
  • 网络Adjustment value;RXA-RXB
  1. 我国SI单位2e/h常数的测定及国际平差值

    Determination of the value of 2e / h for the SI Unit and international adjustment

  2. 1988年4月,精确测定了我国SI单位的2e/h值为483597.88GHz/V,与国际平差值仅相差4×10~(-(?)

    In April 1988 . the 2e / h value in SI Unit is precisely determined as 483597 . 88GHz / V. The difference between our result and international adjustment is only 4 × 10-a.

  3. 对L1范估计的平差值和LS估计的平差值作为抗差估计的初值进行了比较,指出在ρ函数是严凸函数时,二者无明显的区别。

    In this paper , the authors compare the L1 estimation value with LS estimation value when they are used as initial values of Robust estimation , and then point out when ρ function is a strictly convex function , there is no obvious difference between them .

  4. 起算数据误差对平差值及其精度的影响

    Influence of Known Data Errors on Adjustment Value and Its Accuracy

  5. 推算路线不影响平差值函数的权倒数

    The weight reciprocal of the adjustment value function unaffected by the reckoning route

  6. 秩亏网伪逆平差值的修正估计

    Corrective Estimation of Pseudo-Inverse Adjustment of Rank-Defect Net

  7. 并给出了与计算基点平差值权倒数有关的递推公式。

    The recurrence formulas are given about computing the weight reciprocals of the adjustment values .

  8. 平差值函数权倒数的计算。

    Calculation of the weighted reciprocal ( 1 / PF ) of the function of adjusted value .

  9. 讨论了起算数据误差对平差值和平差值精度的影响,给出了计算各种影响值的公式和应用实例,并对实例计算结果进行了分析和讨论。

    The influence of known data errors on adjustment value and its accuracy is discussed in this paper . The formulas and application examples of calculating all kinds of influence values are given , and the calculating results of the examples are analysed and discussed .

  10. 在此基础上,给出了非线性平差值函数和未知致函数的权倒数公式。针对反演问题经常是非线性模型,提出了非线性平差的几种方法,最后给出参数筛选的原则和相应的统计检验方法。

    On the dasis of it , weight reciprocal formulas for nonlinear function of accordant value and that of unknown parameters are also given in the paper . At the same time , the adjustment method of the practical problem is given according to its quality request .

  11. 通过对我国年、季降水的年代平均距平百分率图的对比分析,计算10年滑动平均距平场相关系数和年代之间平均距平差值t统计量的统计检验。

    According to the analysis of average decadal anomaly percentage rate for annual and seasonal rainfall , the correlation coefficient of anomaly field with ten year running mean is calculated , and t statistic value of the average anomaly between decades is tested .