
  • 网络USER;Number of Users;subscriber number
  1. 随着新型网络应用的不断涌现和用户数量的迅速增加,Internet的数据流量也在急剧增长。

    With the network of new-pattern avalanched and the network user increased rapidly , the Internet data flow is increasing sharply .

  2. 随着全球因特网用户数量和Web站点数量的急剧增长,对光缆传输网的规模容量提出了更高要求。

    With the explosive increment of internet user and website number , the higher demand applies to capacity of optical transport network .

  3. 最后,OPENCOLLECTION时间的改善在比例方面要远远高于用户数量的减少。

    Last , the amount of improvement seen in OPEN_COLLECTION times was proportionally much greater for the smaller number of users .

  4. 变量totalusersperagent表示在一个代理机器上运行包含此自定义代码的测试脚本的虚拟用户数量。

    The variable total_users_per_agent denotes the number of virtual users running the test script that contains this custom code on an agent machine .

  5. 马林斯派克说,总统选举激发了很多人对Signal的兴趣,导致“用户数量大幅增加”。

    Mr. Marlinspike said that the presidential election had sparked a lot of interested in Signal , leading to a " substantial increase in users . "

  6. 由于亚马逊未透露Prime服务的具体数据,所以目前的用户数量尚不清楚。

    Because Amazon does not break out prime data , the number of subscribers remains a mystery .

  7. 这两家公司的用户数量都是Sprint的两倍左右。

    Both have roughly twice the number of Sprint 's subscribers .

  8. 尽管如此,由于VoIP服务有助于节减管理上的费用,所以用户数量增加仍然很快。

    The number of VoIP users grows fast because the charge is low .

  9. 查询工作负载的性能随着用户数量的增加和更好地利用CPU而增加。

    The performance of the query workload increased as the number of users increased and the CPUs were better utilized .

  10. Internet网络规模迅速膨胀和用户数量的急剧增长不仅对网络设备提出了更高的要求,也推动了协议研究的深入。

    Rapid inflation of Internet scale and the number of users suddenly growth are not only brought forward a higher request to network equipment , also impelled embedded research in protocol .

  11. 运行您的代码的一个UnitTest同时允许多个开发人员连接;可以连接的用户数量取决于您的服务器的容量。

    You can have more than one developer connected to a Unit Test server where your code is running ; the number of users you can connect depends on the capacity of your server .

  12. 近年来,Internet经历了飞速的发展,用户数量的膨胀和新的应用不断产生,使得网络拥挤问题更加引人注目。

    Internet has been developed rapidly in recent years . The inflation of user 's quantity and the constant producing of new applications make the crowded problem of the network more noticeable .

  13. Google+的用户数量增长速度惊人,这意味着公司可以将雅虎也纳入社交网络领域。

    The phenomenal growth of Google + users means that the company might be able to get Yahoo into the social networking world as well .

  14. 在过去的几年中,P2P系统规模不断扩大,用户数量巨大,分布广泛。

    In the past few years , P2P systems scale have been expanding , providing with large number of users , widely distributed .

  15. 若要将对可用性的负面影响降到最低程度,请减少服务器和san上的用户数量。

    To minimize the negative effect on usability , you can reduce the number of users on both the server and the san .

  16. 随着移动计算在其设备数量以及设备用户数量方面不断的增长,越来越多的移动仅有或移动特定网站和Web应用程序正在开发中。

    As mobile computing continues to grow , in number of devices and in number of users of those devices , more and more mobile-only or mobile-specific websites and web applications are being developed .

  17. 报告和查询处理将受Concurrent用户数量和您应用程序复杂性的影响。

    Report and query processing will be influenced by both the number of Concurrent users as well as by the complexity of your application .

  18. 随着Internet的迅速发展,网络规模、用户数量及业务量呈现爆炸式增长,由此引发的网络拥塞已经成为制约网络发展和应用的瓶颈问题。

    With the rapid development of Internet , network scale , user quality and business volume assume the detonation-like growth . Network jam already became the bottle-neck question that restriction network development and application .

  19. 但Hike在印度的用户数量轻松地排名第二,该公司表示其他地方的用户数量正在迅速增长。

    But Hike enjoys a comfortable second place in India , and says it is growing rapidly elsewhere .

  20. RIM的困境与柯达不一样&RIM的营收在增长,它在美国以外的用户数量也在增长。

    RIM is not in the same straits as Kodak – its revenues are growing , as are subscribers outside the US .

  21. 当GC序列集合用于多载波CDMA系统时,可以有效解决用户数量以及用户间的干扰问题。

    When multi-carrier CDMA systems use GC sequences , the problem of both the number of users and the interference between users can be efficiently solved .

  22. RIM公司(ResearchinMotion)将借助两项新的分销协议,在全球用户数量居首的中国移动市场向数以百万计的个人用户推销黑莓(BlackBerry)智能手机。

    Research in Motion is launching a push to market its BlackBerry smartphones to millions of individual users in China with two new distribution deals in the largest mobile market by subscribers .

  23. 随着Internet的飞速发展,网络规模不断扩大,结构日趋复杂,网络带宽、用户数量和网络业务不断增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the scale of network tends to widen , and its structure becomes more complex . Also the bandwidth , numbers of users as well as types of network transactions grow fast .

  24. IPTV在上海市场推出后,遇到了很大困难,用户数量少。

    IPTV in Shanghai , the introduction of the market , and has encountered great difficulties , the number of the users less .

  25. Facebook在成立四年后的用户数量还不足1.5亿,仅相当于WhatsApp同期用户数量的三分之一。

    Facebook had fewer than 150 million users after its fourth year , one third that of WhatsApp in the same time period .

  26. 在某个时间范围内,“V1:敏捷团队”的用户数量不会受到限制。

    For a limited time V1 : Agile Team is available for free for an unlimited number of users .

  27. 但是命令行并不适合所有人,觉得命令行难以理解和令人生畏的Linux用户数量多得令人吃惊,这或许是完全避免使用Linux的理由之一。

    But the command-line isn 't for everyone , and there there 's a surprising number of Linux users who find it unfathomable and intimidating , perhaps even a reason to avoid the Linux completely .

  28. 随着Internet迅猛发展,接入Internet的用户数量剧增以及服务网络固有的延迟,造成Web服务器负载和用户访问延迟严重等一系列问题,用户的服务质量得不到很好的保证。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the increasing Internet consumer and the delay of service network lead to a serial of issues , such as web service load and consumer accessing delay , and the service quality could be not guaranteed .

  29. 随着互联网的迅速发展,Internet上的用户数量急剧膨胀,网络结构日趋复杂,由此带来了一个限制网络发展的拥塞问题。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , the number of consumers is rapidly expanding and the structure of network is becoming more and more complicated . thus , a serious problem of this kind of burst growth results in network congestion .

  30. 从调制解调器到ISDN,再从ADSL到光纤接入,网络技术的不断发展使得我国的宽带用户数量与日俱增。

    From Modem to ISDN , ADSL to FDDI , the development of Internet technique leads the broadband subscriber of our country to increase rapidly .