
yònɡ hù yóu hǎo
  • user-friendliness
  1. 无线局域网基础设施缺乏可扩展性的交互能力,服务质量(QoS)保证和用户友好性。

    The wireless LAN infrastructure lacks the capacity to deliver scalability , Quality of service ( QoS ) and user-friendliness .

  2. PaintMatting通过局部化的更新方式加快了运算速度,并利用多线程技术避免了交互中界面阻塞的问题,有效地提升了界面的用户友好性与可用性。

    Paint Matting improves the response speed by a local updating scheme and avoid the UI block-ing by utilizing multi-threading techniques , and thus boosts the user-friendliness and usability of the interface .

  3. 加密和压缩的个人档案和folders.the计划是紧凑,高效和用户友好

    Encrypt and compress individual files and folders . The program is compact , efficient and user friendly .

  4. XMLTree以用户友好的方式显示XML数据。

    XML Tree displays XML data in a user-friendly manner .

  5. name是用户友好的名称。

    Name is a user-friendly name .

  6. 应用程序将根据code向用户友好显示失败消息。

    Your application should rely on the code to display a friendly error message to the user .

  7. eXist和DB2Express-C都是免费的,都提供了大量用户友好的功能。

    Both eXist and DB2 Express-C are available for free and offer a lot of user-friendly functionality .

  8. 在处理庞大的数据集或尝试构建用户友好的Web应用程序时,这两种方法都不是最理想的。

    Neither of these approaches are appealing when you 're dealing with large data sets or trying to build user-friendly Web applications .

  9. 其他文档的链接也可能出现在此内容中,并提供一个在Internet上的文件间导航的用户友好方式。

    Links to other documents can be in this content , providing a user-friendly method of navigating between documents on the Internet .

  10. 考虑使用一个内部模型名称作为测量名称和用户友好的MeasureLabel和ShortName。

    Consider using an internal model name for the measure name and a user friendly Measure Label and Short Name .

  11. Ajax允许您构建高度动态、用户友好并且可伸缩的Web应用程序。

    Ajax enables you to build Web applications that are highly dynamic , scalable , and user-friendly .

  12. Geronimo控制台可以以一种用户友好的方式管理Java组件。

    The Geronimo console provides a user-friendly way to manage Java components .

  13. 在WebSphereApplicationServer中有一个命令行命名空间转储实用工具,但是我希望使用图形较多、用户友好的界面。

    There is a command line namespace dump utility in WebSphere Application Server , but I want a more graphical and user-friendly interface .

  14. 但是到了2000年,遥感和GIS技术已经变得高度发达、用户友好而且相当便宜。

    But by2000 , remote sensing and GIS technology had become highly developed , user friendly and fairly cheap .

  15. 用户友好的开发、管理和维护GUI环境

    User-friendly development , management , and maintenance GUI environment

  16. AJAX技术是整个互联网应用程序变得更小巧、更快捷、更具用户友好性。

    The AJAX technique makes Internet applications smaller , faster and more user-friendly .

  17. 所有这些UI更改都使得会议更加直观和用户友好。

    These UI changes make driving a meeting much more intuitive and user friendly .

  18. 将Productlinecode作为“use”值会提高查询的效率,而“display”值则提供一些用户友好值。

    Using the Product line code as the " use " value makes the query more efficient , while the " display " value provide user friendly values .

  19. WorkplaceFormsDesigner提供一个容易使用的界面以及用户友好的特性,比如通过拖拽创建表单组件。

    Workplace Forms Designer provides an easy-to-use interface , with user-friendly features , such as drag-and-drop creation of form components .

  20. 说到对用户友好,就不能不提到fish的制表符补全特性,这个新颖的特性对于UNIX新用户和专家都极其有帮助。

    Speaking of friendly features , fish 's tab completion feature is another novelty that new UNIX users and experts find extremely useful .

  21. JDOM是一种开源的解析用API,较SAX或DOM更为用户友好。

    JDOM is an open source API for parsing that is more user-friendly than SAX or DOM .

  22. 通过本文,您将熟悉标准C库中的UNIX错误报告,并且有望以用户友好的方式报告和处理错误。

    This article familiarizes you with UNIX error reporting in the standard C library and ( hopefully ) encourages you to report and handle errors in a user-friendly way .

  23. 但在过去一年中,移动互联网在欧洲和美国已成为用户友好(user-friendly)的现实。

    But in the past year the mobile Internet has become a user-friendly reality in Europe and the US .

  24. 但是,使用Eclipse提供的标准UI框架通常很难实现最精致、最直观、用户友好性最佳的UI。

    Unfortunately , the prettiest , most intuitive , and user-friendly UI often cannot be easily implemented using the standard UI frameworks provided by Eclipse .

  25. AdminTask引入于WebSphereApplicationServerV6,它提供了一套高级的、用户友好的、面向任务的wsadmin命令。

    AdminTask commands , introduced in WebSphere Application Server V6 , provide a set of high level , user friendly , task-oriented wsadmin commands .

  26. 一个用户友好系统ISISES

    A user friendly system__isis_es

  27. 与此同时,借助声名大噪的iphone,美国科技公司苹果(apple)设定了将移动网络变成用户友好体验的新标准。

    Meanwhile , apple , the US technology company , set a new standard in turning the mobile Internet into a user-friendly experience with its much hyped iPhone .

  28. 设计了用户友好的组态环境界面,基于DAO数据库访问技术实现了数据库参数配置功能。

    The user-friendly configurable environment was designed and the configurable database parameter function was realized with the help of DAO database access technology .

  29. WebIntents还提供了十分用户友好的机制来控制服务集成以及简化开发过程,这样就将用户置于主导位置。

    Web Intents puts the user in the driver seat by providing user friendly mechanisms to control service integrations and in the process simplifying the developer 's job .

  30. 好:LG的抒情有一个用户友好的设计,功能特点,并满足性能。

    The good : The LG Lyric has a user-friendly design , functional features , and satisfying performance .