
  • 网络User Behavior;user behavior analysis;behavior-based
  1. 基于Web使用挖掘的用户行为分析

    The Analysis of User Behavior Based on Web Usage Mining

  2. 最后,本文分析了SNS用户行为分析的进一步研究工作和可能的创新点。

    Finally , the paper analyzes the further research and possible innovation points of the SNS user behavior analysis .

  3. 基于动态行为轮廓库的Web用户行为分析关键技术

    Key Technology of Web Users ' Behavior Analysis Based on Dynamic Behavior Profile Database

  4. 最后,本文针对C公司存在的问题,提出提高产品集成度和广告精准定向能力,推出用户行为分析服务以及加强销售力量的解决方案。

    Lastly the thesis proposed the solutions to the problems including improving products integration and accurate targeting capability , launching customer behavior analysis service and strengthening sales force .

  5. 应用层协议识别是研究区分服务、QoS、入侵检测、流量监控、计费管理以及用户行为分析的前提和基础。

    Application-Layer Protocol Identification is the basis of Differentiate Service , QoS , Intrusion Detection System , Traffic Analysis and Control , Charge Management and Behavior Analysis of Users .

  6. Internet的用户行为分析主要是基于Web数据挖掘,Web数据挖掘是使用数据挖掘或机器学习的方法从Web文档中抽取出用户感兴趣的潜在有用模式和信息。

    The Internet user behavior analysis is mainly based on Web data mining . Web data mining is to use data mining or machine learning methods to extract potentially useful patterns and information of interest to the user from the Web documents .

  7. SNS用户行为分析能力分为基础能力层次(内容分析模块、时间分析模块、关系分析模块)和高级能力层次。

    SNS user behavioral analysis capability has basic capability ( content analysis module , time analysis module , and relationship analysis module ) and advanced capability .

  8. 搜索引擎作为传统IR技术在Web上的扩展,涉及至数据收集、中文分词技术、倒排索引、隐含数据获取、分布式结构、海量数据存储、用户行为分析等关键技术。

    Search engine is the extendability of traditional IR techniques , concerning the key techniques : data collection , Chinese word segmentation , inverted index , retriving hidden data , distributed architectures , huge data store , analysis of human behavior , etc.

  9. 接着在上述基础上提出几种常用的网络用户行为分析系统模型或其思想,主要列举了网络用户行为分析在Web点击流分析、计算机与网络安全方面以及Intranet网内用户结构分析中的应用。

    Then putting forward several kinds of common application modes or thought of network users ' behavior analysis , including network click flow analysis , computer and network security analysis and user structure analysis of Intranet . The key algorithm of behavior analysis system has been discussed and improved .

  10. 结合移动互联网用户行为分析方法、步骤及提出的基于KNN的样本约简及.密度均衡分类算法设计了移动互联网用户行为分析方案,并给出了具体实验。

    The combination of mobile internet user behavior analysis methods , steps and proposed user behavior analysis scheme based on samples reduction and density equalization algorithm , and given a specific experiment .

  11. 然后讨论了系统的总体结构和应用上述技术原理实现各个模块的细节,包括如何实现用户行为分析,以及如何实现检测分析DDoS和蠕虫病毒等网络异常;

    In the third part , we described the architecture of the system and the details of all the modules , including how to implement user behavior analysis , and how to implement network abnormal traffic such as DDoS and worm attack monitoring .

  12. 然后,我们结合移动增值业务用户行为分析的需求和数据,给出了利用microsoftSQLserver2000的数据仓库和OLAP技术来建立用户行为历史数据集市的方案,为数据挖掘提供干净的数据。

    Then , we give a solution of building a consumers ' behavior data-mart using the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 data warehouse and OLAP technology , considering the consumers ' behavior analysis system 's demands and the existed data . This data-mart provides clean data to the data mining software .

  13. 基于用户行为分析的应用层组播树生成算法

    An Algorithm of Constructing ALM Tree Based on User Behavior Analysis

  14. 三是对相似歌曲进行了用户行为分析。

    It is to likeness song undertook user behavior is analysed .

  15. 所以网络用户行为分析的研究成为一个重要的热点研究课题。

    Network user behavior analysis to become a hot research topic .

  16. 一种基于用户行为分析的协同反垃圾邮件策略

    An Cooperate Anti-spam Strategy Based on User 's Behavioral Analysis

  17. 基于用户行为分析的入侵检测应用模型的研究

    Application Model Study Based on User Behavior Analysis in Intrusion Detection System

  18. 基于用户行为分析的搜索引擎优化策略

    Optimizing Search Engine Based on Analysis of User 's Behavior

  19. 校园网用户行为分析系统研究与实现

    Campus Network User Behavior Analysis System Research and Implementation

  20. 用户行为分析在网络信息检索中的应用概述

    Review of User Behavior Analysis in Web IR Research

  21. 基于用户行为分析的网站广告投放策略

    Strategy of Putting Adv on the Specific Web Based on the Action of User

  22. 实验结果,验证了论文思想在网络用户行为分析中的正确性和有效性。

    The experiment results validate the correctness and effectiveness of the idea proposed in this dissertation .

  23. 最后用报表进行了网站的一些商务分析和用户行为分析。

    At last Reporting forms are used for the website business analysis and user behavior analysis .

  24. 对于满意度的评估可以基于调查问卷也可以基于用户行为分析。

    For satisfaction can be evaluated based on questionnaire can also based on user behavior analysis .

  25. 用户行为分析是网络信息检索技术得以前进的重要基石,也是能够在商用搜索引擎中发挥重要作用的各种算法的基本出发点之一。

    User log analysis is important for both Web information retrieval technologies and commercial search engine algorithms .

  26. 因此本系统可基本满足社区网站的行为分析需求,为社区网站的用户行为分析提供了一套可行方案。

    Therefore , this system could provides a feasible scheme . for community website user behavior analysis .

  27. 因此,用户行为分析成为无线领域重要的研究热点。

    Thus , the analysis of users ' behavior becomes an important research aspect in the wireless field .

  28. 另外几个子系统是:用户行为分析,用户个人资源管理、智能化信息采集、用户管理。

    The others are : user 's behavior analysis , user 's personal resource management , information intelligent collection and user management .

  29. 与系统调用序列分析不同的是,用户行为分析主要涉及到合法用户的非法或误操作模式。

    Different with sequence analysis of system call , user behavior analysis mainly related to legitimate users of illegal or misuse operation mode .

  30. 在网络信息资源持续膨胀的情况下,用户行为分析已经成为网络信息检索研究的重要热点。

    With the page explosion of Web environment , user log analysis has become more and more important and interesting for Web information retrieval .