- 【计】Boolean algebra

The structure of the Fuzzy Boolean Algebra
At the same , the direct product structure of Fuzzy quotient Boolean algebra is discussed .
Fuzzy Congruence Relations on Boolean Algebra
Some properties of the direct product of Fuzzy subalgebras of Boolean algebra are discussed in this paper .
The Relative Structure of the Boolean Algebras which are not Atomic and Satisfy that VA ∈ B
A Pan-Boolean Algebra Multi-valued Logical Controller Superior to PID Controller
Simulation Comparison Based on Pan-Boolean Algebra Multi-valued Logic Control and PID Control
Based on [ 6 ] , some results on the search ability of algebraic crossover operators are given in this paper .
Method of Auto-Tuning Parameter for PID Controller Based on the Pan - Boolean Algebra
Macro control algorithm of national economy GDP used interest rates based on Pan-Boolean algebra
The sufficient and necessary conditions which Fuzzy subalgebra of direct product Boolean algebra can be decomposed as direct product of two Fuzzy subalgebras are obtained .
All finite symmetry Boolean algebra are set algebra of a certain set X , Which has a doubly mapping .
We introduce a concept of field of fuzzy subsets and hope that it will play the role as what field of subsets plays in researching Boolean algebras .
In this paper we show that every original ideal in absolute indecomposite MS algebras and classical Boole algebras is kernel ideal .
A method of auto tuning parameters for PID controller based on the Pan Boolean algebra is introduced according to its parameters which affect the performance of the PID controller .
On the basis of analysis of the ternary raster operation code , the method of transparent display of windows bitmap is discussed , and its principle is explained by use of Boolean algebra .
Combining Boolean algebra with Shannon 's formula , a new algorithm using sum disjoint products ( sdp ) is presented .
In this paper a method is proposed for minimization of the SP switching network by using the Boolean algebra ' and odd ring sum .
This is the second part of the paper , " Geometrical Simulation of Boolean Algebra ( I ) . " The influence of distance , angle , triangle and rectangle on B-space are discussed , which exhibit some characteristics of B-space .
The Logic array algorithm , Recursive algorithm , BHS tree algorithm , Boolean algebra algorithm , Genetic Algorithm are published in recent years .
By means of the method , all of both minimum cut sets ( MCS ) and minimum path sets ( MPS ) of the fault tree are determined .
Based on the matrix model of a finite automata and with the tools of the Matrix theory and the Boolean algebra , this paper discusses mainly on the Boolean-state-mapping Matrix . Firstly we give a series of transformations to the Boolean-state-mapping matrix B ( x ) .
Based on the fault information matrix obtained from the bipartite graph model and the Boolean algebra system , a MINLP model orienting sensors optimization is proposed .
In model-based diagnosis , the system is described by Boolean logic , but the hitting sets are computed with HS-TREE or DAG , so the data structures of diagnosis system were composed of many descriptions .
Costas in 1966.In this paper , we give the sufficient and necessary conditions of Boolean Permutation over a Boolean algebra , and therefore we give a classes of Costas arrays .
Aiming at the problem of sensor selection , the selection guidelines and steps for test-points are summarized firstly . Based on the fault information matrix obtained from the bipartite graph model and the Boolean algebra system , a MINLP model orienting sensors optimization is proposed .
By using Boolean algebraic operations , an algebraic method for finding the reduced disjoint SOP forms of Boolean functions has been developed and an algebraic method for designing the digital multiplexer networks based on the SOP forms is proposed in this paper .
The multi-channel digital networks described by vector Boolean alge - bra and the adders with parity check and parity prediction are realized very conveniently by using the R-PLA .
By employing four-valued Boolean algebra , Poage s line state equations are analyzed , and line recurrence formulas of components in star algorithm are derived , so that the star algorithm can be combined with the line state method .
These elements compare two values , producing a boolean result .