
  • 网络Initiative
  1. 有极强的责任感和工作主动性,有极强的工作热情;

    Be enthusiastic and have a strong sense of responsibility and initiative to work ;

  2. 结果职责明确、分工协作、有效利用人力资源,调动了护士的工作主动性和积极性,护理质量达标。

    Result This practice made clear of the duties and responsibilities , made full use of human resources effectively , mobilized nurses ' initiative and positivity . As a result , the quality of nursing reached to the standards .

  3. 工作主动性强,有良好的沟通能力;

    Active to own works , and has good skills in communication ;

  4. 诚实守信,工作主动性强,能承受工作压力及处理事务的多样性;

    Be honest and active of work ; can withstand work pressures ; be good at dealing with various affairs .

  5. 饭店在员工激励方面开展标杆管理,能有效地激发员工的工作主动性、积极性和创造性,提高员工的学习能力。

    Benchmarking can inspire effectively the initiativity , positivity and creativity of the staff in hotels , and improve the staff study ability .

  6. 巴德说,研究发现,要保持工作主动性,就必须让胜任感这一内在心理需求得到满足。

    In order to remain self-motivated , research has found that the innate psychological need for competence must be satisfied , ' Mr. Baard says .

  7. 组织氛围能提升教师的职业承诺。课程改革参与性不仅能增强教师的工作主动性,而且能降低教师的职业倦怠。

    It also shows that organizational climate can improve teachers ' professional commitment , while curriculum can not only strengthen teachers ' autonomy but also reduce the teachers ' burnout .

  8. 有效的绩效管理能提高员工的工作主动性和积极性、完善企业激励机制、促进企业长短期目标的完成,这一点在我国国有企业中逐渐达成一种共识。

    The effective performance management can enhance staffs work initiative and enthusiasm , perfect enterprise incentive mechanism , promote long-term and short-term goal to complete , this point achieves one kind of mutual recognition gradually in our country State-owned Enterprise .

  9. 护理队伍中职业高原现象的存在,使护理组织缺乏活力,创新力和竞争力下降,也降低了护理人员的工作主动性、工作满意度和服务水平,增加了护士的流失率和管理难度。

    The phenomenon of career plateau among nurses could reduce nursing organizations ' vitality , innovative capacity and competitiveness , as well as decrease the work initiative , job satisfaction and service standards of nurses and increase the loss of nurses and difficulty of management .

  10. 工作具有主动性,谦虚、诚实,具有团队合作精神。

    Self-motivated , modest , honest and team work player .

  11. 课堂教学质量评估充分调动了教师教学工作的主动性和积极性,有利于师资队伍的整体优化,在学校进行教学改革和教学质量管理、激励教师自我完善和提高方面具有重要的作用。

    Teaching assessment will fully motivate teachers ' initiative and enthusiasm and is good for optimizing the teaching facilities .

  12. 你将在变化的环境中工作,主动性、创造性和大胆独立性将至关重要。

    You will be working in a changing situation , where initiative , inventiveness and a bold independence are important .

  13. 他们旨在依靠有效的绩效管理体系的建立来调动员工的积极性和创造性,提高工作的主动性和工作热情,最终增加员工和企业的绩效,增加企业的价值。

    An effective performance management system can assist the company to encourage employee behavior , increase their enthusiasm and business performance .

  14. 不合理的考核方法和考核标准使社区民警疲于应付,工作缺乏主动性和创造性。

    Irrational method and standard of assessment worry the police too much to respond to , thus resulting in their lack of initiative and creativity .

  15. 近年来,随着科技的进步,经济全球一体化与人才竞争的加剧,企业对员工工作的主动性与创造性依赖越来越重,现代人力资源管理与企业的联系更加紧密。

    In recent years , along with the advance of science and technology , enterprise rely more on the creativity and the initiative from employees .

  16. 采用基于手机的虚拟仪器技术开发的测量仪器能大大提高测量工作的主动性与灵活性。

    The mobile phone based virtual instrument technology , when applying to measuring instruments , can also greatly improve the initiative and flexibilty of measuring work .

  17. 反思也使教师在复杂的教育情境中,评价自己行为的后果,形成工作的主动性、能动性和自觉性,不断地改进自己的教学实践,更好、更有效地开展教育活动。

    Reflection also helps teachers to evaluate the results of the behaviors , develop the initiative and consciousness for their work and constantly improve their educational practice .

  18. 工会作为党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,要实践“三个代表”,就必须加强工会工作的主动性,把工会工作提高到一个新的水平。

    The trade unions as the Party 's bridges and bonds linking the Party with workers and staff members must strengthen go-aheadism trade union work and improve a new level .

  19. 教师工作的主动性、积极性直接关系到学校教育教学质量,而教师积极性的调动又有赖于学校的管理和服务是否令教师感到满意。

    The job activity and positivity of teachers will directly effect the education quality and the excitation of teacher 's positivity depends on the satisfaction of administration and service provided by school to teachers .

  20. 他在工作上没有主动性。

    He 's got no initiative in his work .

  21. 如何调动基层公务员工作的积极主动性和创造性,这不仅是一个控制问题,更重要的是激励问题。

    How to make the civil servants work positively and creatively is not only a controlling problem but also a motivation problem .

  22. 北京中航投资控股股份有限公司人力资源部经理申琪(音译)建议道,想让自己成为一个职位的候选人,关键要看你工作中的主动性。

    But Shen Qi , HR manager at AVIC Capital Co Ltd in Beijing , says showing initiative is crucial to getting your name on the candidate list .

  23. 有时经理会给出大致的指示不,希望员工发挥在具体工作上的主动性。

    There are certain situations in which a manager can give a general directive , and expect his employees to know how to take the initiative on the details .

  24. 这工作几乎没有发挥主动性的余地。

    There is little scope for initiative in this job .

  25. 善于和人沟通,工作积极主动,独立性强。

    Initiative , able to work with minimum supervision .

  26. 北京市城区公益性社会体育指导员工作中的主动示范性较强。

    The active model of the public interested social sports instructors work is strong in Beijing City .

  27. 如果要争取加薪,你得为工作投入更多的主动性,表现更多的热情。

    To earn a raise you need to take more initiative and show more enthusiasm for the job .

  28. 管理人才就是如何激发人才的工作积极性、主动性、创造性的过程。

    The course of managing talents is how to excite talents ' working enthusiasm , initiative , creativity .

  29. 如何有效地激励管理人员、提高其工作积极性和主动性是酒店人力资源管理的重要问题。

    How to effectively motivate managers to improve their work enthusiasm and initiative is the important issue of the hotel human resources management .

  30. 科学、有效、合理的公务员激励机制有利于提高公务员工作的创造性与主动性,提高政府管理的有效性,为政府进行公共管理和服务提供保证。

    Scientific , effective and rational civil servants incentive mechanism can improve the creativity and initiative of the civil servants , and ensure the public management and service of the government .