
  • 网络Annual average temperature;mean annual temperature;annual mean temperature
  1. 气候温暖潮湿,生长期长,无霜期220天左右,年平均温度约15℃,平均降雨量1000毫米左右。

    The climate is warm and moist with along growing season , the frost-free period is around 220 days the mean annual temperature is about 15 ℃, and the annual precipitation is around 1.000 mm .

  2. 黄土高原现代地表样品中w(绿泥石+高岭石)/w(伊利石)比值与现代年平均温度和年平均降水量有着良好的相关关系。

    Furthermore , a good correlation between w ( chlorite + kaolinite ) / w ( illite ) ratio and climate parameters ( mean annual temperature and precipitation ) indicates a spatial gradient of chemical weathering intensity of chlorite closely related to summer monsoon circulation .

  3. 经过算,积雪厚度约30cm时对地面的增温效应(即升高地面年平均温度值)约为2.8&5.0℃。

    According to calculation , the increased amount of mean annual ground surface temperature by snow cover with about 30 cm thickness is 2.8-5.0 ℃ .

  4. 14m深度的年平均温度分别升高为1.76,0.0和0.0℃。

    The annual averaged ground temperature at the depth of 14 meters will separately become 1.76 , 0.0 and 0.0 ℃ for annual average initial surface temperatures 0.5,0.0 and-0.5 ℃ .

  5. 沈阳的年平均温度变化有一个12a的周期,各周期温度基本呈阶梯状上升,20世纪末的周期冬季平均温度比世纪初的周期升温2.8℃左右。

    Annual average temperature of Shenyang has a 12-years cycle , and temperature basically presents ladder form rise in every cycle . The cycle average temperature in winter of the end of 20th century rose about 2.8 Celsius degrees than that of the beginning of the century .

  6. 全球纬向年平均温度变化的随机模式

    The stochastic model for the global zonal mean annual temperature variation

  7. 若考虑年平均温度,则可将后一个因素除掉。

    The latter factor drops out when average annual temperatures are considered .

  8. 考察区域表面年平均温度为-45-30℃。

    The mean annual temperature ranges from-45 ℃ to-30 ℃ .

  9. 年平均温度大于18℃;

    The annual average temperature is higher than l8 ℃;

  10. 臭氧对海平面纬带年平均温度影响的数值模拟

    Numerical simulations of the effects of ozone on the zonal annual mean temperatures at the sea-level surface

  11. 第二次升温事件期(天津海进期),其年平均温度比今高2~3℃。

    The mean temperature was 2 ~ 3 ℃ higher than the present temperature during the second warming event .

  12. 从逐日序列计算出年平均温度和年极端温度序列,并把修正之前和修正之后的序列趋势进行比较。

    Annual mean and extreme temperature series are deduced from the daily observations and trends in the adjusted and unadjusted series are compared .

  13. 它的自然地理分布存在明显的南缘界限,而分布的南限因子主要与年平均温度有关。

    Its natural geographical distribution existed in a distinct southern limit closely related with the eminent factor such as the annual mean temperature .

  14. 生产结果表明,热风炉系统运行稳定可靠,能为高炉提供年平均温度为1200℃热风的能力。

    The production result shows the stove system runs stably and reliably and can provide hot air with annual average temperature of1200 ℃ for BF .

  15. 三大区域年平均温度的年代际变化趋势是不同的,但均以20世纪90年代为最暖。

    The decadal change trend of annual mean temperature is different in the three large regions of Xinjiang , but the temperature is the warmest in 1990s .

  16. 分析了年平均温度和降水的气候阶段,还采用信噪比方法检验了95年来青岛气候突变。

    It is shown that the annual mean temperature is obvious warming and the variation in the last 95 years call be divided into four climate transition periods .

  17. 石家庄位于北纬38°,年平均温度低于此线约4.2℃。

    The mean annual temperature in Shijiazhuang , where the latitude is 38 °, is 4.2 ℃ lower than in this line , but temperature differences in a year and a day are much higher .

