
pínɡ fānɡ yīnɡ lǐ
  • square mile
  1. 那个国家的人口密度为每平方英里685人。

    The population density of that country is 685 per square mile .

  2. 根据美国国家可再生能源实验室(NationalRenewableEnergyLaboratory)的数据,每台2000千瓦的风力发电机占地0.25平方英里。

    Each 2,000 kilowatt wind turbine takes up a quarter of a square mile worth of space , according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory .

  3. 埃克斯穆尔高地国家公园位于高原贫瘠之地,占地265平方英里。

    Exmoor National Park stretches over 265 square miles of moor .

  4. 救援人员已经搜遍了30平方英里的范围。

    Rescue crews had scoured an area of 30 square miles

  5. 两层浮油漂浮在7平方英里的区域上。

    Two oil slicks are covering a total area of seven square miles

  6. 这是一片20平方英里的未开发的森林。

    It was twenty square miles of virgin forest .

  7. 这项新的研究发现,在超过46000平方英里的加利福尼亚森林中,直径超过2英尺的树木数量减少了50%。

    The number of trees larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46 , 000 square miles of California forests , the new study finds .

  8. 这两个国家公园占地1300多平方英里(3366平方公里),是欧洲“黑暗天空保护区”最大的地区之一。

    More than 1300 square miles [ 3366 square kilometres ] combined – the two parks form one of the biggest areas in Europe to be given the status .

  9. 科学家们表示,结合天基成像和人工智能,可以在一天之内对数千平方英里的大象栖息地进行观测,从而促进动物保护工作。

    The scientists say this combination of space-based imaging and artificial intelligence could boost conservation efforts by allowing thousands of square miles of habitat to be surveyed in a single day .

  10. 上周发生的AssayiiLake山火的过火面积继续扩散,目前已超过19平方英里。

    And last week so called a Assayii Lake Fire expanded to cover more than 19 square miles .

  11. 天气原因也在帮助扑灭洛杉矶北部的stationfire方面起到了重要作用,尽管现在大火仍然吞噬了200平方英里的面积。

    Weather has also in helping knock down the station fire which is just north of Los Angeles , though it has still consumed about 200 square miles .

  12. 1970年9月,圣安娜风(SantaAnaWinds)引发的野火在加州四处蔓延,席卷400平方英里。

    In September 1970 , wildfires sparked by Santa Ana winds spread across 400 square miles of California .

  13. 之后几年过去了,考古学家W.D.Strong去相同位置探险,也称自己看到过一座有五平方英里的遗失之城。

    A few years later , anthropologist , W.D. Strong , made an expedition to the same area and claimed to have found a " lost " city that was about five square miles long .

  14. P-3C猎户座(Orion)侦察机每小时可以侦查1000至1500平方英里的区域。

    Crews in its P-3C Orion surveillance aircraft cover 1,000 to 1,500 square miles each hour .

  15. 华为(Huawei)总部坐落在香港以北的深圳市,整个园区占地两平方英里。这里的氛围有点硅谷的感觉,但更像是一家国有企业。

    The vibe on the Huawei campus , spread out across two square miles in the city of Shenzhen , north of Hong Kong , is more state-owned enterprise than Silicon Valley .

  16. 我从台湾首府台北(Taipei)坐了200英里飞机抵达金门(Kinmen),这座蝴蝶结形状的花岗片麻岩小岛总面积只有58平方英里。

    I had flown 200 miles west from Taiwan 's capital city Taipei to Kinmen , a bow-tie-shaped lump of granite gneiss , just 58 square miles in all .

  17. 在营地的边缘,威尔士阿伯里斯特维斯大学(AberystwythUniversity)地理学博士研究生约翰尼·瑞安(JohnnyRyan)用一个类似弹弓的装置把飞机形状的无人机发射出去,然后操控它在一块将近75平方英里的区域上空飞行。

    On the edge of camp , Johnny Ryan , a doctoral candidate in geography at Aberystwyth University in Wales , launched an airplane-shaped drone from a slingshot-like device , then guided it over a nearly 75-square-mile area .

  18. 安斯特的维京乡村遗址是全世界——包括斯堪的纳维亚——最密集的,在这个46平方英里的岛上有60座长屋(longhouse)。

    Unst has a higher density of rural Viking sites than any place else in the world , including Scandinavia , with 60 longhouses on a 46-square-mile island .

  19. 美国海军称,在参加搜救任务的美国飞机中,HM-60R直升机可以在3.5个小时执行任务期间搜寻400至600平方英里的区域。

    Among the U.S. aircraft taking part in the search , the Navy says its HM-60R helicopter can search 400 - to 600-square-miles area during a 3.5-hour sortie .

  20. Etosha一词,在奥万博人(theOvambo)的语言中指的是“巨大的白色之地”,1800平方英里(4800平方公里)范围内一片波光粼粼,干燥的气温,烘烤的粘土,看起来如此的超凡脱俗。

    Etosha , whose name means " great white place " in the language of the Ovambo people , is a 1800 square-mile ( 4800 square-kilometer ) expanse of shimmering , dry , baked clay that looks suitably otherworldly .

  21. 施工后,有401平方英里的水库形成于山区。

    After construction , a401-square-mile reservoir formed in the mountainous area .

  22. 那里发生的一场大火已经扩散至99平方英里。

    A huge wildfire there has grown to 99 square miles .

  23. 加拿大的面积有多少平方英里?

    What 's the area of the Canada in square miles ?

  24. 山火蔓延超过150平方英里。

    The fire has grown to more than 150 square miles .

  25. 底特律有约40平方英里(约合4100平方公里)的闲置土地。

    Detroit has approximately 40 square miles of vacant land .

  26. 奥林匹克国家公园占据着奥林匹克半岛1441平方英里的土地。

    Olympic National Park encompasses 1441 square miles of the Olympic Peninsula .

  27. 山为已经吞噬了圣地亚哥县39平方英里的土地。

    Wildfires have consumes a 39 square miles in San Diego county .

  28. 他们的扩张占地几乎十五百万平方英里。

    Their expansion extends over nearly fifteen million square miles .

  29. 面积涵盖一平方英里,造成至少14人死亡。

    It covered a square mile and killed at least 14 people .

  30. 她将在60平方英里的范围内寻找猎物。

    She 'll range over 60 square miles in search of food .