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píng míng
  • dawn;daybreak
平明 [píng míng]
  • [dawn] 天亮的时候

  • 寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客 楚山孤。-- 唐. 王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》

平明[píng míng]
  1. 纽约&最新研究提示,脱氢表雄酮(HEA)平明显降低的更年期女性更容易发生性功能障碍。

    NEW YORK - Women who have particularly low levels of the hormone DHEA during menopause may be more likely to have sexual dysfunction , a new study suggests .

  2. 5月,平明二号的勘探电缆曾在另一个区块被中国舰船切断。

    The Binh Minh 2 had exploration cables in another block cut by Chinese vessels in May .