
huàn dēnɡ piàn
  • slide;transparency;filmstrip;lantern slide;tranny
幻灯片 [huàn dēng piàn]
  • (1) [filmstrip]∶供静止放映用的通常为35毫米宽的电影胶片,上面有照片、图表或其它印制的绘制的资料

  • 曾用过幻灯片、录音带、地图

  • (2) [lantern slide]∶适合于滑片投影仪投影用的一种照相透明软片

  • (3) [filmslide]∶供放映的小块透明摄影胶片,将它固定在两块玻璃或硬纸板夹框之间使用

  • (4) [transparence]∶为了展览而用玻璃、薄布、纸或胶片制成的画片或其它物品,借助于从这些东西背后穿出的灯光或者通过投影使之能被看见

  1. 詹姆斯·沃森、菲利普·梅奥和我利用幻灯片和视频进行了介绍。

    James Watson , Philip Mayo and I gave a slide and video presentation

  2. 记录片:不超过10分钟的视觉演示(如视频、幻灯片或计算机项目)。

    Documentary : A visual presentation ( such as a video , slide show , or computer project ) no more than 10 minutes long .

  3. 他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。

    His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition .

  4. 把电影胶片或幻灯片转换成视频应该不费吹灰之力。

    Transferring cine film or slides to video should be a doddle .

  5. 这个特别的观片器操作简单,配有70张全彩幻灯片。

    This special viewer is simple to use and comes with 70 full-colour slides .

  6. 如果你的老师把幻灯片放在QQ上,请下载。

    Download the PowerPoint if your teacher puts it on QQ .

  7. 我的意思是,在幻灯片上,你可以看到在我们敏感细胞里,这些对药产生反应的细胞,当我们开始阻止这种蛋白,死亡细胞的数量,这些有颜色的点开始下降。

    I mean , on the slide , you can see that on our sensitive side , these cells that are responding to the drug , when we start blocking the protein , the number of dying cells -- those colored dots -- they 're going down .

  8. 单击NewSlide按钮创建一个幻灯片以供使用。

    Click the New Slide button to create a slide to work with .

  9. 您也许认为在Web站点上实现幻灯片显示会非常复杂。

    You may think that implementing a slide show on a Web site would be very difficult .

  10. Autonomy并未在会议上展示这些幻灯片。

    Autonomy did not present these slides in the meeting .

  11. 例如,在幻灯片,访问者看到网页A,然后指向网页B的,然后离开了现场。

    For example , in the slide , the visitor saw page A , then page B , and then left the site .

  12. AutoCAD二次开发中幻灯片和脚本的定制

    Customization of Slide and Script in AutoCAD Secondary Development

  13. 那么,这里有两个问题,我们曾经考虑加入一页幻灯片来讨论pingback系统。

    So there are a couple things , the ping back system is something which we had thought about putting a slide in for .

  14. 要保证现有幻灯片能保持其状态,每个幻灯片都要有自己独特的ID和顺序指示器。

    To guarantee that existing slides can maintain their state , each slide has its own unique ID and order indicator .

  15. 最后的标记定义了一个图像数组,然后使用loadslides和startslides函数启动幻灯片放映。

    The last tag defines an array of images , and then uses the load_slides and start_slides functions to start the slide show .

  16. 我们的幻灯片是水平的,所以可以删除与垂直幻灯片相关的所有CSS声明。

    Your slideshow is horizontal , so you can delete all CSS declarations relating to vertical slideshows .

  17. 过去,通常需要Flash或者类似的应用程序才能实现本文这样的动态幻灯片放映。

    It used to be that you needed Flash or a similar application to make dynamic slide shows like the one in this article .

  18. 除了本文中介绍的之外,关于Ajax幻灯片我还有以下建议

    In addition to what you 've seen in this article , I have the following recommendations for your Ajax slide shows

  19. 本文说明一个人如何在一两个小时中就能编写出小型的基于Ajax的幻灯片放映应用程序。

    This article shows how just one person can write a small Ajax-based slide viewing application in a couple of hours .

  20. 与简单的看一系列幻灯片相比,使用PC,制作幻灯片或者白纸板,更能传递一种交流互动的感觉。

    Using a tablet PC and drawing on the slides or whiteboard while lecturing helps lend a feeling of interaction compared to simply seeing a series of slides .

  21. 有一个目标是用一个PowerPoint幻灯片描述经验报告。

    One goal was to make the experience reports able to fit one PowerPoint slide .

  22. Export允许导出正在显示的图或表,用于其他应用程序,比如幻灯片、文档或电子表格。

    Export allows you to take the chart or table you are displaying and export it for use with other applications , such as presentations , documents , or spreadsheets .

  23. 大家可以看你们的讲义,讲义上也把它们叫做结构,A,B,和,因此大家不需要去记那张幻灯片。

    You can look on your notes , C it also says structure a , b , and c on your notes , so you didn 't need to have just memorized that slide .

  24. 若你使用PowerPoint的话,在幻灯片上则不要只是堆满文字。

    If youre using PowerPoint , for example , do not cram slides only with words .

  25. 你可以用幻灯片和Powerpoint等视觉效果来使演讲更有趣。

    You can make your speech more interesting using visual aids like overhead slides and Powerpoint .

  26. 例如,如果演讲者由于某种原因失去联系的话,第二个人已经为共享幻灯片做好准备了,如果要使用的Web会议出现问题后,另一个备用的已经做好准备了。

    For example , a second person was ready to share the slides if the presenter somehow lost connection , and a backup Web conference was ready if the one to be used had a problem .

  27. 中部窗口是mainFrame,用户可在此处查看和编辑幻灯片内容。

    The middle window is the mainFrame , where users can see and edit the content of slide .

  28. 随着学生的幻灯片出现在围绕教室的6块较小的LCD屏幕上,两队开始轮流展示他们的想法。

    As the students ' slides appeared on the six smaller LCD screens around the room , the teams took turns to present their ideas .

  29. 在本篇教程中,将在AdobeFlex中开发一个Facebook应用程序,它可以以幻灯片的形式显示用户的Facebook相册。

    In this tutorial , develop a Facebook application in Adobe Flex that displays a slideshow of a user 's Facebook photo albums .

  30. 该例中使用PHP页面返回所有可用的幻灯片图像及其大小(宽和高)。

    In this example , I use a PHP page that returns all the available slide show images and their sizes ( width and height ) .