首页 / 词典 / good

  • speak;talk;relate;say
  • lecture;discourse
  • 说,谈:~话。~叙。

  • 把事情和道理说出来:~说。~学。~武。~演。~义。~师。~坛。

  • 注重某一方面,并设法使它实现:~求。~团结。

  • 和解:“而秦未与魏~也”。

  • 商量,商议:~价儿。~条件。


(说) speak (of); talk (about); relate; say; tell:

  • 给孩子讲村史

    tell the children about the history of the village;

  • 讲的是一套, 做的是另一套

    say one thing and do another;

  • 讲故事

    tell stories;

  • 讲几点意见

    make a few remarks;

  • 讲几句话

    say a few words;

  • 他世界语讲得极好。

    He speaks Esperanto admirably.


(解释; 说明) explain; explicate; elaborate (on); make clear; interpret:

  • 把道理讲清楚

    state the reasons clearly;

  • 我来讲一下今天开会的目的。

    Let me explain the purpose of today's meeting.

  • 这本书是讲气象的。

    This is a book about meteorology.

  • 这个字有几个讲法。

    This word may be interpreted in different ways.


(商量; 商议) discuss; consult; negotiate:

  • 讲条件

    negotiate the terms; insist on the fulfilment of certain condition


(就某方面说; 论) as far as sth. is concerned; when it comes to; as to; as regards:

  • 讲干劲,她比谁都足。

    When it comes to drive, she's got more than any of us.

  • 讲能力,我不如你。

    As to ability, I am not your match.


(讲求; 注重) stress; pay attention to; lay stress on; be particular about:

  • 讲吃讲穿

    be particular about food and clothing;

  • 讲交情

    care about friendship;

  • 讲排场

    go in for ostentation and extravagance; go in for showy display; be ostentatious; show off;

  • 讲团结

    stress unity;

  • 讲卫生

    attach importance to hygiene; pay attention to hygiene; stress on hygiene;

  • 讲质量

    stress quality;

  • 讲道德

    stress on moral;

  • 讲纪律

    stress on discipline;

  • 讲礼貌

    stress on manners;

  • 讲文明

    stress on decorum;

  • 讲文明礼貌

    behave civilly


lecture; discourse:

  • 第一[二]讲

    the first [second] lecture;

  • 《人生十讲》

    Ten Discourses on the Life of Man

  1. 可惜他不会讲英语。

    It was unfortunate that he couldn 't speak English .

  2. 他不大会讲日语,不过尚能勉强表达意思。

    He doesn 't speak much Japanese but he can make himself understood .

  3. 这跟你昨天所讲的不大吻合。

    That isn 't quite square with what you said yesterday .

  4. 他们想把心中的种种不满公开讲出来。

    They intend to bring their complaints out into the open .

  5. 她老是没完没了地讲他们有多穷。

    She 's forever going on about how poor they are .

  6. 咱们讲的可是工作三个小时酬金500英镑。

    We 're talking £ 500 for three hours ' work .

  7. 他讲的笑话大多数学生一点都没能领会。

    His jokes were completely lost on most of the students .

  8. 他总是讲些千篇一律老掉牙的笑话。

    He always comes out with the same tired old jokes .

  9. 要讲关于自己的问题,对我来说并不容易。

    Talking about my problems doesn 't come easy to me .

  10. 等他们最终住了嘴,我又重新开始讲。

    When they 'd finally shut up , I started again .

  11. 他的新著表明他讲故事的本领是一流的。

    His new book shows him to be a first-rate storyteller .

  12. 他讲的第一个笑话博得了当晚最开怀的笑声。

    His first joke got the biggest laugh of the night .

  13. 他既讲故事又说笑话,把我们逗得乐了好几个小时。

    He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes .

  14. 对于她所讲的,有很多他暗自赞同。

    He silently agreed with much of what she had said .

  15. 他跟我们非常粗略地讲了他参观的情况。

    He gave us a very sketchy account of his visit .

  16. 要讲道理呀!我们不能每天晚上都加班到很晚呀。

    Be reasonable ! We can 't work late every night .

  17. 这故事讲的是王子奋力解救帕米娜。

    The story concerns the prince 's efforts to rescue Pamina .

  18. 这种行为必须停止——我讲清楚了吧?

    This behaviour must stop ─ do I make myself clear ?

  19. 现在你该给他讲点实话了。

    It 's time you told him a few home truths .

  20. 最后讲了实话使我如释重负。

    Finally telling the truth was a great weight off my shoulders .

  21. 你讲真话是不会吃亏的。

    You have nothing to lose by telling the truth .

  22. 她讲的东西我一个字都听不懂!

    I couldn 't understand a single word she said !

  23. 我不再多讲了,继续欣赏音乐吧!

    That 's enough chat from me ─ on with the music !

  24. 他未能完全把他的意思向听众讲清楚。

    He didn 't really get his meaning over to the audience .

  25. 我把消息讲了后,他们惊愕得哑然一片。

    There was a stunned silence when I told them the news .

  26. 他们对自己在这次犯罪中所起的作用讲的绝非实情。

    They were less than truthful about their part in the crime .

  27. 这故事讲的是典型的爱情与责任之间的矛盾。

    The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty .

  28. 这些故事讲来讲去无非是这样那样的不幸婚姻。

    The stories are all variations on the theme of unhappy marriage .

  29. 我确信他们讲的是真话。

    I 'm satisfied that they are telling the truth .

  30. 他那番欢迎他们的话讲得生硬刻板。

    The speech he made to welcome them was stiff and formal .