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  • 网络Kodansha;Evening
  1. 从作家HirokoYmamoto和讲谈社的职员那里的到了很热切的拜托之后,我经过很长时间细致的考虑决定出版这本书。

    Having received passionate entreaties from many people including writer Hiroko Yamamoto and the staff at Kodansha , I decided to publish this book after long and careful consideration .

  2. 精明的营销手段也起到了作用,新书面市期间讲谈社在全国范围内组织了针对《源氏物语》的演讲和讨论活动。

    Canny marketing also played a part , with Kodansha organising lectures and discussion groups all over the country at the time of the launch .