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THE Big Mac index celebrates its 25th birthday this year .
The Big Mac index was never intended as a precise forecasting tool .
It relies not on Big Macs , but on the less digestible methods favoured by the IMF .
How does the bill propose to calculate this misalignment ? It relies not on Big Macs , but on the less digestible methods favoured by the IMF .
The Big Mac index may itself be undervalued .
The index also suggests that the euro is overvalued by about 29 % .
Not according to the Big Mac Index , our lighthearted guide to exchange rates .
The Big Mac index suggests that the dollar is no longer overvalued against the euro .
Big Mac Index shows that workers in Tokyo are earning the highest salary in the world .
After adjusting for this , she finds that the Big Mac index performs better in tracking exchange rates .
This says that a currency 's price should reflect the amount of goods and services it can buy .
In other words , the raw Big Mac index suggests that the yuan is undervalued by 44 % against the dollar .
Since 1986 the economisthas used the ubiquitous sandwich in serving up the Big Mac index , a lighthearted look at currency valuations .
The Big Mac PPP is the exchange rate that would leave a burger in any country costing the same as in America .
The Big Mac index suggests that most emerging-market currencies are significantly undervalued , for instance ( Brazil and Argentina are the big exceptions ) .
The euro is36 % overvalued against the dollar , and our beefed-up index also throws useful light on the uncompetitiveness of some economies within the euro area .
The euro is 36 % overvalued against the dollar , and our beefed-up index also throws useful light on the uncompetitiveness of some economies within the euro area .
The Big Mac Index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity ( PPP ), which says that exchange rates should move to make the price of a basket of goods the same in each country .
Comparing burger prices in member countries , the adjusted Big Mac index shows that the " exchange rates " of Italy , Spain , Greece and Portugal are all significantly overvalued relative to that of Germany .
FEW weeks ago The Economist invited readers who enjoy our Big Mac index to help invent other quirky economic indicators .
Last April The Economist 's Big Mac index flashed a strong sell sign for the dollar : it was more overvalued than at any time in the index 's history .
That would have pushed the price of a Big Mac burger well above the $ 5.75 it costs to buy one in Switzerland , home to the world 's most expensive McDonald 's , according to the Big Mac index .