
  • 网络job embeddedness
  1. 工作嵌入(Jobembeddedness)模型是国外新兴的一种从网络化社会生活着眼研究员工离职的理论模型。

    Job Embeddedness model is a new foreign theoretical model , and focus on the employees ' turnover from the network-based social life .

  2. 工作嵌入对科技型员工离职创业活动的影响

    How Job Embeddedness Influences New Venture Creation by High-tech Employees

  3. 研究结果表明新生代农民工的公平感知与工作嵌入正相关。

    The results show the positive relationship between justice perception and job embeddedness .

  4. 但是,探讨工作嵌入模型与态度模型之间相互作用关系的研究还较少。

    However , less scholars analyse the interactions between job embeddedness and attitude variables .

  5. 工作嵌入模式与组织核心员工保持

    The " Job Embeddedness " Model and the Core Employees ' Retention Keeping In Touch

  6. 知识型员工工作嵌入性及其与相关因素的关系研究

    The Positive Study on the Structure of Knowledge Workers ' Job Embeddedness and Its Related Factors

  7. 员工组织关系与员工绩效的关系工作嵌入的中介作用研究

    The Relationship between Employee-organization Relationship and Employee Performance & Research on the Intermediation of Job Embeddedness

  8. 工作嵌入的概念比传统的研究离职的模型的概念要更加的宽泛,丰富。

    Job embeddedness is more broader and rich in concept comparing to traditional employee turnover models .

  9. 工作嵌入可以通过对专业技术人才组织支持感受的作用去影响其工作绩效。

    Professional and technical personnel 's job embeddedness will affect job performance through the effect of perceived organizational support .

  10. 工作嵌入及组织支持感受与专业技术人才的工作绩效存在显著的正相关关系。

    Job embeddedness and perceived organizational support have significant positive effect on professional and technical personnel 's job performance .

  11. 文章首先回顾了企业与员工关系、工作嵌入和组织支持感受的相关文献及发展动态;

    Firstly , the study recalls relative literatures and the development trends of employee-organization relationship , job embeddedness and perceived organization support .

  12. 当新生代农民工的农民身份认同水平高的时候,公平感知与工作嵌入之间的正向关系更弱。

    The positive relationship between justice perception and job embeddedness was weaker for the new generation of migrant workers with higher farmer identity .

  13. 基于新的研究情景和实证分析结果给出工作嵌入性在传统态度变量与离职意愿关系中调节效应的研究结论。

    The results of the effects of Job Embeddedness between traditional variables and turnover trend generated from the different study subjects and empirical examination .

  14. 组织认同、城市工人身份认同和农民身份认同共同对于新生代农民工的公平感知和工作嵌入的正向关系起调节作用。

    And the results show the combined effects of oranizational identity , city worker identity and farmer identity to the positive relationship between justice perception and job embeddedness .

  15. 工作嵌入这一概念的提出,以一个更加全面的视角从工作内与工作外两个方面来探讨员工留在当前组织的影响因素。

    The concept of " Job Embeddedness " discusses the influence factors of employees stay in the current organization from two aspects of within and outside work of more comprehensive view .

  16. 发达国家已经有很多研究和实践证明了工作嵌入对员工离职的影响作用,并开始应用到实际的人力资源管理活动中。

    Developed countries have proved the impact of job embeddedness to employee turnover by a lot of researches and practices , and began to apply to the actual human resource management activities .

  17. 工作嵌入各维度对离职倾向有负向预测效用,人口统计变量对工作嵌入、离职倾向存在差异,这两个研究假设只得到了部分验证。

    The two hypotheses have not been test of all , there are dimensions of job embeddedness can negative predict about turnover intention , job embeddedness and turnover intention are influenced by demographics variables .

  18. 其次,以相关实证研究为基点,将工作嵌入和组织支持感受作为中介变量纳入企业与员工关系影响工作绩效的过程模型;

    Secondly , on the basis of relative empirical studies , the study takes the job embeddedness and perceived organizational support as the mediator to study the influence of employee-organization relationship on job performances .

  19. 银行要结合自身状况分析员工留在组织和离开组织的原因,加大其工作嵌入的程度,从而使得员工离职率得以降低。

    Banks should integrate their own situation to analysis the reasons why staff stay in the organization or leave the organization , and take measures to increase its level of job embeddedness of their staff .

  20. 专业社会工作嵌入社区,需理清以下四个问题:嵌入的主体、嵌入的对象、嵌入的过程及嵌入后所产生的效应。

    Professional social work embedded into community , it is required us to clarify the following four questions : the embedded subject , embedded object , embedded in the process as well as the embedding effect .

  21. 社会工作嵌入行政性非专业化社会工作已经成为不争的事实,这既是社会工作专业发展的需要,也是当前中国社会改革转型的趋势。

    Social work embedded into non professional social work administration already became the fact that does not dispute , this is social work professional development needs , it is also the trend of current Chinese social transformation .

  22. 其一、采用文献阅读、深度访谈、开放式问卷等方法编制工作嵌入初始量表,通过预测试对量表进行检验、调整,最终确定具有一定有效性和适用性的量表。

    First , we compile a new job embeddedness scale by reading the literature , in-depth interview and questionnaire survey . And then test the new job embeddedness scale to ascertain that the scale has good reliability and validity .

  23. 国有银行员工的工作嵌入程度整体较高、离职倾向相对较低;股份制银行员工的离职倾向更高;外资银行员工工作外嵌入程度最低。

    As a whole extent , the employees of state-owned banks have a higher job embeddedness and lower turnover intention ; the employees of joint-stock banks have a higher turnover intention ; the employees of foreign banks have the lowest level of off-the-job embeddedness .

  24. JJTree被设置成提供一个解析器,该解析器在运行时的主要工作不是执行嵌入的Java操作,而是构建正在解析的表达式的独立解析树表示。

    JJTree is set up to emit a parser whose main job at runtime is not to execute embedded Java actions , but to build an independent parse-tree representation of the expression that 's being parsed .

  25. 然而,这些是“隐藏”的;他们不能让他们的管理者知道他们在做什么,因为反复的工作并没有嵌入定义明确的过程。

    However , this was all " under the covers "; they didn 't want to let their managers know what they were doing , because iterative efforts didn 't fit into the well-defined process .

  26. 医院康复科病人在脱离生命危险后,如何以积极的心态进行康复训练,如何将医务社会工作更好的嵌入到医院康复科中为病人提供服务是困扰医务社会工作者的一个难题。

    Hospital patients of rehabilitation after out of danger , how to positively with rehabilitation training , how to embed the medical social work better to provide service for the patients in the hospital rehabilitation section is a difficult problem for medical social workers .

  27. 介绍了GPS接收OEM板的结构组成、工作原理以及与嵌入系统之间的几种硬件接口电路;

    The paper introduces the structure , the working principle of GPS OEM card , and designs the interface circuits and the communication program between embedded system and GPS card .

  28. 研究发现:提高职业适应期高校毕业生的心理资本有助于提升其工作满意度和工作嵌入,降低离职倾向,但心理资本的不同维度对工作满意度和工作嵌入作用不同。

    The research found that enhancing the psychological capital would promote the job satisfaction and the job embeddedness , and lower turnover intention , but different dimensions of psychological capital had different effects on job satisfaction and job embeddedness .

  29. 工作投入、工作卷入与工作嵌入的研究综述

    The Summary of Work Engagement , Job Involvement and Job Embeddedness

  30. 在文档内创建新工作表时,工作表作为嵌入对象插入文档中。

    When you create a new worksheet within a document , the worksheet is inserted in the document as an embedded object .