
  • 网络Spring festival customs
  1. 独特的生活方式,形成了长白山区满族居民自己的年俗文化;

    Unique life style formed the Changbaishang mountain area Manchu inhabitant folk culture ;

  2. 神圣秩序展演的凤村年俗

    Festival Customs Shown in Sacred Order

  3. 最后阶段,对春节的过程深描之后,选取了年俗中物质生活层面的象征物进行解读,包括祭祀的食物和春联等等。

    The last stage . The process of the Spring Festival after deep draw , the author select material life level in common in the symbol of reading , including the food and the Spring Festival couplet sacrifice , and so on .

  4. 当然波普艺术和雕塑的结合并不是发端于雕塑领域自身的问题,而是在九十年“艳俗艺术”的名义下进行的。

    Surely , combination between pop art and sculpture did not originated due to problems in the field of sculpture itself , but in the name of " Gaudy art " in the1990s .

  5. 改革开放三十年来的国俗新词语英译探微

    On translation of new Chinese Culture-bound terms in the three decades since reform and opening up

  6. 匾额习俗是流传千年的中华古俗,不仅是古代建筑的组成部分,同时也是一种富有审美意味的精神图象。

    Stele customs are passed down for thousands as one of Chinese ancient customs . It is not only an integral part of ancient architecture , but also contains the spirit of the aesthetic image .

  7. 但历史进入到二十世纪末,春节的年味开始淡化并出现了衰微的迹象,春节年俗文化的社会环境遭到破坏。

    However , as we enter into the twenty-first century , the annual Spring Festival and its taste begin to downplay signs of a decaying , the social environment of " Nian " culture is in destruction .