
  1. NBA自由球员的转会程序包括与原球队解约、与转入球队谈判、签约、联盟审核及球员工会监督等。

    The trading procedure of NBA free agent includes rescinding a contract , negotiation , signing , checking of NBA commissioner and so on .

  2. 国有独资公司发挥工会监督制约作用的思考

    Consideration on development of supervision and restrain by labor union on state-owned corportations

  3. 谁来真正扮演公司监督职能的角色&关于监事会与工会监督职能的一点新思考

    Who really comes to play the role of a company 's supervising function-The new thought about the function of the board of supervisor and worker union

  4. 重点考察了英国国家立法、政府监察、行业管理、工会监督的矿山安全卫生管理经验;

    The experiences of the safety and health management in mine , including national legislation , governmental supervision , industrial management and inspection by trade union are emphatically investigated .

  5. 首先阐述了社会本位的内涵及演化,继而论述社会本位下的工会监督权,最后提出保障工会监督权行使的具体措施。

    This part expounds the meaning and evolution of the social standard firstly and then discusses the supervision of trade unions under social standard . Lastly , we propose specific measures to improve the supervisory power of the trade unions .

  6. 和谐劳动关系是和谐社会的重要组成部分。在构建和谐劳动关系的过程中,工会应监督劳动合同履行情况,指导职工与企业协商签订劳动合同;

    Harmonious industrial relations are one important constitution of harmonious society .

  7. 论工会组织监督权力的法律依据和现实需要

    On the conditions prescribed by law and actual demand that the organization of trade union is possessed of the authority to supervise

  8. 基金将会由该基金会独立地管理并且受到工会联盟的监督。

    The fund would be independently administered and the Union would supervise it .

  9. 浅析工会劳动保护监督管理机制的创新

    On Innovation of Trade Union 's Supervising and Managing Mechanism of Occupational Health and Safety

  10. 当前工会劳动保护监督的机遇和作为

    On the Opportunities and Achievements of Trade Unions ' Supervision in Occupational Safety and Health

  11. 近年来,国内外形势的发展,给工会劳动保护监督提供了机遇。

    In recent years , the development of domestic and international situation brought great opportunities for trade unions .

  12. 工会官员表示监督部门的人威胁工会的工人如果投票决定加入工会的话将失去工作以及公司的供给住宅。

    Union officials say supervisors threatened the loss of jobs and company housing if workers voted to join the union .

  13. 工会劳动保护监督检查员按规定享受个人防护用品、保健津贴等待遇。

    Labour union labor protection supervises censor to enjoy the treatment such as allowance of individual protective equipment , health care by the regulation .

  14. 工会劳动保护监督检查员所隶属的工会组织为其开展工作提供交通、通讯等工作条件和必要的工作经费。

    Labour union labor protection supervises the labor organization with censor subject place to begin the job to offer the working requirement such as traffic , communication and necessary working funds for its .

  15. 介绍了国有独资公司监督机制的现状及《工会法》对工会基本职能的规定。指出在国有独资公司中发挥工会监督制约作用有其必要性。

    The situation of supervision mechanism in state-owned corporations and the stipulation of the basic duty of labor union were introduced , which pointed out the function and necessity to develop the supervision and restrain of labor union in state-owned corporation .