首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 各位乘客,本班车已经到达广都。

    Dear passengers , we have arrived in Guang du .

  2. 下一站:广都,这是一号线终点站。

    The next station : Guang Du , end of Line one .

  3. 此次疫情感染人数之多,传播范围之广都是前所未有的。

    The outbreak is unprecedented both in infection numbers and in geographic scope .

  4. 房地产行业是我国的支柱性产业,其在国名经济中所占比重之大,关联行业之广都是其他行业所难以企及的。

    The real estate industry is the pillar industry in China , it takes a large proportion of GDP and has so many related industries than other industries .

  5. 摘要在秦蜀守李冰成功开凿广都盐井的基础上,临邛、蒲江井盐在西汉中叶得到大规模开发。

    On the base of Shu governor Li Bin successfully digging Guangdu salt well , well salt in Linqiong and Pujiang was exploited in large scale in the Western Han dynasty .

  6. 目前,临夏州穆斯林经济活动更是得到了巨大的发展,其经商人数之众,经营行业之多,活动范围之广都达到了空前的规模。

    Currently , Linxia Muslim economic activity is to get a huge development , the number of its business public , many business sectors , the wide range of activities have reached an unprecedented scale .

  7. 这种联系和互动伴随着人类文明的发展与进步,其范围和广深度都在不断扩大之中,而其产生的变化和影响已对现代人类的生存和发展带来种种消极作用甚至危害。

    This contact and interaction accompanies by the development of human civilization and progress , its scope , wide and depth are constantly expanding , but the change and impact on the survival and development of modern humans bring all sorts of negative effects and may even harm .

  8. 全国温泉资源分布较广,且都在发展,各方面原因,导致杂乱不堪。

    National Hot Springs resources widely distributed , and in the development of various reasons , resulting in cluttered .

  9. 我们进行了长达数小时的问答互动交流,话题涵盖范围非常之广,大家都乐在其中(至少我自己很享受)。

    We did Q & A for several hours , covered a lot of ground , and had plenty of fun ( or at least I did . )

  10. 另外,航天项目涉及的具体设备、工艺、原材料范围很广,全部都由科创航天局自行配备是不现实的。

    BTW , the devices , processes and materials required for the KCSA project are of great variance , which is not a good idea to prepare them all by our own .

  11. 多数公开密钥加密系统(包括使用最广的RSA)都出自素数理论。

    Most public-key cryptosystems including RSA , the most-widely adopted stem from prime-number theory .

  12. 分布很广的植物通常都具有变种。

    Plants which have very wide ranges generally present varieties .

  13. 除广暖风,一切都是静止的。

    Nothing else is stirring , but warm air .

  14. 它们在温度范围很广的海水中都能生存,使用简单和可持续的方法就很容易捕捞。

    They survive in a wide range of sea temperatures and are easiest caught by simple and sustainable methods .

  15. 我国少数民族种类多、分布广,每个民族都有自己悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。

    Ethnic minorities in China are plenty and widely distributed . Each ethnic minority has its own long history and brilliant culture .

  16. 国家多年生牧草种质圃资源收集、保存及利用一年生黑麦草是一种高产、质的禾本科牧草,适应性广,很多国家都已经大面积栽培推广。

    Collection , Conservation and Utilization of Forage Resource in the National Field Genebank for Perennial Forage ( NFGFPF ) The annual ryegrass is one of Gramineae forages with high production and rich nutrition .

  17. 目前研究新旧教材对比的各界教育人士较多,由于教材中涉及到的数学内容较多较广,大部分著作都不同程度的对比分析教学中的一些重点内容或是选取一个角度进行深入的研究。

    There are many educators who study in comparing the old and the new materials . Most of the works focus on different degrees or select a point of in-depth to study , as the materials involved in mathematics more broadly .

  18. 比较广亲和性品种和不具有广亲和性品种的酯酶同工酶,得出所有供试广亲和品种都具有特异酶带9A,某些广亲和性品种具有酶谱的中间型特点。

    Analysis of the esterase isozyme ( EST ) was made among the seeds of the wide compatible varieties and no - compatible varieties . The specific band of isozyme ( 9A ) and the " intermediate " zymogram were found to be closely related to the wide compatible .