  27. 基于符号消费视角的中华老字号符号营销策略&以红星二锅头为例将营销符号添加到您的工作流程图中。

    The Symbolic Marketing Strategy of Chinese Time-Honored Brand Based on Symbolic Consumption & Taking Red Star Erguotou as an Example Adds a marketing symbol to your workflow flowchart .

  28. 整套方法的优点是能够灵活处理不同粒度任务间的相互关系,实现从设计结构矩阵到工作流程图的自动映射,提高了工作流程规划的效率。

    An advantage of the method was that the mapping from design structure matrix to workflow graph could be automatically realized , which greatly improved the efficiency of workflow planning .

  29. 目的应用门诊就医流程图和临床护理工作流程图,方便病人就医,规范护士行为,提高护理服务质量。

    Objective The application of the hospitalization flow charts and clinic flow charts can do convenience for patients as well as standardize nursing operation to improve the nursing of better qualities .

  30. 第四章则对管理模块以及配置模块的各个子模块的实现做了说明,分析了各子模块的工作流程图,并列举了关键的数据结构与过程代码。

    The fourth chapter introduces the implementation of management module and configuration module , analysis the working flow chart of the sub-modules , and lists the key data structure and process code .