
  • 网络Shiva;Khiva;Siva
  1. 但是希瓦说,他们的乐观为时过早。

    But their optimism was premature , Shiva said .

  2. 讽刺的是,正当查特吉教授对德干岩群展开调查的时候,他却无意中发现了有关希瓦的证据。

    Ironically , it was while he was investigating the Deccan Traps that Dr Chatterjee came across the evidence for Shiva .

  3. 那天希瓦卜林带领人向他们发动突袭。

    That day Shvabrin swooped down upon them with his troops .

  4. 同希瓦卜林的一场意外争吵,搅乱了彼得安宁的生活。

    The quiet routine of Peter 's life was interrupted by an unexpected quarrel with Shvabrin .

  5. 由于沙威里奇说他没有往家里写过信,彼得只能断定是希瓦卜林告的密。

    As Savelitch denied having written a letter home , Peter could only conclude that Shvabrin had been the informer .

  6. 批评美国将粮价归咎印度的一位著名人士是由物理学家转变成环保人士的万达纳.希瓦女士。她说,布什这样说有两个理由。

    A notable critic of America 's food policy on India , physicist-turned-environmental-activist Vandana Shiva says Mr. Bush had two reasons for making the comment .

  7. 彼得同玛利亚谈及这场争吵,才了解到希瓦卜林曾向她求婚,但遭到了拒绝。这样希瓦卜林的行为便不难理解了。

    Discussing the quarrel with Maria , Peter leaned that Shvabrin 's actions could be explained by the fact that he was her rejected suitor .

  8. 他了解到她被村里神父的妻子藏了起来,而知道她下落的希瓦卜林也没有揭露她的身份,一颗悬着的心才放了下来。

    To his great relief , he found that she had been hidden by the wife of the village priest , and that Shvabrin , who knew her whereabouts , had not revealed her identity .

  9. 在2014年的巴西世界杯期间,瑞士豚鼠希瓦夫人和英国水虎鱼佩莱也都预测了比赛结果,但准确度明显不及章鱼保罗。

    During the 2014 World Cup in Brazil , Swiss guinea pig Madame Shiva and a British piranha named Pele were considered oracles , but apparently lacked the same foresight that made Paul a worldwide sensation .

  10. 传说当时帕尔瓦蒂正值孕期,了解她的丈夫通晓瑜伽,因此帕尔瓦蒂要求希瓦传授自己瑜伽知识,这便是第一次的瑜伽传播。

    The myth is Mata Parvati was pregnant that time and he knew that Lord Siva know so much about yoga , so she requested him to teach yoga and then yoga first time came to know .