
  • 网络performance;achievement
  1. 由于你的工作业绩,我们提升你为经理。

    Boss : As a result of your performance , we are happy to offer you the position of manager .

  2. 因为我们以及我们的伙伴都没有提供关于职位的描述,你可以问一些关于技术要求和期望工作业绩的问题。

    Since you are not given the job descriptions by us and our partner , try to ask questions regarding to the skills requirements and performance expectation .

  3. 3.applepolishing逢迎,拍马(指为了自我利益吹捧上司的行为)员工们不喜欢他,认为他近来的提升更多是因为他会溜须拍马,而不是工作业绩。

    Other employees didn 't like him and believed that his recent promotion was more the result of his apple polishing than his actual achievement .

  4. 如今日立(Hitachi)基于工作业绩对其11000名高层经理进行奖励。

    Hitachi is now rewarding its 11,000 top managers based on job performance .

  5. 考虑一下年轻律师VickiePynchon的工作业绩评估吧。

    Consider the performance review Vickie Pynchon had as a young attorney .

  6. 工作业绩考核部分采用KPI,以量化指标为主,工作态度和工作能力考核则以描述性指标为主。

    Work accomplishment part adopt KPI , with the quantity turn index sign for the lord , work attitude and work ability regard description index sign as principle .

  7. EVA概念的应用近来在美国和西方等国逐渐兴起,通常管理者和投资者采用它作为衡量公司经营状况的指标之一,以及用作奖励管理者工作业绩的度量标准。

    The application of the EVA concept recently rise gradually in the United States and the other west countries , the governor and investor adopt it to measure the management performance , and use it as an indicator to repay the manager 's working accomplishment .

  8. 江苏地方地震工作业绩量化评析

    Quantitative analysis of achievement of local seismic work in Jiangsu Province

  9. 检查该新工人来后的工作业绩。

    Check back to see how the worker is coming along .

  10. 史密斯上个月的工作业绩没有艾丽丝好。

    Smith did not perform so well as Alice last month .

  11. 向分店经理提供关于值班期间伙伴工作业绩的反馈。

    Provides feedback to store manager on partner performance during shift .

  12. 她的工作业绩很不好所以被他们解雇了。

    Her work was very poor so they fired her .

  13. 岗位价值与工作业绩的统一&关于岗效工资制的个案分析

    The mechanism , operation and reflection of Job-Based and Performance-Based Pay System

  14. 她终于可以坦然面对主管并详细列举自己的工作业绩了。

    She finally succeeded in facing her supervisors to detail her accomplishments .

  15. 工作业绩指数在医疗质量管理中的应用

    Application of work achievement index in medical quality Adiministration

  16. 护士个性特征与工作业绩的相关性研究

    A study on relativity between personality characteristics of nurses and their working achievement

  17. 她的工作业绩一直未得到上级的重视。

    Her services have been overlooked by her superiors .

  18. 职业经理人工作业绩评价研究

    Study of Performances Evaluation to Work of Professional Manager

  19. 高校辅导员工作业绩考核评价方法初探

    Exploration of the assessment method about the work achievements inspection of university instructors

  20. 研究人员试图研究职场欺凌与工作业绩之间的关系。

    The researchers sought to study the relationship between workplace bullying and job performance .

  21. 有好的团队,才能创造出一流的工作业绩。

    Have a good team , in order to create a first-class job performance .

  22. 公开和坦诚是评估所有员工工作业绩,讨论员工发展问题的关键;

    Openness and honesty is essential in all employee performance reviews and development dialogues .

  23. 人们注意到他的工作业绩——而不是他的精神健康——变差了。

    People noticed that his work - rather than his mental health - was suffering .

  24. 良好的教学质量需要有效的教师工作业绩考核模式来支撑。

    The good teaching quality needs to be guaranteed by effective assessment of teachers performance .

  25. 研究显示,员工的积极心态也可以对工作业绩有益。

    Research shows that employees ' positive attitudes can be good for business , too .

  26. 谈谈您的公司对您的工作业绩不满意的一次经历。

    Tell me about a time when your employer was not happy with your job performance .

  27. 员工将就其工作业绩,态度和行为得到持续,坦诚的回馈;

    There must be continuous , honest and open feedback on performance , attitude and behaviour .

  28. 如果我没有理解错的话,你担心的是我们的工作业绩将不会很快提高?

    If I am not wrong , your concern is our job performance will not improve soon ?

  29. 和你同住的人可能会行为古怪,别让他们影响你的工作业绩。

    Don 't let the erratic behavior of someone you live with interfere with your professional performance .

  30. 带有明显计划经济特征的职务等级工资制度具有强烈的平均主义色彩,工作业绩和贡献,竞争观念和激励机制均在此环境中被弱化。

    With characters of planned economy , this position-grade wages system is of strong colour of equalitarianism .