
  • 网络Greek State
  1. 为希腊国人而蒙羞、泪落。

    For Greeks a blush , for Greece a tear .

  2. 希腊国教;东正教的自治部分。

    State Church of greece ; an autonomous part of the Eastern Orthodox church .

  3. 他因富足成为强盛,就必激动大众攻击希腊国。

    When he has gained power by his wealth , he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece .

  4. 希望罗马人看出希腊国要使以色列作奴隶,因而协助他们摆脱希腊国的压迫。

    And that they might take off from them the yoke of the Grecians , for they saw that they oppressed the kingdom of Israel with servitude .

  5. 德国、希腊等国已经开始发放疫苗通行证,预计7月1日前欧盟所有27个国家都将推行。

    Germany and Greece are among the countries already issuing the passes , and the certificates are expected to be rolled out in all 27 European Union countries as of July 1 .

  6. 银行家们表示,银行中负责对冲希腊等国风险的部门至少贡献了主权cds交易量的60%。

    The teams in the banks responsible for hedging risk to countries such as Greece are responsible for at least 60 per cent of the trades in sovereign CDs , they say .

  7. 例如,尽管经合组织不能在设定纾困条件方面取代IMF,但在希腊等国必须实行什么结构性改革的问题上提出不同观点,也是在发挥有价值的作用。

    For example , while the OECD cannot supplant the IMF in setting conditions for bailouts , having a second opinion over the structural reform demanded of countries such as Greece is a valuable role .

  8. 希腊共和国农业害虫的生物防治

    Biological control of agricultural insect pests in Greece

  9. 如果只有希腊一国出现无序的主权违约且退出欧元区,情况还是可控的。

    A disorderly sovereign default and eurozone exit by Greece alone would be manageable .

  10. 希腊等国将尝试因为经济快速萎缩而未能实施的大胆财政调整。

    Some , like Greece , will attempt ambitious fiscal adjustments that fail to deliver due to a rapidly contracting economy .

  11. 尽管欧元给西班牙和希腊等国带来了种种棘手问题,加入欧元区对于拉脱维亚而言似乎是顺理成章的下一步。

    The euro seemed like the natural next step , regardless of all the troubles the currency has brought countries like Spain and Greece .

  12. 首先,欧元成立导致南欧国家利率跳水,鼓励意大利和希腊等国大举借债。

    First , it caused interest rates to plunge in southern Europe , encouraging countries like Italy and Greece to go on a borrowing binge .

  13. 20世纪50年代后,荷兰、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、波兰、西班牙、捷克、希腊等国相继有《老子》译本问世。

    After the 1950s , it was translated into Dutch , Hungarian , Romanian , Spanish and Greek , as they were published one after another in non-English speaking countries .

  14. 她曾预言,俄罗斯会用试图拉拢希腊等国的做法,来阻止未来的制裁,以在乌克兰东部、以及对欧盟保持压力。

    She predicted that Russia would keep up pressure in eastern Ukraine and on the European Union by trying to woo countries like Greece into blocking sanctions in the future .

  15. 欧盟官员同时还鼓励在爱尔兰、葡萄牙和希腊等国运用私人信贷手段,并声称:如果进行债务重组,则不必赶在其他放贷人之前偿付这些基金。

    EU officials also encouraged the flow of private credit to Ireland , Portugal and Greece by saying that the fund would not be repaid before other lenders if debts were restructured .

  16. 相关事实是:过去10年来,美国、英国、爱尔兰、西班牙及希腊等国一直过度借债,因此,2007年以后消费下降,并不是需要抑制的反常现象,而是必须接受的正常调整。

    The relevant fact was that the US , UK , Ireland , Spain , Greece and others had over-borrowed for a decade , so a decline in consumption after 2007 was not an anomaly to be fought but an adjustment to be accepted .

  17. 确实,只有上帝(当然还有希腊人)才能拯救希腊,该国可能在未来数年都将依赖紧急外部融资。

    True , only the gods ( and , of course , the Greeks ) can save the Greeks , who may be dependent on emergency external funding for years .

  18. ELA(EmergencyLiquidityAssistance)紧急流动性援助应急资金,目前正在实施,由欧洲央行借给希腊以确保该国政府与债权方商讨债务方案时,希腊银行能够保持资金流动。

    Emergency cash , in effect , loaned to Greece by the ECB to make sure Greek banks stay afloat while the country negotiates with its creditors .

  19. 此外,如果希腊违约,该国银行体系将会崩溃。

    Moreover , with default , the banking system would collapse .

  20. 雅典是古希腊著名的城邦国。

    Athens is a famous city of ancient Greece .

  21. 问问希腊人民近年该国政治领导人的德行。

    Ask the people of Greece about the virtue of their recent political leaders .

  22. 目前,强势成员国寻求帮助诸如希腊等弱势成员国的途径。

    Now , the stronger members are seeking ways to help the weaker ones like Greece .

  23. 然而,具有讽刺意味的地方却在于,希腊的欧盟成员国身份对其既有裨益又有妨碍。

    The irony , however , is that membership of the European Union has both helped and hindered .

  24. 但是现在,陷入债务困境的希腊,葡萄牙等国的借款利率已经急剧下降。

    But now , interest rates for borrowing by troubled countries like Greece and Portugal have fallen sharply .

  25. 希腊、葡萄牙等国采用的这种制度对纯粹精神损害赔偿持肯定的态度。

    Greece , Portugal and other countries adopted the system of compensation for moral damage is purely positive attitude .

  26. 而在仍大量使用现金的希腊和意大利等国,偷税漏税仍然是一个大问题。

    in countries like Greece and Italy , where cash is still heavily used , tax evasion remains a big problem .

  27. 多年以来,它也一直运转顺畅西班牙、希腊、波兰等国的生活水平节节攀升。

    For many years , it worked beautifully as living standards shot up in countries such as Spain , Greece and Poland .

  28. 希腊作为欧盟成员国的悲剧在于,该国未能摆脱地理框框,将自己转型为一个现代欧洲国家。

    The tragedy of its membership of the EU has been its failure to defy geography and redefine itself as a modern European state .

  29. 艾洛格鲁对长久的塞浦路斯问题的解决方法包括独立的希腊和土耳其塞浦路斯国,由松散的联盟纽带联系在一起。

    The Eroglu 's solution to the long-standing Cyprus problem would involve separate Greek and Turkish Cypriot states , linked by loose confederal ties .

  30. 就拿希腊来说,该国正在设计一项雄心勃勃的私有化计划,目的是出售价值500亿欧元的资产&这是第二轮纾困计划的组成部分。

    Greece , for its part , is planning an ambitious privatisation programme , aiming to sell € 50bn worth of assets as part of its second bail-out package .