
nián lì lǜ
  • annual interest rate
  1. 其中,rate是年利率(即,如果年利率是11.5%,rate就是11.5)。

    Where rate is the annual interest rate ( that is , 11.5 for11.5 % ) .

  2. 请告诉我年利率是多少。

    Please tell me what the annual interest rate is .

  3. 1980年利率开始攀升至20%,随后又起伏不定。

    Interest rates began to gyrate up towards 20 per cent in 1980 and then down and up again .

  4. 米特兰银行的分支机构,“第一自助”电话银行,将维萨卡的年利率降至22.2%。

    Firstdirect , Midland Bank 's telephone banking offshoot , has cut its Visa card rate to APR 22.2 % .

  5. 如果你用谷歌(Google)搜索‘2014年利率将下降’,会搜出一大堆文章,说由于收益率上升,2014年债券价格将会下跌。

    If you Google ' interest rates will fall in 2014 ' what pops up is a whole bunch of articles that say bond prices will fall in 2014 because yields will rise .

  6. 整体经济,根据GDP代表的年利率,在去年的最后三个月缩减到了6.2%,是1982年第一季度以来最大的下降。

    The overall economy , as measured by the GDP , shrank at a6.2 percent annual rate in final three months of last year , the worst drop since the first quarter of1982 .

  7. 六个月定期存款的年利率是2.1%。

    The interest rate for a six-month time deposit is2.1 percent .

  8. 储蓄帐户年利率为3.8%。

    A savings account yields an annual interest of3.8 % .

  9. 10年利率接近于零,短期利率则为负值。

    Ten-year rates are close to zero while short-term rates are negative .

  10. 伯恩:现行的年利率是3.6%。

    At the present , the going rate is 3.6 % per annum .

  11. 按月付利息,但利率是年利率。

    Interest is payable monthly at the rates per annum , as offered .

  12. 目前此类贷款的年利率在1%和2%之间波动。

    Currently , annual interest rates fluctuate between 1 % and 2 % .

  13. 也就是说,年利率可达70%至140%。

    This translates to an annual interest rate of 70 to 140 percent .

  14. 该债券将为投资者带来的年利率仅为3%。

    The bonds will earn investors an annual interest rate of just 3 per cent .

  15. 电视游戏厂商任天堂通告网络年利率上升了8.5%。

    Video games firm Nintendo has posted an8.5 % rise in its net annual profits .

  16. 存款的年利率是多少?

    What 's the annual interest rate ?

  17. 两家银行的年利率分别为5.6%和5%。

    The annual interest rates of the two banks are 5.6 percent and 5 percent respectively .

  18. 2000年利率政策动向前瞻

    A Prospect : New Trends of the Policy of Interest Rate in the Year of 2000

  19. 太好了。那么这种帐户的年利率是多少?

    That 's great , but what 's the annual interest rate for this kind of account ?

  20. 实际借款成本,以年利率的方式表达。

    The actual cost of borrowing money , expressed in the form of an annual interest rate .

  21. 息票率指债券的年利率,相当于债券面值的某个百分比。

    Coupon rate refers to the annual interest rate as a percentage of the par value of a bond .

  22. 2013年利率上升状况使得债券投资者遭受了近二十年来最严重的亏损。

    The rise in interest rates in 2013 left bond investors with their worst loss in nearly two decades .

  23. 各大银行的普通活期存款账户年利率仅为0.35%。

    The rate for ordinary demand deposits in savings accounts at major banks is just 0.35 per cent a year .

  24. 特别是一些缺少现金的开发商被迫从民间借贷的年利率高达40%。

    Especially cash-strapped developers are forced to borrow from the domestic curb market at annual interest rates as high as40 % .

  25. 对于任何拖欠的款项应按8%的年利率自到期日起计收利息。

    Interest at the rate of 8 % per annum will be chargeable on any outstanding account from its due date .

  26. 实际上就意味着,年利率必须能被9除尽(因为任何数都可以被40除尽。)

    In practice this meant they had to be " divisible by nine "( because anything is easily divided by40 ) .

  27. 高铁因此债务累累,按6%的理论年利率计算,每年光利息就高达250亿美元。

    The resulting debt , on a notional 6 % interest rate , would require $ 25 billion a year of interest payments .

  28. 史密斯欠原告债务伍千零伍拾美金($5050.00),年利率为百分之壹拾(10%),从1995年5月1日算起。

    Smith owes plaintiff five thousand and fifty dollars ( $ 5050.00 ), with ten per cent ( 10 % ) annum interest from May1,1995 .

  29. 在第四季度,美国经济以年利率2.8%的速率增长,比起其他萧条的年份是最快的一年。

    In the fourth quarter , America 's economy grew by 2.8 % at an annual rate , the fastest in an otherwise dreary year .

  30. 以8%的年利率计算净现值可得214.62万元,净现值投资回收期为26.97年。

    At the 8 % interest rate , the present net value is 2.146 2 million Yuan , and the recovery period is 26.97 years .