
  • 网络Guangzhou University;University of Guangzhou;gzhu.edu.cn
  1. 我国加入WTO,广州大学既面临着良好的发展机遇,也面临着冲击与压力。

    China 's entry into WTO presents Guangzhou University with an excellent opportunity for its development as well as challenges .

  2. 基于SWOT分析的广州大学城可持续发展研究

    A study on sustainable development of the Guangzhou University City Based on SWOT analysis

  3. 城市应急管理GIS模型与算法应用&以广州大学城为例

    The Research of City Emergency Management Model Based on GIS Technology & Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center as a Case Study

  4. 广州大学城大气PM(2.5)质量浓度与影响因素

    Level of PM_ ( 2.5 ) and Affecting Factors in Higher Education Mega Centre , Guangzhou

  5. 广州大学城高校图书馆信息资源共建共享SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Cooperative Development and Sharing of Library Information Resources in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center

  6. 2001~2008年SCI收录和引用广州大学论文情况分析与思考

    Analysis and thinking on the situation of Guangzhou University 's papers collected and cited by SCI from the year 2001 to 2008

  7. 我国高校图书馆书目数据规范化研究初探&以广州大学城高校及CALIS为例

    Research for Authority Control of Chinese College Library & Take Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center and CALIS for Example

  8. 本文结合广州大学城华工校区绿化二期工程实践,对将PDCA理论运用在园林工程施工管理上进行了初步探索,希望能为ISO在园林行业的应用起到参考和推动作用。

    The article using the second phased campus landscape project of South China University of Technology in Guangzhou-University-city as an example , tentative apply the PDCA theory into the landscape project construct control .

  9. 公馆咖啡,杨楚珠主管,广州大学城,华南理工大学大学城校区,穗石村东一路东门广场T8栋新觉青年公馆二楼。

    Second floor of T8 Building Xinjue Youth Residence , Dongmen Square , Dongyilu ( No.1 East Road ), Suishi Village , Guangzhou University Town , University Town Campus , South China University of Technology .

  10. 分组密码协处理器现已成功的应用到了广州大学信息安全技术实验室研制的PCI-FPGA密码卡中。

    The block cipher coprocessor has been applied in a PCI-FPGA cipher card designed by the Information Security Technology Laboratory of Guangzhou University .

  11. 图书馆媒体新闻信息开发研究&以广州大学图书馆为例

    To Research for the News Information of Media Exploit in Library

  12. 广州大学城规划咨询及发展规划综述

    The consideration for the development planning of the Guangzhou University City

  13. 大学城景观环境设计的生态对策&以广州大学城为例

    Ecological Approach of the Landscape and Environment Design for College Town

  14. 广州大学城分布式冷热电联供项目的启示

    An inspiration to guangzhou university town 's DES / CCHP project

  15. 广州大学城项目管理创新机制与制度的研究

    Study on the New Mechanism in Projects Management of Guangzhou University City

  16. 商品砂浆在广州大学城工程中的应用

    Application of commercial mortar in project of Guangzhou University City

  17. 广州大学城建筑设计通则的意义和作用

    Meaning and Function of the Architectural Design Principles about Guangzhou University Town

  18. 广州大学合并后新图书馆的建设

    New Library Construction Since the Merging of the Guangzhou University

  19. 广州大学城区域供冷自控系统

    Introduction of the Guangzhou University City District Cooling-supply Automation System

  20. 广州大学城体育资源的共享和开发

    Sharing and development of PE resources in Guangzhou University City

  21. 广州大学城大学生需要的探索性研究

    The Exploratory Research on Needs of University Students in Guangzhou

  22. 我是广州大学城的一名大学生。

    I am university student in Guangzhou Higher Education MegaCenter .

  23. 基于绿色交通理念下的广州大学城交通规划

    The green transport plan - Ning of Guangzhou Campus City

  24. 广州大学学生体育运动兴趣的调查分析

    A Research on the Sporting Interest of the Students of Guangzhou University

  25. 广州大学城星海音乐学院建筑环境设计

    Architectural Environment Design of Xinghai Conservatory of Music in Guangzhou University City

  26. 广州大学城堤岸防护工程设计招标浅评

    Evaluation of Levee Project Bidding for University Town of Guangzhou

  27. 广州大学城选址布局的区位条件分析

    Analysis on the factors in choosing the site of Guangzhou University Town

  28. 广州大学城体育中心由几个体育馆组成?

    How many venues does the Guangzhou University City Sports Center compose ?

  29. 广州大学城文化建设的战略和策略研究

    The Study of Strategies of Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center Culture Construction

  30. 广州大学城废弃物回收处理的现状及其问题分析

    Analysis on Actuality and Problems of Recycling Waste Materials in Guangzhou University Town