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  • average cost;normal cost
  1. 据AngelaMortimer招聘咨询公司介绍,填补一个职位空缺的平均成本为1万英镑。

    The average cost of filling a job vacancy is £ 10,000 , according to recruitment consultancy Angela Mortimer .

  2. 向上倾斜的CC曲线表示厂商数量越多,平均成本越多,各厂商销量越低。交点处为行业的均衡厂商数。

    If the number of firms increases , each firm will sell less , so firms will not be able to move as far down their average cost curve .

  3. 随着股市波动,当股价下跌时,按照平均成本法投资将买入更多股票,而当股价上涨时,则买入的更少。

    As prices fluctuate , the dollar-cost averager will buy more of the market when prices are low , and less when prices are high .

  4. MonteCarlo模拟的结果表明动态相机策略所用平均成本低于静态最优策略。

    The results of the Monte Carlo simulation show the dynamic strategy cost less than the static best strategy on average .

  5. 为解决该问题,研究了概率资源约束下的多品种(R,Q)库存系统的最优运作策略,目标是最小化长期运作下的系统平均成本。

    This paper presents an analysis of multi-item ( R , Q ) inventory systems with probabilistic resource constraints to minimize the long-run average system cost .

  6. 公共部门效率极其低下,以致公共行政成本相当于gdp的7%,而欧元区的平均成本为3%。

    The public sector is so inefficient that the cost of public administration is 7 per cent of GDP compared with an average of 3 per cent for the eurozone .

  7. 这项福利的平均成本,至少在那些已披露相关数据的公司,达到141187美元,约占CEO总福利支出的五分之二。

    The average annual cost of the perk , at least at the companies that disclosed the figures , was $ 141,187 , which typically represented about two-fifths of total perk spending .

  8. 结果表明,与经典的EOQ订货模型相比,该模型的订货周期、订货数量及订货平均成本都有不同程度的增加。

    Results indicates that the period , quantity and average costs of the extended EOQ model are bigger than classical EOQ model .

  9. 在美国学习mba的平均成本为7万到12万美元,但随着美元兑主要货币的汇率在下降,这个价格已经变得相对不那么贵。

    The average cost of a US MBA runs in the region of $ 70000 - $ 120000 but as the dollar has fallen against leading currencies , that price has become comparatively less expensive .

  10. 难道你让我们0.20/PC美元的平均成本的基础上给予每起订量款式及颜色的机器人环?

    Could you get us the robot ring for an average cost of $ 0.20/PC based on given MOQ per style & color ?

  11. 规模经济可以降低投资者的平均成本。

    Economies of scale can reduce the average cost of investors .

  12. 相比股权融资而言,债权融资的平均成本要低,因此可以降低总的融资成本。

    The average cost of debt financing is lower than equity financing .

  13. 而这些平均成本仅仅包括学费和其他费用。

    And these averages were only for and fees .

  14. 迭代的平均成本是多少?

    What is the cost of an average iteration ?

  15. 您的平均成本或进度超出是什么?

    What is your average cost / schedule overrun ?

  16. 实时电力交易中平均成本和边际成本定价理论研究

    Research on marginal cost and average cost pricing theories in spot power transactions

  17. 目前对商品房的社会平均成本测算在技术上已经没有任何问题。

    Currently the average cost of commercial housing society which technically has no problems .

  18. 平均成本-效果比分别为16.31%、17.74%、20.65%。

    And the cost-effectiveness rates were 16.31 % , 17.74 % and 20.65 % respectively .

  19. 设备更新年平均成本理论简析及应用

    The annual average cost in equipment updating

  20. 平均成本定价、报酬递增和最优产出:比较家庭生产和市场生产

    Average-cost Pricing , Increasing Returns , and Optimal Output : Comparing Home and Market Production

  21. 在铝生产的平均成本中,电力成本约占到三分之一。

    Power costs are roughly a third of the average cost of production of metal .

  22. 但在英国,每位员工缺勤的平均成本为692英镑。

    But on average the cost per staff member of absence in the UK is 692 .

  23. 产出越大,平均成本越低;当平均成本是产出递减函数时,边际成本总是低于平均成本。

    When average costs decline in output , marginal cost is always less than average cost .

  24. 自然垄断是指由于生产技术具有规模经济的特征,使平均成本随着产量的增加而递减,从而,最小有效规模要求只能有唯一一个企业提供产品。

    In the nature monopoly industry , the average cost decrease progressively along with the output .

  25. 结存收益:即有价证券组合收益和其平均成本之间的正差额。

    Carrying gain : the positive difference Between the return on a portfolio and its average cost .

  26. 因而,加权平均成本处在从其他方法中可能得出的较大和较小的成本数字之间。

    Therefore , weighted average costs fall between the extreme cost figures that can result from other methods .

  27. 估计路易威登获得的17%股份的平均成本约为每股80欧元左右。

    The average cost of its 17 per cent stake is expected to be around 80 a share .

  28. 在效率的峰值点,生产的边际成本等于生产的平均成本。

    At the peak of efficiency , the marginal cost of production equals the average cost of production .

  29. 通过在大幅低位买入这些股份,中投降低了其在百仕通投资的平均成本。

    By buying shares at greatly reduced prices , CIC is cutting the average cost of its investment .

  30. 蔡斯表示,在欧洲,拥有一辆汽车的平均成本是每年6000欧元左右。

    The average cost of owning a car in Europe is about EURO6000 a year , says Chase .