
nián dù jué suàn
  • annual accounts;annual report
年度决算[nián dù jué suàn]
  1. 本文论述了财务年度决算的重要性以及财务报表的指导性以及不可替代性。

    The importance of financial affairs year final accounts and the direction can not being substitute of financial affairs is investigated .

  2. 农业部事业单位2002年度决算报表的实证分析包括收支分析、资产负债分析和综合分析三个部分。

    The MOA institutional units '2002 financial statements analysis consists of three parts : income-expenditure analysis , balance sheet analysis and comprehensive analysis .

  3. 行政单位年度决算报表设计的基本原则应遵循所设计的报表能够真实、准确、完整地反映行政单位一年的财务状况及预算执行情况。

    The accounting statements should reflect the annual financial status and budget performance of the administrative unit well , truly and comprehensively . is the basic principle that the administrative units design their annual final accounts should follow .

  4. 如何做好科学事业单位年度财务决算准备

    Preparing the annual financial final accounts for scientific institution

  5. 论中央企业年度报表决算的编制重点年度收支决算报告表

    On the Key Points of Establishment of Annual Final Accounting Report in the Central Enterprises

  6. 我国国库集中收付及收支两条线制度的现状分析年度收支决算报告表

    Analysis of Treasury Single Account System and Separation of Revenue and Expenditure ; annual statement of receipt and expenditure

  7. 影响工程竣工决算报表准确性因素的研究年度收支决算报告表

    Research on the Factors Influencing the Accuracy of the Final Accounts for the Completed Project annual statement of receipt and expenditure

  8. 以外币编报会计报表的,应当同时编报外折合为人民币的会计报表。年度收支决算报告表

    If accounting statements are prepared in foreign currencies , accounting statements in which the foreign currencies are converted into Renminbi ( RMB ) shall be prepared at the same time . annual statement of receipt and expenditure

  9. 事业单位的年度财务决算是事业单位年度财务收支和资金运行情况的综合反映,是各级财务管理部门对事业单位进行财务管理的重要信息和参考数据,对事业单位年度财务决算进行分析十分必要。

    The annual financial statements of institutional units give a comprehensive representation of their annual receipts and expenses and capital operation , and provides important information and reference data for financial managing bodies at all levels to control the financial affaires of institutional units .

  10. 总干事应向预算、财务与行政委员会提交wto的年度概算和决算。

    The Director-General shall present to the Committee on Budget , Finance and Administration the annual Budget estimate and financial statement of the WTO .

  11. 预算、财务与行政委员会应审议总干事提交的年度概算和决算,并就此向总理事会提出建议。

    The Committee on Budget , Finance and Administration shall review the annual budget estimate and the financial statement presented by the Director-General and make recommendations thereon to the General Council .

  12. 通过对德国政府《2004年度联邦财政决算报告》和《2005年度联邦财政预算》的剖析,可以比较清楚地了解德国经济的状况。

    By analyzing the Report on the Final Accounting of Revenue and Expenditure of 2004 and the Report of Budget on 2005 Financial Year , we can discover the financial situation of Germany at present .

  13. 企业年度会计报表财务决算审计;

    Annual accounts auditing and inspection on enterprises'financial statements ;

  14. 基金会应将年度工作报告、决算及财产清册于会计年度结束后一个月内,报请主管机关备查。

    The foundation shall submit the annual work reports , final financial statements , and detailed lists of assets to the competent authority for reference .

  15. 企业在建工程项目交付使用后,应当在一个年度内办理竣工决算。

    After a project under construction is delivered for use , an enterprise shall perform the final accounts of the completed project within one year .

  16. 政府预决算偏离度是指政府年度预算收支同政府年度决算收支之间的差异的程度,它是反映政府预算管理水平的一个指标。

    The deviation degree of government budget and final accounts ( DDG ) is deviation degree between annual government budget income expend and annual government final accounts income expend , and it is a index of government budget management .