
  1. "越来越多来自讲德语的国家或其他国家的人也加入了我们的行列"来自中国之旅的刘国强说。

    " An increasing number of people , not only from German-speaking countries , have been joining us , " says Liu Guoqiang from China Tours .

  2. z的文化信息:帮助学生进一步了解讲德语的世界。

    A-Z of cultural information : to help students further their understanding of the German-speaking world .

  3. 他会讲德语,也会讲英语。

    He can speak German , and English as well .

  4. 奥地利人讲德语,我也能讲这种语言。

    The Austrain speaks german , and I speak it , too .

  5. 理奇比你占优势,因为他会讲德语。

    Rich has an advantage over you since he can speak German .

  6. 还有蒂崔得,他只会讲德语。

    And dietrich , well , he only speaks german .

  7. 我们有讲德语和英语的导游。

    We have tourist guides who speak German and English .

  8. 两个世纪以前,欧洲有许多的独立国家都讲德语。

    Two centuries ago there were dozens of independent states in German-speaking Europe .

  9. 我要通过多久的学习才能开口讲德语?

    How long do I have to study before I can speak german ?

  10. 她能讲德语,也会说不通顺的英语。

    She spoke in German and in broken English .

  11. 她是一个被一群不能讲德语的人包围着。

    She 's a foreigner surrounded by people who don 't speak german .

  12. 他们不讲德语。他也不讲。

    They do not speak German . Neither ( nor ) does he .

  13. 噢,我妈妈是德国人,所以我能讲德语。

    Oh , my mother is a German , so I can speak German .

  14. 她能非常流利地讲德语。

    She could speak German with great fluency .

  15. 他不懂英语!他讲德语。

    He didn 't spoke English but German .

  16. 10%的人讲德语,位居第三。

    German comes in third at 10 percent .

  17. 谁讲德语?约翰讲。

    Who speaks German ? John does .

  18. 如果你是讲德语或希伯来语、荷兰语、法语、芬兰语、波兰语。

    If you speak German or Hebrew , Dutch , French , Finnish , Polish .

  19. 你会讲德语或意大利语吗?

    Do you speak German or Italian ?

  20. 瑞士人大多讲德语。

    Most of the Swiss are German-speaking .

  21. 讲德语的人泛指说日曼语的人,尤指德国人。

    A member of any of the peoples speaking a Germanic language , especially a german .

  22. 通用意大利语,个别地方讲德语、法语和斯洛文尼亚语。

    Italian is the official language , although german , French and Slovene are spoken by minority populations around the country .

  23. 作为移民融合事务部部长,他实行要求移民的小孩在进入学校前讲德语的政策,从而使移民融入奥地利社会。

    As secretary , he followed a policy of integrating immigrants into Austrian society by requiring their children to speak German before entering school .

  24. 德国媒体称,这位31岁的背包客此前已经接受了体检并提取了指纹,他不会讲德语,也不会讲英语。

    German media say the 31-year-old backpacker , who spoke neither German nor English , underwent a medical check and his fingerprints were taken .

  25. 作为如今世界上唯一的讲德语的封建国家,列支敦士登对德语里如何称呼贵族的传统形式提供了最后的避难所。

    As the only German-speaking feudal country in the world , Liechtenstein is the last refuge of that language 's traditional forms of aristocratic address .

  26. 另外一种可能是扮成德国旅游者;我父亲曾和德国人共过事,我还是个孩子的时候就经常讲德语。

    The other possibility was to be a German tourist ; my father had worked with Germans and I had spoken German often as a boy .

  27. 另外,相对于70%的人口讲德语,瑞士只有1%的人口使用其当地语言&罗曼斯语。

    Moreover , compared with the70 percent of the population who speaks German , 1 percent of the Swiss population speaks Romansch , which is a local language .

  28. 讲德语的市场包括奥地利和瑞士是欧洲最大的市场,这里有40多家配音公司,大多位于柏林和慕尼黑。

    The German-speaking market , which includes Austria and Switzerland , is the largest in Europe , with more than 40 dubbing companies , most of them around Berlin and Munich .

  29. 1984年,这部短篇小说集的未删减版在德国得以发行。这部描写罗马尼亚一个讲德语的小村庄艰苦生活的小说受到了德国读者的热烈追捧。

    In 1984 an uncensored version was smuggled to Germany where it was published and her work depicting life in a small , German-speaking village in Romania was devoured by readers there .

  30. 格拉斯1927年10月16日生于但泽自由市。但泽是波罗的海一个国际化港口城市,以讲德语的人居多,波兰对该市拥有一些有限的权利。

    Grass was born on October 16 1927 , in the free city of Danzig , a cosmopolitan Baltic port with a German-speaking majority and over which the Polish state had some limited rights .