
  1. 上世纪30年代,约瑟夫斯大林(JosefStalin)下令把红帝王蟹(即勘察加蟹,Kamchatkacrab)引入巴伦支海(BarentsSea),目的是为苏联的工人开辟一种新的廉价蛋白质来源。

    In the 1930s Josef Stalin ordered the introduction of the red king or Kamchatka crab to the Barents Sea to create a new source of cheap protein for Soviet workers .

  2. 2006年,拉巴奇开设了特蕾西帝王蟹小饭馆(Tracy’sKingCrabShack,kingcrabshack.com),这个朴素的饭馆以诚待客,顾客们能看到灶台边的厨师们,特别是店主本人。

    In 2006 , Ms. LaBarge opened Tracy 's King Crab Shack ( kingcrabshack . com ) , a modest stand with an honest approach , including making the cooks , and especially the proprietor herself , visible at the stove .

  3. 九年前,当地大厨特蕾西·拉巴奇(TracyLaBarge)在公共图书馆后面开了个小饭馆,专卖帝王蟹。如今这里已有多家新餐馆开业,每周举办一次流动餐车集会,还出现了对当地食物迸发出的新鲜热情。

    But what a local chef , Tracy LaBarge , started nine years ago with a small shack behind the public library devoted to king crab has snowballed with new restaurant openings , a weekly food truck event and fresh enthusiasm for locally sourced fare .

  4. 帝王蟹立刻扯下它的一根触手

    and within seconds , the crab rips off one of its arms .

  5. 向日葵海星被一只巨大的普吉特海峡帝王蟹发现

    Pycnopodia is spotted by an enormous king crab .

  6. 红帝王蟹的肉质绝佳,比它们在资本主义国家生长的瘦小兄弟更肥硕,更鲜甜。

    King crabmeat is superb , with a meatier texture and sweeter taste than its skinny little capitalist cousin .

  7. 俄罗斯帝王蟹渔业无法持续进行,无法维持经营,而且存在大量海盗渔船。

    The Russian king crab fishery is unsustainable , unsustainably managed and subjected to a significant amount pirate fishing .

  8. 取代它可食用:你在购买帝王蟹时,无论标签上怎么写,询问下它来自阿拉斯加州还是进口的。

    Eat This Instead : When you shop for king crab , whatever the label says , ask whether it comes from Alaska or if it 's imported .

  9. 这里多肉的红色帝王蟹腿剥起来很有趣,不过当地人更喜欢排队购买奶油蟹肉浓汤,拉巴奇因此成了烹饪明星。

    The meaty red king crab legs were fun to wrestle , but locals in particular queued up for her cream-based crab bisque , making Ms. LaBarge a culinary star .

  10. 在斐济群岛的水域中,帝王虾和寄居蟹消失隐秘在大豹海参皮肤上豹纹中。

    In the waters of the Fiji Islands , an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber .