
gōng zuò yā lì
  • Working pressure;Operating pressure;MPa
  1. 与离心泵不同,双螺杆泵的工作压力△P由出口负载决定,即出口阻力来决定。

    With the centrifugal pump is different twin-screw pump working pressure △ P export-load decision that the export of resistance to decide .

  2. 并能承受较高的工作压力,约为PVC管的4倍。

    And can withstand high working pressure , about the4 times of PVC tube 's.

  3. 工作压力是一件让员工和管理人员都关切的事。

    Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management .

  4. 锻炼身体是排解工作压力的好办法。

    Exercise is a good safety valve for the tension that builds up at work .

  5. 我唯一能为她的行为辩解的理由是她工作压力很大。

    All I can say in justification of her actions is that she was under a lot of pressure at work .

  6. 作为一名销售代表,她的工作压力很大。

    She had a stressful job as a sales representative .

  7. 她的身体被工作压力压垮了。

    Her health collapsed under the pressure of work .

  8. 工作压力使约翰身体垮了。

    Pressure of work caused John to crack up .

  9. 同时工作压力大也伤害到了我们与他人的关系。

    It 's also hurting our relationships .

  10. 研究人员发现,远程压力是工作压力的主要原因,随着时间的推移,还会造成身体和精神的倦怠。

    The researchers found that telepressure is a major cause of stress at work , which over time contributes to physical and mental burnout .

  11. 在感到工作压力大的美国员工中,有83%(去年仅为73%)的人表示,他们最大的压力主要来自于工资低和过多的工作量。

    The 83 % of American employees who are stressed about their jobs --- up from 73 % just a year before — say that poor compensation and an unreasonable workload are their number-one sources of stress .

  12. 83%的人表示工作压力大,近50%的人表示工作压力已经影响了他们的睡眠,60%的人在非工作时间用智能手机工作。

    83 % of workers say they 're stressed about their jobs , nearly 50 % say work-related stress is interfering with their sleep , and 60 % use their smartphones to check in with work outside of normal working hours .

  13. 不管是你日常生活中大大小小的事情,还是长期规划,都会受你另一半的影响,包括ta的喜好、憎恶、习惯、计划、健康状况、个性、情绪、工作压力、经济保障、家庭以及处境。

    Both the large and small things in your daily life and long term plans will be impacted by your significant other 's likes , dislikes , habits , schedule , health , personality , moods , job stresses , financial security , family , and situation .

  14. 例句我的工作压力越来越大。

    My job keeps getting more and more stressful .

  15. 社交孤立的影响类似于焦虑症或工作压力。

    The effect of social isolation is similar to that of anxiety or work-related stress .

  16. 她感觉这些年来一直在艰苦求生,每天上下班要花两个多小时,而且工作压力大、工资低,她一点也不喜欢。

    She felt like she had been swimming upstream for years , commuting1 over two hours morning and evening to do a stressful , badly paid job she did not enjoy .

  17. “年关焦虑症”指的是年关将至而产生的自责和恐慌心理,通常由年度收入不佳、工作压力过大引起。

    Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year 's end , often due to a poor financial year and being pressured at work .

  18. 虽然很多年轻人可能嫉妒他们的生活中没有工作压力,也不需要父母的财政支援,但信托自由儿却可能厌倦自己作为一个富裕企业家或名人的儿子或女儿的身份。

    While many young people would envy a lifestyle without the pressures of work or financial support , a trustafarian may become bored with his or her role as the son or daughter of a wealthy industrialist4 or celebrity5 .

  19. 工作压力(JobStress)是指由于工作条件与个体特点相互影响,从而改变个体正常心理与生理功能的结果。

    Job stress is refers as a result which change individual normal psychology and the physiological function because of the working condition and the individual characteristic mutual influence .

  20. 对于特定食品的真空冷却,设定一个恰当的自动补气阀工作压力范围,可以有效减小各部分的温差。Air(初三适用)

    The results show that the selection of an appropriate range of automatic air compensating valve when some special foods are cooled in vacuum equipment can reduce the temperature difference in the foods .

  21. 在额定工作压力和静液压试验压力2种情况下,采用ANSYS分析软件对双闸板防喷器承压主壳体进行了有限元分析计算,证明有高应力区。

    ANSYS is adopted to do analytical calculation for the BOP casing with twin-ram block under two cases of rated working pressure and static hydraulic tests .

  22. 结果:ICU护士工作压力源部分因素和症状自评量表9个因子得分显著高于普通内科护士,ICU护士工作压力源部分因素与心理健康水平显著正相关。

    Results : The scores of some factors of job stressors and nine factors of SCL-90 of ICU nurses were much higher than those of internal medicine nurses .

  23. 工作压力通常达3000Pa的超高压液流系统(UPFS)被认为是由许多输入、输出参数决定其特点的极其敏感的反应系统。

    Ultra-high pressure fluid systems ( UPFS ) working with operating pressures up to 3,000 bar are sensitively reacting systems characterized by a considerable number of input and output parameters .

  24. 采用20MPa的充气压力,蓄能器皮囊在最大工作压力下体积变化小于公称体积的75%,仍有较大的补压余量。

    When precharge pressure is 20 MPa , bladder volume change is less than 75 % of nominal volume under maximum working pressure , while some compensation margin is still preserved .

  25. 最高工作压力为25MPa,最大排量为12m3/h。

    The maximum working pressure is 25 MPa and the maximum displacement is 12 m 3 / h. The pump has the characteristics of smooth in pressure and reliable in working .

  26. 它是用来控制液压系统工作压力的。

    It is used to control the hydraulic system working pressure .

  27. 工作压力、社会支持与教师职业枯竭关系

    Relationship between job stress , social support and teachers ' burnout

  28. 组织工作压力的两维管理模型构建研究

    A Study on Constructing a Double-Dimensions Model of Work Stress Management

  29. 产品只作气压试验,而气压试验压力为工作压力的1.1倍。

    The test pressure is 1.1 times of work conditional pressure ;

  30. 工作压力及压力管理是当今社会的一个突出问题。

    Job stress and stress management is a prominent problem nowadays .