
yònɡ hù shù jù bào xié yì
  • User Datagram Protocol;UDP
  1. 音频和视频流通过用户数据报协议(UserDatagramProtocol,UDP)传输较为可取。

    Audio and video streams are preferably transmitted through the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) .

  2. 但是请注意用户数据报协议(UserDatagramProtocol,UDP),对它来说,这一点并不成立。

    But watch out for User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) & this no longer holds true there .

  3. 这是TCP与UDP(UserDatagramProtocol,用户数据报协议)的一个重要区别。

    This is one of the key differences between TCP and the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) .

  4. 集群技术通常利用快速通信协议,比如用户数据报协议(UserDatagramProtocol,UDP)或多播协议。

    Clustering technologies often make use of a fast communication protocol , such as User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) or Multicast protocols .

  5. 两种最流行的传输层协议是传输控制协议(TCP)和用户数据报协议(UDP)

    The two most popular transport layer protocols are the transmission control protocol ( TCP ) and the user datagram protocol ( UDP )

  6. 另外地,你应该了解TCP协议(传输控制协议)和用户数据报协议(UDP)的操作原理。

    Additionally , you should understand the operation of both the Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) and the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) .

  7. 本文分别介绍了位于运输层的TCP(传输控制协议)和UDP(用户数据报协议)的概念,解释了连接的过程及流量控制方法。

    This article introduces the concept of TCP and UCP on Transportation Layer and explain the operation of the connection and the flow control method .

  8. RUDP是一种基于UDP(用户数据报协议)的可靠数据传递方法。

    RUDP is a method of reliable transfer data by UDP ( user datagram protocol ) .

  9. 在其他情况下,如传输控制协议(TCP)和用户数据报协议(UDP)套接字,不存在相应的目录清单。

    In other cases , such as Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) and User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) sockets , there is no directory listing .

  10. 着重介绍了振动检测单元的硬件实现,基于有限脉冲响应(FIR)数字滤波与快速傅里叶变换(FFT)的实时数据处理过程,以及基于用户数据报协议(UDP)的数据传输过程。

    The paper mainly introduces the hardware implement of inspection unit for vibration , real-time data process on FIR and FFT , and data transmitting process on UDP .

  11. 在基于TCP(传输控制协议)及UDP(用户数据报协议)协议的前题下,运用Java丰富的类库,完成了双机通信及多机通信等功能。

    Based on transmission control protocol ( TCP ) and user datagram protocol ( UDP ), through using rich class liberies provided by Java , several communication functions between two points and multipoints are realized .

  12. 仿真实验证明,该算法在缓存较小的情况下仍能保证带宽在传输控制协议(TCP)数据流和用户数据报协议(UDP)数据流之间的公平分配。

    Simulation results prove that the algorithm can allocate the bandwidth between TCP ( transmission control protocol ) flows and UDP ( user data protocol ) flows in the condition of little buffer .

  13. 传输层采用用户数据报协议(UDP),则可以进一步降低文件下载响应时间,提高网络性能。

    If User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) was used as transport protocol , we can get even fewer file download response time and thereby network performance was improved .

  14. 如果您还希望扫描用户数据报协议(UDP)端口,那么您必须指定-sU选项,如清单3中所示。

    If you also want to scan the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) ports , you must specify the - sU options , as shown here in Listing 3 .

  15. 部分防火墙包含3种应用程序:传输控制协议/网络协议(TCP/IP)、用户数据报协议(UDP)和ICMP。

    Part of the firewall contains three applications : Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol ( TCP / IP ), User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ), and ICMP .

  16. 提出一种改进的用户数据报协议(UDP)封装方案。

    An improved scheme of UDP encapsulation is proposed , in which the whole IP package protected by IP security protocol ( IPSec ) is encapsulated by adding a UDP / IP header .

  17. 通常,使用用户数据报协议(UDP)的应用程序都可能会比较注意带宽方面的限制,以最大限度地减少包的丢失。

    It 's a fair assumption that an application that uses the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) is probably already aware of this limitation , since such a server would want to minimize packet loss .

  18. 采用快速传送协议/用户数据报协议/IP方式实现了多模式无线网络(WLAN、GPRS、CDMA)的码流传输,并完成无线通信下的RTCP双向控制信息链路。

    The paper introduces the video transmission by using the protocol of RTP / UDP / IP over Multi-Mode wireless networks ( WLAN , GPRS , CDMA ) and establishes the RTCP bi-direction control information link under wireless communication .

  19. 在一种基于H.263协议的以太网数字视频监控系统中,为实现实时视频查询,设计了一套基于用户数据报协议的数据包格式,保证了上层应用程序的可靠性。

    In order to implement real-time video querying in an Ethernet digital video monitoring system based on H.263 protocol , a set of data-packet format was designed based on UDP ( User Datagram Protocol ), which assures the reliability of the system .

  20. 为了解决音视频同步问题,参考实时媒体流和时间戳同步技术,设计了一个基于用户数据报协议UDP和实时传输协议RTP的简单传输协议,实际应用中保证了数据的实时性和同步性;

    Both the transmission of real-time media stream and time-stamp technologies are introduced to the system to ensure the requirement of real-time characteristic and synchronism , and a simple protocol based on RTP ( Real-time Transfer Protocol ) and UDP ( User Datagram Protocol ) is designed .

  21. 基于用户数据报协议的实时网络化测控与实现

    The implementation of real-time network measurement and control based on user datagram protocal

  22. 添加数据传输模块,分别实现了用户数据报协议和传输控制协议。

    Add a data transfer module including user datagram protocol and transmission control protocol .

  23. 用户数据报协议的一致性测试研究

    Study on Conformance Testing of User Datagram Protocol

  24. 基于UDP/IP的可靠用户数据报协议的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Reliable User Datagram Protocol Based on UDP / IP

  25. 该公司计划向近地轨道发射数百颗低成本的迷你卫星——立方体卫星,“外联网”将使用用户数据报协议多任务技术向用户发送信息光束,实现全球网络下用户数据分享。

    The company 's plan is to launch hundreds of low-cost miniature satellites , known as cubesats , into low Earth orbit . Using a technique known as User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) multitasking , which is the sharing of data between users on a network , Outernet will beam information to users .

  26. 本文在分析了基于UDP(userdatagramprotocol,用户数据报)协议穿透NAT的实现原理的基础上,给出了一个基于UDP协议P2P通信的实现方案。

    This paper discusses the principle of the NAT traversal based on UDP ( User Datagram Protocol ) . Moreover , a realization of P2P communications based on UDP is given .