
  • 网络frame relay;frame-relay;ATM;framerelay
  1. 帧中继网中的永久虚拟电路与交换虚拟电路

    PVCs and SVCs in Frame Relay Nets

  2. 与ATM一样,帧中继也是面向连接的服务。

    Like ATM , frame relay is a connection-oriented service .

  3. ATM与帧中继互连应用技术研究

    Application Technology Research on ATM and FRAME RELAY Interconnect

  4. 帧中继、ATM及其互连技术

    Frame Relay , ATM and Their Interconnecting Technology

  5. 帧中继承载业务的ATM传输技术

    The Transporting Technology for the FRBS over ATM

  6. 帧中继与ATM互通的流量参数映射与流量控制

    Traffic Parameter Mapping and Traffic Control in the Interworking Between Frame-relay and ATM Networks

  7. 第二章主要分析第2层QoS,包括ATM,帧中继及以太网。ATM面向连接,在资源管理、服务定义、服务方式以及路径查找方面都有对QoS的支持;

    Chapter 2 focuses on link level QoS such as ATM , Frame Relay and ethernet .

  8. 帧中继环境下IPSECVPN的配置实现

    Layout of IPSec VPN with Cisco Router in a Frame - Relay Environment

  9. 构造ATM上的帧中继网

    Construct frame-relay network over ATM

  10. 不同电子中继物对光产H2量子收率的影响帧中继技术与时分复用技术在电力通信中的应用比较

    Influence of some different relays on φ _ ( h2 ) a comparison between FR technology and TDM technology applied in electric power systems

  11. 一个默认的帧中继WAN被分类为哪种物理网络类型?

    A default Frame Relay WAN is classified as what type of physical network ?

  12. 但是为什么在今天提供ATM、帧中继或IP服务的包交换网中可用性成了一个问题?

    But why is availability an issue in today 's packet networks that deliver ATM , frame relay or IP services ?

  13. 在包交换网中,ATM、帧中继和IP是以字节的集合(即包)来组织和发送数据的。

    In packet networks , ATM , frame relay and IP organize and transmit data in collections of bytes , or packets .

  14. 利用层次分析法(AHP)建立一个基于帧中继技术的通信网模型,并对该模型的结果进行了讨论。

    By using Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ), a communication network model based on the Frame Realy technique was put forward .

  15. 基于H.323协议和帧中继网络的远程监控系统实现

    The realization of remote monitoring system based on H.323 protocol and frame relay network

  16. 北京帧中继网上的Foresight技术

    Foresight technique in Beijing Frame Relay Network

  17. 在对卫星网的帧中继接入信道的永久虚电路PVC的研究基础上,实现了会议电视系统的会场切换管理;

    Through researching of the PVC of FR channel connected with satellite network , the paper realizes the meeting switch function of videoconference system .

  18. FRF.10SVC定义在不同帧中继网之间建立和中止SVC。

    FRF.10 SVC defines how frame relay equipment should establish and terminate SVCs between frame relay networks .

  19. 在数字数据网(DDN)上开放帧中继业务,可更有效地利用带宽,实现LAN的互连。

    Operating frame relay service on DON can make effective use of bandwidth and implement LAN interconnection .

  20. 25、ISDN和帧中继网所采用。

    25 , ISDN and Frame-Relay .

  21. 帧中继提供连接失效的指示是通过交换机发给cpe的状态消息表示的。

    Frame relay provides notification of connection failures through status messages sent by the switch to the CPE .

  22. OSPF在帧中继中的应用

    Application of OSPF in Frame-relay Network

  23. Petri网在帧中继与X.25协议转换中的应用

    Application of Petri Net Analysis in Protocol Conversion between Frame Relay and X. 25 Network

  24. 在帧中继网络中实现语音和数据业务的融合,并保证语音业务的服务质量(QoS)问题得到人们的广泛关注。

    It has got widely attention on the blend of data and voice in a single Frame Relay network and keep satisfying Quality of Service ( QoS ) .

  25. 介绍了在今后两三年内将占主要地位的三种电信骨干网技术,即ATM技术、帧中继技术和IP技术。

    Three kinds of telecommunication backbone net technology are introduced , that is , ATM technology , FR technology , IP technology , which will dominate in the future .

  26. 从X.25、帧中继到ATM

    25 , Frame Relay and ATM

  27. 本文围绕着城域网(MAN)技术,对几种宽带新技术包括SDH、帧中继、ATM和与之密切相关的窄带ISDN作一横向的比较,分析了它们的相互关系和优缺点。

    Frame relay , . MAN . ATM and N-ISDN , around MAN technology , It analyzes the relationship between them , points out their advantages and disadvantages .

  28. 利用SVC与利用PVC不一样,用户能在帧中继网中任意一对的端点之间动态分配虚拟电路。

    Unlike PVCs , with SVCs , users are able to dynamically allocate the virtual circuit between an arbitrary pair of endpoints on a frame relay network .

  29. Nortel帧中继网上多业务集成传输的研究与实现

    Transport of integrated services over Nortel frame relay networks

  30. 分析ATM、帧中继和IP在话音技术方面的各自特点,提出在设计一个集成化的话音和数据网络时应注意的技术因素。

    This article analyses the features of voice technology in ATM , Frame relay and IP network . The technical factors should be considered as you design an integrated voice and data network .