
  1. 成都平原村园体系土地利用格局及优化研究

    Study of the Land Use Pattern and Optimization of the Village-house System of the Chengdu Plain

  2. 况且,其中范例大都是平原村、山村或城郊村。

    Moreover , the examples of the villages are mostly plain , mountain villages or peri-urban villages .

  3. 欠发达平原区村域特色种植销售市场的时空变化

    Spatio-temporal variation of sales market for village-level characteristic planting in developing plain

  4. 平原地区中心村规划与建设研究

    Study on Central Village Plan and Construction in Plain Area

  5. 平原地区中心村选择的理论与实证研究

    Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Choice of Centeral Villages in Plain Area

  6. 第二章主要对平原地区中心村的功能进行分析。中心村是农村的经济、文化、村务管理和生产组织的中心,是城乡联系的纽带。

    Second chapter Construed the function of plain 's central village , central village is the center of rural economy , civilization , manage , composition , and it is connection ligament of township and village .