  18. 城市热岛效应增强因素对大中城市站、城市站、国家基本/基准站年平均温度增加的份额分别占到44.7%、38.7%、39.7%。

    Contribution of urban heat island effect to the regional annual mean air temperature increasing were 44.7 % , 38.7 % and 39.7 % for large and medium urban stations , urban , national basic / reference stations respectively .

  19. 在水库蓄水初期,坝体温度以及坝墩间空腔内气温均接近于年平均温度,而水库来水温度则较低。

    During the first filling both the concrete temperature in the dam and the temperature in the air space between the buttresses approached the mean annual temperature at the dam site , while the water temperature was rather low .

  20. 某市地热资源较丰富,浅层年平均温度在1519℃,恒温带深度约为2025m,地温梯度约为3.0℃/百米,地下蕴藏着丰富的地热能。

    The annual average temperature of shallow is 1519 ℃ . The depth of the constant temperature zone is about 20 25m . The geothermal gradient is about 3.0 ℃ / 100 meters . Mass is rich in geothermal energy .

  21. 近年来茶叶需求量增加,茶树种植区域北移,但茶树喜温畏寒的特性使得一些南方优良种质向北方茶区引种栽培时受年平均温度的制约,越冬困难。

    The demand for tea has increased in recent years and tea planting region moved northward , but tea is a thermophilic plant that makes it hard for some of the Southern elite germplasms to move to Northern tea growing areas .

  22. 在进行温度荷载分析时,首先应用有限单元法对垫层管及整个厂房结构在运行期的稳态温度场的进行了计算,包括年平均温度场、冬夏季稳定温度场。

    On the thermal loads analysis , firstly , finite element methods are used to calculate the static temperature field of the penstocks with soft cushion layer and the whole powerhouse during the runtime , including annual average temperature field and static temperature fields in summer and winter .

  23. 本文对地球轨道要素中黄赤交角ε的变化对夏季温度和年平均温度的影响进行了讨论。

    Therefore the influence of the change of obliquity ε to summer temperature and mean annual temperature is discussed in this paper and it is found that the change of ε is a element that makes summer tern - perature change and does makes mean annual temperature change .

  24. 由于哺乳动物牙齿的釉质层具有良好的抗成岩作用能力,因此可以利用马牙化石的氧同位素组成来推算地质历史时期的年平均温度值,对第四纪以来的气候环境演变提供定量化的分析资料。

    Because mammal tooth 's enamel is able to efficiently resist influence of diagenesis , oxygen isotopic composition of fossil horse teeth can be used to estimate annual average temperatures in geological time , especially to provide quantitative analytic materials for changes of climate and environments in the Quaternary .

  25. 明天白天温度将是一年的平均温度。

    Daytime temperatures tomorrow will be average for the time of year .

  26. 大多数人同意,最近几年的平均温度上升了。有争议的是,这到底是不是人类造成的。

    Most folks agree that average temperatures have risen in recent decades . What 's controversial , whether people are causing it .

  27. 结果表明;塔里木油田地区年平均地表温度由周围向油田地区增加。

    It is shown that the annual average ground - temperatures are increased from the regions around Tarim basin to the oilfield in Tarim basin .

  28. 可降低年平均地表温度12℃,月地表平均温度最大可降低23℃;

    The mature plantation ecosystem decreased annual mean ground temperature by 1 2 ℃ with a maximum decrease in monthly mean ground temperature of 2 3 ℃ .

  29. 主要研究结论如下:(1)通化市1951-1980年平均地面温度变化呈上升趋势,平均上升速度为0.34℃/10a。

    The main findings are following : ( 1 ) The annual average surface temperature are on the rise with an average increase rate of 0.34 ℃ / 10 years in 1951-1980 in Tonghua City .

  30. 木麻黄林年平均地面温度为204℃,比林外低27℃,木麻黄林分对地温的影响比气温大。

    And the annual mean surface temperature is 20.4 ℃ inside the shelterbelts , 2.7 ℃ lower than that outside the shelterbelts and the effect of C. equisetifolia stands on the surface temperature is larger than that on the air temperature .