
  1. 分别运用PEST分析法和五力模型对建设工程监理企业的外部宏观环境和行业环境进行了分析。

    The exterior macroscopic environment and the industry environment of construction engineering supervision enterprises are respectively analyzed with PEST method and Five-Force model .

  2. 运用SWOT分析方法,分析了中国工程监理企业的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战。

    Using the analytical method of SWOT , the author of this paper makes an analysis of its advantages , disadvantages , opportunities , and challenges .

  3. 运用SWOT分析方法和各类图表,从市场需求和法律地位两个层面阐述了大型工程监理企业向项目管理转型的必要性、可行性。

    This paper elaborates the necessity 、 feasibility of the transition from large scaled engineering supervision enterprises to project management companies from market demand and legal status by SWOT analytical methods and various charts .

  4. 基于代建制项目管理的工程监理企业发展探讨

    Discussion about Development of construction supervision enterprises based on Agent-construction model

  5. 公路工程监理企业改制后的思考

    Considerations after the Structural Reform of the Highway Engineering Supervision Enterprises

  6. 公路工程监理企业市场需求与供给量计算方法研究

    Calculation on Supply and Market Demand of Highway Engineering Supervision Enterprise

  7. 建筑工程监理企业监理人员管理研究及实证分析

    Supervising Staff Management Research & Empirical Analysis in Engineering Supervision Enterprise

  8. 我国工程监理企业在监理工作中的相关责任

    The Relative Responsibility of Engineering Supervision Enterprise in Supervision Work

  9. 公路水运工程监理企业资质管理规定

    Regulation of Aptitude Administration in Highway , Water Transfer Engineering Supervision Enterprise

  10. 工程监理企业如何适应市场的需求

    Consideration on Engineering Supervision Enterprises How to Suit Market ′ s Needs

  11. 建设工程监理企业人员素质现状研究

    Research on Present Situation of Personnel Quality of Construction Project Supervision Enterprises

  12. 工程监理企业建立三合一整合管理体系的必要性

    The Necessity of Engineering Supervision Enterprise Establishing Conformity Management System

  13. 中国建设工程监理企业核心竞争力研究

    The Research of the Core Competency of the China 's Construction Supervision Enterprises

  14. 建设工程监理企业内部知识共享机制研究

    Research on Construction Supervision Enterprise 's Internal Knowledge-sharing Mechanism

  15. 工程监理企业转型面临形势与发展对策

    The Changing Actuality of the Project Management Enterprises and the Countermeasures for Developing

  16. 工程监理企业发展战略研究

    Strategic Study on the Development of Construction Supervision Trade

  17. 但现行的公路工程监理企业诚信评价体系还不健全。

    But the current highway construction supervision enterprise credit evaluation system is not sound .

  18. 关于建设行政主管部门对工程监理企业履行质量责任加强监督的若干意见

    Several Advice of Construction Administrative Department to Engineering Supervision Enterprise Strengthen Check of Engineering Quality

  19. 对此,工程监理企业必须寻求一种更有效的管理模式。

    In this regard , project supervision companies must find a more efficient management model .

  20. 简要阐述了在工程监理企业中建立质量管理、环境管理、职业健康安全管理三合一整合管理体系的必要性,仅供同行参考。

    The paper simply discussed the necessity of engineering supervision enterprise establishing conformity management system for reference .

  21. 最后,选取一家具有代表性的建设工程监理企业&XJ公司进行实证分析。

    Finally , select a representative for construction project management company - XJ empirical analysis of the company .

  22. 本研究能够为大多数工程监理企业降低安全生产风险,提高经济效益和社会效益。

    The research for most of the engineering supervision enterprises to reduce safety risks , enhance economic efficiency and social efficiency .

  23. 再次,通过核心竞争力的基本理论,运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法建立了台州市工程监理企业的核心竞争力评价模型,并对台州市的监理企业进行了核心竞争力评价的计算。

    Using the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to establish the Taizhou project supervision enterprise core competitive power evaluation calculation .

  24. 选择实施差异化竞争战略,能够实现监理企业在创立品牌、市场营销以及人力资源上的建立比较优势,最终实现工程监理企业可持续发展目标。

    With a differentiating strategy , they will enjoy comparative advantages in the aspects of brand-building , marketing and human resources , and ultimately realize their objective of sustainable development .

  25. 工程监理企业属于服务性行业的企业,由于其工作性质的特殊性,其行为受到了政府和社会的关注。

    Project Management Enterprises belongs to service industry businesses , because of the particularity of the nature of their work , their behavior has been the concern of government and society .

  26. 中国工程监理企业经过20年的发展,虽然取得了明显的社会、经济效益,但其自身也存在许多问题,严重制约着工程监理企业的发展。

    Through 20 years ' development , China Engineering Project Supervising Enterprise has made obvious social benefit and economic benefit , but there are also lots of problems , restricting its growth .

  27. 建筑智能化和信息系统工程监理企业的困惑与解析用科学发展观解决五年制高等职业院校班主任工作的困惑

    Perplexity and Resolution of Supervision of Building Intellectualized System Projects and Information System Projects ; The Study on the Education in Ideology and Politics of the Teaching Management in Institutions of Higher Learning

  28. 由于该办法缺乏明确的管理标准及具体的行为规范,项目管理服务工作目前仍基本停留在外资项目管理公司输入层面上,国内的工程监理企业很难获得一席之地。

    Due to the lack of specific standards and codes , the conduction of project management still relies on foreign investment management companies , and it is difficult for domestic enterprises to find their places .

  29. 第三部分主要是针对工程监理企业社会责任的主要内容制定了相应的评价指标体系,以便于对工程监理企业的履行水准进行评价。

    The third component is aimed at corporate social responsibility project supervision to develop the main elements of the corresponding evaluation index system in order to facilitate the implementation of the project supervision level of business evaluation .

  30. 第一部分主要是对企业社会责任及其评价的理论研究进行综述,在此基础上,提出了工程监理企业承担社会责任的必要性和重要性。

    The first part mainly for corporate social responsibility and its evaluation of the theory , a synthesis of research , on this basis , the proposed project to establish the need for corporate social responsibility and importance .