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  • flat file
  1. 使用EnterpriseServiceDiscovery向导创建入站平面文件服务。

    Use the Enterprise Service Discovery wizard to create the inbound flat file service .

  2. 通过程序从数据库或平面文件获得企业范围的惟一标识符,比如IP地址。

    Programmatically obtaining enterprise-wide unique identifiers , such as IP addresses , from a database or flat file .

  3. Order映射接受平面文件作为输入,并将它们转换为XML。

    Order map takes input in the form of flat files and transforms them to XML .

  4. 方案二:将XML文件解析到平面文件

    Scenario two : Parsing XML files into flat files

  5. 利用xml序列化,可以解决平面文件带来的许多问题。

    With XML serialization , you can address many of the problems of flat files .

  6. 例如,它可能包含有关系数据库、平面文件或者甚至有XML文档。

    For example , it might encompass a relational database , flat files , or even XML documents .

  7. 在我们的示例场景中,用户希望通过一个XML文件或平面文件编写特定于员工的信息。

    In our example scenario , the user wants to write employee specific information from an XML file to a flat file .

  8. 在Java环境中,数字证书被存储在密钥库中,它们是以目录结构中的平面文件存储的。

    In the Java environment , digital certificates are stored in keystores , which resolve to flat files in the directory structure .

  9. 在本示例中,元数据以XML模式定义文件的形式提供,该文件描述了平面文件中的数据。

    In this case the metadata was provided in the form of an XML schema definition file that described the data in the flat files .

  10. 在“平面文件源编辑器”对话框中,使用tab在选项之间移动。

    In the flat file source editor dialog box , use tab to move through the options .

  11. 数据访问:一张BIRT报表可以从数据库、Web服务、Java对象、XML文档以及平面文件(FlatFile)中访问数据。

    Data Access : A BIRT report can access data from Databases , Web Services , Java Objects , XML documents and flat files .

  12. 很多情况下您都需要处理来自外部源的XML数据&可能来自平面文件、Web服务或其他源等。

    More often than not , you will deal with XML data originating from an external source & perhaps a flat file , perhaps a Web service , perhaps something else .

  13. 分步讲解了如何从平面文件读取业务数据,将此数据转换成XML并用转换后的数据填充数据仓库。

    It provides step-by-step instructions for reading business data from a flat file , transforming this data into XML , and populating a data warehouse with the transformed data .

  14. DB2Load是将大量数据从平面文件、磁带或命名管道装载进DB2表的另一种方法。

    DB2 Load is another means to load huge quantities of data from flat files , tapes , or named pipes into DB2 tables .

  15. 这个流程将运行一个简单的Java组件,将一条消息放到一个MQ队列中,然后将它写入一个平面文件中。

    The process will run the simple Java component , put a message onto an MQ queue , then write to a flat file .

  16. c是一个非常简单的插件,它从一个预定义的平面文件中读取身份验证信息(用户ID、明文密码和组成员关系)。

    Combined . c is a very simple plug-in that reads authentication information ( user ID , clear-text password , and group membership ) from a predefined flat file .

  17. 可以将该统计信息从LotusDomino导出到可以加载到数据库或电子表格中的平面文件中。

    You can export this statistical information from Lotus Domino to a flat file that you can load into either a database or spreadsheet .

  18. DB2实例管理员必须在平面文件db2authkey.txt中提供这些信息。

    The DB2 instance administrator has to provide this information in a flat file called db2auth_key.txt .

  19. 在模型较少的IDE中,通过使用静态平面文件列出可用的类型,可以实现内容完成和工具功能。

    In model-less IDEs , content completion and tooling is accomplished through the use of static flat files listing available types .

  20. 事件排序可以被应用于很多入站资源,包括平面文件记录、EIS系统和队列。

    Event sequencing can be applied to many inbound sources including flat file records , EIS systems , and queues .

  21. 问题是它们都是平面文件,在iPad里根本看不出效果。

    OR : The problem is that one can simply not see that on the iPad since they 're all flat files .

  22. 您可以立即将JDBC、平面文件、电子邮件和FTP适配器用于开发和生产。

    You can use the JDBC , flat file , e-mail , and FTP adapters for both development and production right away .

  23. 这个平面文件中指定的其他信息只有配置的DB2SystemAdministration组的名称(通过DB2数据库管理器配置参数SYSADMGROUP配置)。

    The only other information specified in this flat file is the name of the configured DB2 System Administration group ( through the DB2 Database Manager SYSADM_GROUP configuration parameter ) .

  24. 您可以使用平面文件资源适配器访问文件(如逗号分隔的文件或XML文件),并可以使用相同的方法访问其他EIS或数据库。

    You use the flat file resource adapter to access files , such as comma delimited or XML , in the same way you access another EIS or database .

  25. 这层负责运行应用程序的业务逻辑,获取相关数据(例如,运行SQL命令或者读取平面文件)。

    This layer is responsible for running the application 's business logic and getting the relevant data ( for example , running an SQL command or reading a flat file ) .

  26. 本文中的代码不直接搜索LDAP数据,但需要导出到平面文件数据库中,然后再进行处理。

    Note that the code in this article does not search the LDAP data directly , but requires an export into a flat-file database before processing can occur .

  27. 它代替DTS包作为一个首要的方式,来把大量的数据从其他类似的平面文件和非微软数据库的数据源中移入到SQLServer中,或从SQLServer移出。

    It replaces DTS packages as one of the primary ways to move large amounts of data into and out of SQL Server from other data sources such as flat files and non-Microsoft databases .

  28. 此外,许多版本的Linux都在grep运行期间把整个平面文件装入到内存中,可极大地增强后续运行的性能。

    In addition , many versions of Linux will load the entire flat file into memory during the grep run , vastly enhancing the performance on subsequent runs .

  29. 以非常快的速度和很高的伸缩性执行多种格式的消息转换,支持的格式包括文本、二进制文件、平面文件、CICS、CORBA或EDI

    Message transformations at wire-speed and high scalability with any-to-any message transformations supporting formats such as text , binary , flat , CICS , CORBA , or EDI

  30. 我再说一次:你不能在InDesign里设计iPad软件,然后以平面文件输出。

    Again : You just can 't design iPad apps in InDesign and export them as flat files .