
  • 网络work standards;working standard;duty standard;Performance Standards
  1. 阿鲁姆和罗克萨认为大学课程注水和本科生工作标准的降低是学生缺乏学习动力的原因。

    Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students ' lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards .

  2. 消除工厂里的工作标准(额)以领导代之。

    Eliminate work standards ( quotas ) on the factory floor . Substitute leadership .

  3. 用UF6质谱计标定铀同位素工作标准的一种方法

    A method for determining uranium isotopic working standards by uf_6 mass-spectrometer

  4. 人IgE工作标准血清的制备与标定

    Preparation and calibration of human IgE working standard

  5. 按标准品的要求制备VEGF检测工作标准品,最后用ELASA试剂盒标定。

    The working standard for immunoassay was detected with ELASA kit for VEGF .

  6. 制备供免疫分析用的3,5,3-三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3)工作标准品并标定其免疫效价。

    The working standard of T 3 for immunoassay was prepared and its potency was determinated .

  7. 利用氘灯能发出强紫外辐射的特点,以英国NPL定标过的氘灯作为临时光谱辐亮度标准,来标定我们的工作标准灯组。

    A group of deuterium lamps is used as a standard lamp which can emit stronger ultraviolet radiation .

  8. 电子政务(E-Government)就是利用计算机和网络技术,来管理和维持政府日常办公,是一项将政府工作标准化、服务化、信息化、网络化、公开化的系统工程。

    E-Government is a system engineering which makes the governmental work be standardized , serviced , informationed , netted and opened , use the computer and network to manage and maintain the daily work .

  9. 以T4药盒标准品为对照品,工作标准品平均免疫效价为946ng/安瓿,95%概率水平的可信限为915-976ng/安瓿。

    The results showed that mean immunological potency of T 4 working standard to present kit standard is 946 ng per ampoule with confident limit of 915-976 ng at 95 % probability level .

  10. 其次,针对HC集团存在的问题,综合运用精益化提出了生产布局优化、生产线平衡、工作标准化、质量管理、设备管理、员工培训和供应商管理等实施精益化管理的具体方案。

    Secondly , the problem exists for the HC group , the layout of production optimization , production line balancing , work standardization , quality management , equipment management , staff training , and supplier management , implementation of lean management program .

  11. 北京电力建设公司在企业标准体系建立过程中,不断总结经验,从技术标准体系、管理标准体系和工作标准体系入手,做了大量工作,最终获得了4A级标准化良好行为证书。

    During establishment of the enterprise standard system Beijing Electric Power Construction Company has summarized experiences continuously and started from the technical , management and working standard systems . They have done a lot of work and finally won the " Certificate of good standardization activity " of 4A class .

  12. 目的:探讨用中国的细菌内毒素工作标准品(CSE)和鲎试剂(TAL)替代美国的细菌内毒素参考标准品(RSE)和鲎试剂(LAL)来检测硫酸链霉素的细菌内毒素的可行性。

    Objective : To discuss the feasibility of using Chinese control standard endotoxin ( CSE ) and Tachypleus Amoebocyte Lysate ( TAL ) to substitute the USP Reference Standard Endotoxin ( RSE ) and Limulus Amebocyte Lysate ( LAL ) on the bacterial endotoxins test for streptomycin sulfate .

  13. 我国编目工作标准化的现状和发展方向中国乳业之龙困于标准之沼

    A Review on the Cataloguing Standardization in China Trouble of Standardization

  14. 国土资源综合统计工作标准探讨

    Discussion of Standards in relation to Comprehensive Land & Resources Statistics

  15. 三碘甲腺原氨酸免疫分析工作标准品的研制

    The Establishment of 3,5,3 ' - Triiodothyronine Working Standard for Immunoassay

  16. 电子政务环境下文件工作标准化研究

    Research on E - record Standardization in E-government Environment

  17. 高校档案收集工作标准化的价值和方法

    Standardization of the Job for Collecting the College Archives

  18. 浅议企业档案工作标准化

    Talking about the Standardization of Enterprises ' Archive Work

  19. 重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子生物学活性工作标准品的标定

    Calibrating the working standard for rhG - CSF

  20. 癌胚抗原工作标准品的制备

    Establishment of Carcinoembryonic Antigen Working Standard for Immunoassay

  21. 高校学生工作标准化探讨

    Discussion of the Standardization on University Student Affairs

  22. 甲状腺素工作标准品的研制

    The Establishment of Thyroxine Working Standard for Immunoassay

  23. 建立工作标准进行判断。

    Establish working criteria for making judgments .

  24. 实行护理工作标准公示的实践与体会

    Nursing standardized show : practice and summary

  25. 论税收征管工作标准化

    On Standardization of Tax Collection and Management

  26. 网络对图书馆文献信息工作标准化以极大的影响。

    Networks make a great impact on the standardization of documentary information work of libraries .

  27. 根据切合实际的工作标准,对员工表现提供正直,客观的评价。

    Provide an honest , objective evaluation of employee performance as measured against realistic standards .

  28. 工作标准和会计条例委员会

    Commission of Work Standards and Accounting Rules

  29. 目的:探索并建立一套切实可行的病区临床药师工作标准操作规程。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore a Standard operation practice suitable for clinical pharmacist working in ward .

  30. 企业信息工作标准化初探

    Discussion on Information Standardization in Enterprises