- yearbook;almanac;annals;yearly

[annals;yearbook] 每年出版的作为一年的统计、实况等的报告或总览的书
The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease .
Example : A : I looked at my yearbook today .
It was published in the ' Annals of Internal Medicine ' .
He tried the various almanacs , annuals and gazettes which were held in the library .
Franklin wrote a book called " Poor Richard 's Almanac " .
Sources : IMF " Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook ", 2003 .
The new study was financed by the National Institutes of Health and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine .
Every year , I love to dig into the latest issue of The Chronicle of High Education 's almanac .
He published outcomes on 108 children in the peer-reviewed Annals of Surgery journal in 2012 .
One of the biggest changes is that the task force now advises against mammograms for most women under fifty years old .
The mammography guidelines , along with four editorials and seven supporting articles , were published on Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine .
Saudi Arabia 's proven oil reserves , the world 's largest conventional ones , were 266bn barrels at the end of last year , according to the BP Statistical Review .
BP 's latest Statistical Review of World Energy shows that global demand for commercial energy continues to grow , largely driven by growth of emerging countries , despite improvements in energy efficiency .
Index for nondestructive testing standards in volume 03.03 , 2004 of ASTM book
His remarks came as the company published its latest annual statistical review , regarded as an energy industry bible , which contains country-by-country data on oil and gas production , consumption and reserves .
Transfer function-noise model and ARIMA model were used to fit the official data released and compare the prediction results .
Making use of the year-book data of the typhoon between 1960-1994 , we define the tropical cyclone entering the area north to 30 ° N and west to 125 ° E as the affecting-north tropical cyclone .
The references cited by the article stem from Statistical Almanac of Fujian Province , Economic Almanac of Fujian Province and other periodicals and books related with tea economic and clauses on agriculture of the World Trade Organization .
The paper dealt with Malthusian models 、 Logistic models and linear regression and used the data of Jiangsu Statistical Yearbook to predict gross population in Jiangsu Province in 2005 ~ 2020.Results show that three models fit well .
The research , published in the March issue of Annals of Epidemiology , adds to the debate over the use of male circumcision for the prevention of HIV infection .
Chapter 3 chooses relevant data in 2008 China Statistical Yearbook , makes prediction and analysis to the income of urban residents by traditional GM ( 1,1 ) and does research to the model error and precision .
A slip inside the cover said it waschecked out on Jan. 4 , 1949 , to Betty Mandershied , whose name islisted in the school 's 1949 yearbook .
A photograph of the yearbook page was uploaded on Facebook by the girls ' friend , Ashley Vong , with the comment : " Literally dying . Kudos for the best senior quotes , ladies . "
The typhoon year book data ( 1949-1994 ) are used to analyse the tropical cyclone . First , the tropical cyclones entered in north of 30 ° N and west of 125 ° E are defined as the influencing the northern China tropical cyclones .
This article uses the TC data from 1949 to 2005 , analyzes after Dongsha Island nearby approximately in 200 kilometers scopes the TC influence situation , as well as nearly 10 years this area TC situation .
In a twist of fate , the same laboratory that confirmed the first positive Ebola test results in Guinea last year , the Pasteur Institute , was the publisher of Annals of Virology .
In Elsevier 's Annals of Epidemiology , a new study investigates the green tea consumption of20,550 men and29,671 women in Japan , to see if there was any correlation with oral cancer .
Positive aspects of the software by using principal components analysis SPSS , high-tech industries in China Statistical Yearbook by selecting the electronic information industry in 2003-2008 data , modeling of the spillover effect of FDI for empirical analysis .
In this paper , how to forecast the traffic flow oft he road by using the known information especially the statistical data in the Statistical Yearbook when OD survey is impossible is introduced .
The banks involved in the 1.4bn IPO of pagesjaunes the French publisher , in 2004 received payment upon completion of set milestones throughout the process .