
ɡōnɡ zuò shí jiān
  • time;duration;work time;working hour
  1. 她想方设法让自己在工作时间穿得更像样。

    She managed to make herself presentable in time for work .

  2. 虽然此方法不能称之为完美,但它比只考虑平均收入的方法要全面很多。该方法不仅考虑人均消费水平的增长情况,还纳入了工作时间的变化、预期寿命和经济不平等方面的相关数据。

    While by no means perfect it is considerably more comprehensive than average income , taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time , life expectancy , and inequality .

  3. 她一生中大部分工作时间都当教师。

    She spent most of her working life as a teacher .

  4. 工会与资方在工作时间上发生纠纷。

    The union is in dispute with management over working hours .

  5. 我一天之中大部分工作时间都坐在办公桌旁。

    I spend most of my working day sitting at a desk .

  6. 我们最终就工作时间问题取得了一致意见。

    We finally came to an understanding about what hours we would work .

  7. 这家公司要采用较短的周工作时间。

    The firm is introducing a shorter working week .

  8. 我工作时间长,且在非正常时间上班。

    I work long and unsocial hours .

  9. 迟迟待在办公室讨论缩短工作时间恰恰是在阻挠这一目标的实现!

    Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise !

  10. 随着工会越来越壮大,有了提高工资、缩短工作时间的要求。

    Increasing unionization led to demands for higher wages and shorter hours .

  11. 工会寻求增加工资,缩短每周工作时间。

    The union had sought a wage increase and a shorter work week .

  12. 另外还有数百万人因工作时间过长而睡眠严重不足。

    Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours .

  13. 欧盟已经就其雇员工作时间的控制问题拟定了新的规章。

    The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees

  14. 你或许只能做个薪水低、非正常工作时间上班的兼职。

    You may have to work part-time , in a badly paid job with unsociable hours

  15. 如今白领工人的工作时间比以前更长了。

    White-collar workers now work longer hours .

  16. 我的工作时间相当不固定。

    I worked quite irregular hours

  17. 工作时间多数是朝九晚五,你觉得这样会让你感觉愉快吗?

    A job is pretty much nine-to-five . Is this what you feel would make you happy ?

  18. 罗伯茨的很大一部分工作时间都是在核对研究所需的数据。

    Roberts has spent much of his working life collating the data on which the study was based

  19. 工人们最近一直在呼吁缩短工作时间。许多公司于是转成了一周五天工作制。

    The workforce have recently been calling for their working hours to be reduced . Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week .

  20. 日本每周平均工作时间为42.3小时,和英国的每周41.6小时相比,他们的情况并不算太糟。

    The average working week in Japan is 42.3 hours , compared with 41.6 in the UK , so they are not too badly off .

  21. 工作时间每天不得超过8小时。

    Working hours must not exceed 8 hours a day .

  22. 与员工的谈判,在有关工作时间问题上陷入了僵局。

    The talks with the staff bogged down on the question of working hours .

  23. 为满足老人的条件,这个商店将改变工作时间。

    To meet the conditions of the old the shop will change their business hour .

  24. 人们干这项工作时间太长了,需要彻底改变一下以摆脱旧习惯。

    People had been on the job too long ; a new deal was needed to get things out of the old habits .

  25. 美国人的工作时间比以往任何时候都长。

    Americans are working longer and harder hours than ever before .

  26. 我们现在的工作时间也是按照过时的作息时间安排的。

    Our modern workplaces also operate based on outdated time constraints .

  27. 对于我们而言,我们已经开始用飞行时间作为非工作时间,因此该是沉浸在这段恢复期的时候了。

    As for us , we 've started using our plane time as a work-free zone , and thus time to dip into the recovery phase .

  28. 即使收入的数据计算准确,它也没有包括经济幸福感的其他重要决定因素,例如获取该收入所需的工作时间。

    Even if precisely measured , income data exclude important determinants of economic well-being , such as the hours of work needed to earn that income .

  29. 然而,自从20世纪中期以来,情况变得相反了——如今,在办公桌前繁忙的工作时间,而非休假日,才被视为大人物的标志。

    Since the middle of the 20th century , though , things have turned the opposite way – these days , punishing hours at your desk , rather than days off , are seen as the mark of someone important .

  30. 我们的研究将使用来自一个大医疗公司的大型企业数据集来检验科技是如何延长我们的工作时间,从而干扰了必要的认知恢复,导致了巨额的医疗费用和企业营业成本。

    Our study will use a large corporate dataset from a major medical company to examine how technology extends our working hours and thus interferes with necessary cognitive recovery , resulting in huge health care costs and turnover costs for employers .