
  • 网络layout adjustment
  1. 网络环境下文献布局调整与阅览室服务功能拓展

    Documentation Layout Adjustment and Reading Room Service Expansion Under Network Environment

  2. 东北地区产业结构相似性及布局调整

    Likeness and layout adjustment of industrial structure in Northeast of China

  3. H县农村中小学校布局调整的经验、问题与对策

    The Experiences , Problems and Solutions of Rural School Consolidation in H County

  4. 上海市工业布局调整初探基于GIS的工业布局调整信息系统的设计与开发&以上海市为例

    The Establishment of Industry Distribution Adjustment Information System Based on GIS & A Case of Shanghai Industry Distribution Adjustment GIS System

  5. 我国铁路货运站布局调整方法研究

    Study on the Adjustment Method of China Railway Freight Station Layout

  6. 河北省生产力布局调整构想

    The Conception of Adjusting Allocation of Productive Forces of Hebei Province

  7. 农村中小学布局调整问题研究

    A Study on the Rearrangement of Rural Middle and Primary Schools

  8. 国外关于学校布局调整的研究及启示

    Studies on Adjusting School Distribution Abroad and its Enlightenment on China

  9. 试论辽宁农业结构与布局调整

    On the Adjustment of Agriculture Structure and Location of Liaoning Province

  10. 新编辑手记乡村居民点布局调整思路初探

    New ideas for the layout and adjustment of rural settlements

  11. 机务生产力布局调整及相关问题的研究

    Research on Re-design of Locomotive Productivity Layout and Related Problem

  12. 北京的国际城市功能与空间布局调整

    Adjustment of City Functions Layout for Beijing To Be An International Metropolis

  13. 农村学校布局调整的认识、底线与思路

    Research on Understanding , Bottom line and Thinking of Rural School Consolidation

  14. 北京工业结构与布局调整建议

    Suggestions for the industrial structure and distribution adjustment of Beijing

  15. 农村寄宿制学校是农村学校布局调整的产物。

    Rural boarding school is the product of rural school layout adjustment .

  16. 当前,我国国有经济改革进入了战略布局调整的新阶段。

    State-owned economy revolution has entered the phase of strategic layout adjustment .

  17. 货运站布局调整的配套服务措施。

    Service treasures of the layout-adjusting of railway freight .

  18. 襄樊市工业布局调整设想

    Tentative Idea about the Adjustment for the Distribution of Industry of Xiangfan City

  19. 关于国有经济布局调整的几点思考

    A Discussion about the Adjustments in the Distribution of State - owned Economy

  20. 加快林场(所)布局调整促进资源型城市转型

    Adjust the Layout of the farm into the City to Promote Resource-Based Economies

  21. 山西太岳山油松种群的空间分布格局山西省高教结构布局调整与优化初探

    Spatial distribution pattern of Pinus tabulaeformis population in Taiyue Mountain , Shanxi Province

  22. 美国乡村学校布局调整的历程及其对我国的启示

    The Course of Rural School Consolidation in USA and its Enlightenment to China

  23. 军械仓库布局调整决策模型

    Decision-making Model on the Distributing Adjustment of Ordnance Depots

  24. 成都市中心城污水处理厂规划布局调整研究

    Study on Adjusting Planning Layout of Chengdu City Central Area Wastewater Treatment Plant

  25. 第二,与经济结构和产业布局调整相适应,物流产业的集中度进一步提升;

    Second , logistics industry will be further centralized ;

  26. 论中国区域经济发展战略的演进和布局调整

    On gradual progress and overall arrangement adjustment of China 's regional economy development strategy

  27. 各类地区的农村社区在布局调整中面临着不同前景。

    The rural communities in different regions face different foreground in the layout adjustment .

  28. 经过布局调整,乡村学校办学条件以及办学质量等得到了改善。

    After the layout adjustment , rural school conditions and teaching quality is improved .

  29. 西北地区果树区域布局调整与优化研究

    Study on adjustment and optimization of fruit trees ' regional layouts in Northwest China

  30. 谈产业结构布局调整与职业教育改革

    Adjusting Industrial Structures , Developing the Professional Education