
  • 网络Job evaluation;fwjia.com
  1. 本科生导师工作评价的理论与模式

    On the Theory and Model of Job Evaluation of Bachelor Degree Supervisors

  2. 工作评价中的若干问题及其解决方法

    Problems in Job Evaluation and the Solutions

  3. 基于Web的电力营销与服务工作评价管理系统的工作流控制技术

    The workflow management technology about electricity marketing and service assessment system based on Web mode

  4. AHP方法在系(部)工作评价中的应用

    Application of AHP method in Department work assessment

  5. 本文给出了系(部)工作评价的AHP模型,并对模型进行求解,说明了该模型的有效性。

    AHP method is introduced to assess Department work in this paper , he solutions verify that the model is effective .

  6. 根据ISO质量管理基本概念,原有文献采购工作评价存在局限,结合文献采购工作流程来看,必须建立文献采购投资质量管理基本模式。

    The paper expounds the some conceptions of ISO quality management , points out the inhere limitations to document purchasing investment appraise , combines the characteristic of document purchasing , and proposes to set up some modes of document purchasing investment quality management and management methods .

  7. 当代中学德育工作评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation of Moral Education in Contemporary Secondary School

  8. 高职高专系(部)级教学工作评价的实践研究

    Practice and Thinking of Teaching Assessment of Apartment in Higher Vocational Schools

  9. 第三,建立科学的班主任工作评价体系。

    Thirdly , a scientific evaluation system for head-teachers should be established .

  10. 系级教学工作评价的研究与探讨

    A Study of Evaluation of Teaching at the Department Level

  11. 河南省消除新生儿破伤风工作评价

    Evaluation of Performance on Eliminating Neonatal Tetanus in Henan Province

  12. 高级医师临床工作评价指标体系的建构研究

    Constructing Appraising Indicator System of Clinic Work of Senior Doctors

  13. 本文通过某一科室的工作评价具体介绍了该方法。

    The author introduced this method by evaluating some department in hospital .

  14. 结果制成便于床位工作评价的质控图。

    Results The quality control chart was made for estimating sickbed work .

  15. 医院工作评价指标筛选及验证方法探讨

    Method Exploration of Indexes Screening and Verifying to Evaluate Hospital Work Benefit

  16. 教师教学工作评价指标体系的研制

    A Study of Evaluation Index System of Teachers ' Work

  17. 中学班主任工作评价标准研究

    Research on the Evaluation Criterion of Middle School Head - teacher 's Work

  18. 施工前准备阶段监理工作评价

    Evaluation of supervision work in preparation phase of construction

  19. 教师工作评价的误区

    The Misunderstanding of the Evaluation of the Teaching Work

  20. 学生工作评价体系与评价方法探讨

    The Right Way to Work Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgment in Student Judgment System

  21. 图书馆信息资源建设工作评价的新思考

    New Thoughts in Library Document Resources Construction Evaluation

  22. 我认为对他的工作评价实在太高了。

    I think his work is extremely overrated .

  23. 山东省普通高校教务处工作评价方案信度分析

    The research about reliability analysis of evaluation scheme

  24. 广西壮族自治区2003年维持无脊髓灰质炎工作评价

    Analysis of Polio-free in Guangxi in 2003

  25. 班主任工作评价是学校教育评价的重要部分。

    The assessment of head teachers'work has been an important part of school evaluation system .

  26. 问题在于他是否应该对这项科研工作评价很低。

    The question is whether he should have a low opinion of this research work .

  27. 高校教学管理与教学工作评价信息系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Teaching Management and Teaching Evaluation Information System For Engineering University

  28. 对实施本科教学工作评价的认识

    On the Recognition of Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation

  29. 构建教学工作评价的长效工作机制

    On Establishing Long-Term Effective Teaching Evaluation Mechanism

  30. 方法在接种日期间,采取接种门诊事先不通知的情况下,进行现场接种工作评价。

    [ Methods ] Locale evaluation was made on the vaccination work without notice before hand .